iceman said:yeah, i dont think they will be there again, but this is supposed to change spider-man, and i guess that includes his powerset (which i have always thought was the perfect combination of super, yet balanced).
and yes, it is real.
spider-man eats morlun's head.
John Q. Public said:Good wrapup. I don't know what to make of this. I think it would be interesting, though, if Spidey got some kind of power upgrade. How they bring this weird creature back to being Pete Parker is gonna be a challenge.
DIrishB said:How they'll attempt to have any romantic relationship between Peter and MJ at this point with him eating people's heads is also going to be a challenge.
Bass said:Spidey doesn't eat Morlun's head. It's still attached to his body when he 'dies'.
JMS does a not bad issue, but it's still stupid. The spider-powers that kill Morlun. That was a lucky bit of deus ex machina. Yippee. Then there's that whole 'terminal illness' thing. I wonder if we'll find out what that ever was since it's obvious Pete's going to come back to life at the end of next issue with both eyes intact - no doubt the illness will be gone too. Yippee. And Morlun dies exactly like he did before, but he came back with no explanation. Am I supposed to be impressed with this? Morlun reappears for no reason at all, with zero explanation, then dies again after eating Spider-Man's eye. He didn't die before, he's obviously not dead now. Some writer in a few years might need him to show up and walk around for three issues, eat Spidey's ear and die. Yippee.
UltimateE said:Well, I read it today. Part 10 of "The Other", that is.
Oh my God. They've turned Spider-Man into Wolverine. It's not enough that Wolverine appears in a ton of books, now he needs to be cloned (X-23) and even SPIDER-MAN has claws.
Let me repeat.
And Peter's corpse is being controlled by spiders. And it's loose. That's the cliff hanger.
I...just can't believe how stupid this is.