Fullmetal Alchemist *Spoilers*

Oh, I thought she was going to be a homuculus. Anyway, this series keeps getting better. I feel like such a nerd when I come back from the club around 5 and I can't goto sleep until I watch my tape of full metal. (I had to start recording it because until like 4 months ago it was really taking over my saturday night.) I'm addicted, and I know it but hopefully the cure will come in 5 more episodes. Oh yea and I hope Al makes it into a human body. Maybe even Lust too.
Synch said:
Oh, I thought she was going to be a homuculus. Anyway, this series keeps getting better. I feel like such a nerd when I come back from the club around 5 and I can't goto sleep until I watch my tape of full metal. (I had to start recording it because until like 4 months ago it was really taking over my saturday night.) I'm addicted, and I know it but hopefully the cure will come in 5 more episodes. Oh yea and I hope Al makes it into a human body. Maybe even Lust too.
I have the same problem, but I cant record it. if you miss one check youtube.com they have some but are in Japanese with subtitles.

Also will they be showing the movie on tv after the series?

FMA is now on adult swim Monday nights at 11:30 Central Time (12:30 Eastern). The episodes started at around the mid 20's, so now you can have your Saturdays back if you need them (though I suspect that like me, you will still watch the newest episodes).
Iceshadow said:

FMA is now on adult swim Monday nights at 11:30 Central Time (12:30 Eastern). The episodes started at around the mid 20's, so now you can have your Saturdays back if you need them (though I suspect that like me, you will still watch the newest episodes).
That's sweet but we're so close to the end, how can we stop watching on Saturday now just to wait another 4 months? But now Mondays kickass, **** you Garfield now Monadys have 24 and FMA... wicked, sweet.
Random said:
That's sweet but we're so close to the end, how can we stop watching on Saturday now just to wait another 4 months? But now Mondays kickass, **** you Garfield now Monadys have 24 and FMA... wicked, sweet.

Amen brother.
Lust was kickin' so much ***! I also liked Ed's inventive way with dealing with Sloth.

I wanna see Roy take out one of the Homunculi, Pride maybe?
4 more left? Wow, it's gettin' better and better. I thought Lust was gonna make it for sure, but now she's dead. Is Gluttony dead too? I haven't seen him in like 3 episodes. Anyway, I'm with the cat who said you can't quit now. I'll be watching my recorded episodes around 4or5 o clock every saturday night after the club scene, religiously. How can you not? There is only 4 left. You can make it fellas and ambiguous ladies.
Can't wait till the end... so...good...

And I think Gluttony is still around. We have Gluttony, Envy, Pride, and Wraith left.
Wow, two homunculi killed in one ep. Wrath is probably next on Ed's the hit list. I loved when he was talking about carrying a list of all the people who's butts he had to kick. Because he seriously does get screwed over or used by people on a nearly daily basis now.

This show is the best thing on tv right now. I can't believe there are only 4 episodes left. As soon as I get the money I'm buying the whole series on DVD.

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