Grand Theft America speculation (Ultimates 2 spoilers)

Exactly. There's just so many things, I can't fins one point to begin with. But once I read the solit for issue #7, that's when I (and others) can start to speculate. At that time, we'll have enough info to speculate even further than we can now.
Yup. The "Gods and Monsters" arc ends with issue #6. "Grand Theft America" starts with #7, all the way thru issue #13.
I thought it ended with twelve? So it's like his first run.
You mean the first volume? That was 13 issues. And I believe somewhere it was mentioned (don't know if it was on this site) that there was gonna 13 issues.
They (Millar & Hitch) always refer to it as 12 issues, but I think I read Millar say 13 once or twice.
Yeah, I was thinking it was meant to be twelve. But then that ends with 25 issues and that doesn't sound right to me. So 26 issues is a good even number...
Hitch has specifically said the total would be 25 issues.
Well how do you know Millar isn't teasing us with 26 issues? I'm sure he's done it before...
UltimateE said:
Hitch has specifically said the total would be 25 issues.
Really? I read that Millar had said 26.

TheManWithoutFear said:
No not yep, My question was if #6 is gonna be a one issue arc with G&M before it and GTA after it.
Sorry 'bout that. #6 is not a "one issue arc" but, once again, as Millar had said, he wrote the first arc as if it was really a "three parter", a "two parter" and a "one parter". It's not really a 'stand-alone story', but that's just how it seems. Again, this is all according to what Millar had said.
ProjectX2 said:
Well how do you know Millar isn't teasing us with 26 issues? I'm sure he's done it before...

icemastertron said:
Really? I read that Millar had said 26.

Guys - what I'm saying is that I don't know. It sounds like they might be planning to announce a 13th issue (didn't they do that with vol. 1?) and announce it later, and maybe Millar slipped up. But I don't know. I said they are both giving conflicting #s.
UltimateE said:
Guys - what I'm saying is that I don't know. It sounds like they might be planning to announce a 13th issue (didn't they do that with vol. 1?) and announce it later, and maybe Millar slipped up. But I don't know. I said they are both giving conflicting #s.

When Bendis wrote The Legacy (Osborn Returns) arc, it was trimmed down from six to five issues. When Millar/Bendis did The Fantastic, it was extended to six issues. And both stories had firmly stated counts made public prior to these changes.

If anything, I think we can all agree that the issue count is tentatively locked at twelve issues for the second "season", but there's no reason why Millar won't extend the run by an issue or two in the same way many other Ultimates titles have been re-edited or rewritten for smaller or greater length.

As for the speculation, I am pretty much hardcore guaranteed that Ultimate Ultron will make an appearance. Millar is fond of telegraphing his story ideas waaaay in advance. Remember those jokes about drinking water and chip-programmed children he threw out in Homeland Security? They became valid parts of the Chitauri's world domination scheme later. Even the idea of space aliens being behind the war seemed like a joke when it was introduced during Captain America's last mission against the Nazis.
I personally think Ultron will spun out of control and it will take all the might of the Ultimates to reel hi in, again.

Ultron won't be a typical villain, however, but rather yet another blown-up SHIELD-project. Just like with the Hulk in the first arc of Ultimates (1), and the Ultimate Six, the team will have to take care of yet another mess that they created in the first place.

That's my guess.
Ricky said:
I personally think Ultron will spun out of control and it will take all the might of the Ultimates to reel hi in, again.

Ultron won't be a typical villain, however, but rather yet another blown-up SHIELD-project. Just like with the Hulk in the first arc of Ultimates (1), and the Ultimate Six, the team will have to take care of yet another mess that they created in the first place.

That's my guess.

Good call. How will the public react to that? Another self-made mess isn't a good thing.
I think what will happen (in this, my favourite Ultimate title, nay, perhaps my favourite super-hero book ever - man, waiting for Ultimates 2 was like waiting for Return of the King) is this (only further reinforced by the title "Grand Theft America" which I didn't know about):

I think Captain America is a good man. He believes in freedom and the protection of innocents, and he doesn't mind killing those tyrants. But I think, in his stark morality, that these continuous preemptive strikes Fury has them doing, and the continous acquisition of power SHIELD is using to control people, as well as the superheroes becoming super soldiers as Banner, Pym, Thor, and maybe even Wasp will be replaced by Sgt Blammo and maybe even US Agent, has him worried. I think the second arc will involve Captain America using the Ultimates to take down SHIELD.

What will happen is the rest of the world will become terrified of the US' use of the Ultimates and its this that will result in Captain America realising that America is causing the problems its trying to solve.

So he'll realise that America is and has been under the influence of a controlling shadow conspiracy, that America was stolen long ago, and he'll try to take it back.

Maybe Ultron will be repsonsible in someway - if he leaked Banner, maybe he leaked the super soldier information to other countries which is why they've slowly been able to create their own super soldiers.

Maybe the details aren't right, but I'm convinced Grand Theft America is The Ultimates versus SHIELD.
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Bass said:
these continuous preemptive strikes Fury has them doing

Am I having a brain fart, or has this not been shown to us to be true? We saw them over there rescuing hostages, but as far as we know these are just allegations by Thor, who may or may not be insane. :wink:
Oh, I think it will turn out to be very, very true. Just how many people are on the Shadow Ultimates team anyway?
Its copmletely unknown. Black Widow and Hawkeye have moved to the public team and from all appearances in the Ultimates preview, so have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. This leaves Karma as the only named member (She returned to SHIELD post New Mutants.) Having a single agent on the shadow team? Not likely. But thats all we know about so far.