Spider-Man Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman- series discussion (spoilers)

Ultimate Quicksilver said:
Well Spidey went to every one who could help him and the answer of all of them was. "Sorry, but you are ****ed."
Yeap. But Dr. Strange was the one to just come out and say it w/o sugar coating it.

And Reginald did a little better than expected. His lines were pretty good for Spidey's jokes.
Re: Spider-Man: "The Other" October Crossover (spoilers)


They've left it in the dark for four or five issues now and I wanna' freaking now. Is it a mystical curse or is it the radiation from his powers turning on him or what?
Re: Spider-Man: "The Other" October Crossover (spoilers)

ultimatedjf said:
Friendly #2: The best Reggie Hudlin comic I've ever read. Rating: 2.5/5 :D

Pandrio said:
I looked and I still think I was right about what happened, he catches both bullets, then opens his hands and they come at him. That's what I got out of that scene anyway.

If you look when he opens his second hand, theres a hole in it....
The issue was a more than a little ridiculous. I mean, it's nice to see a fast-paced comic, but this was almost comical. He basically goes to every brain in the Marvel U (Black Panther has mapped the human genome 50 years before the west, but his cure is to offer Parker a salad). And Panth, Pym, Richards, Stark, Banner, Einstein, Hawking and Strange all tell him he's dying.

But, of course, he's not. We're getting a drawn-out revamp of Spiderman's next (probably minor) leap in power. It's going to be a little upgrade complete (see Joe Quack on Fridays on Newsarama) with a new costume (black -- Janet Pym hinted at wanting to re-design Spidey in Pulse recently). Evolve or Die? C'mon. Well. since dying is not a sales option, I'll go out on a limb and say he's going to evolve. He's getting a long (arguably) overdue overhaul in the power and performance department. They're just going to make his bug-like metamorphsis seem like death until we're sick to death of him dying.

Then, we'll learn that he's graduated from some larval state into an enhanced superspider, complete with new costume and maybe a new power or two (the boy's been lacking venom).

This issue was a silly stepping stone to whatever JMS will execute at the end, and, hopefully, it won't involve Mary Jane and Aunt May having a threesome with Norman Osborne.
John Q. Public said:
They're just going to make his bug-like metamorphsis seem like death until we're sick to death of him dying.
How many times has Spidey "died"?
John Q. Public said:
This issue was a silly stepping stone to whatever JMS will execute at the end, and, hopefully, it won't involve Mary Jane and Aunt May having a threesome with Norman Osborne.
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Reginald Hudlin is Card-esque.

Oh yeah, I went there.
UltimateE said:
Reginald Hudlin is Card-esque.

Oh yeah, I went there.
You shouldn't have, cuz even he's better than Card. At least he's sticking with character history, and not messing it up.
Fnsm #2

OK, read the issue. It was average. I don't like Morlun showing up as a hallucination again. The most of the part in Wakanda was just stupid, in the one scene with the spider temple thingy, Peter's like "Last time I was here, I almost got sacrificed." and Black Panther decides they should just leave. I'm not really liking "The Other" so far and I hope it gets better than this.

See, I thought, "I'll hate The Other... but I like JMS and he's writing the last part. I should get it so I know what's going on when JMS takes over the climax".

This preview is why.

This crossover has been nothing but **** since it started, but JMS, in four pages, makes it exciting, powerful, and intriguing. It's like I'm not even reading the same story anymore.

I am happy.
Bass said:

See, I thought, "I'll hate The Other... but I like JMS and he's writing the last part. I should get it so I know what's going on when JMS takes over the climax".

This preview is why.

This crossover has been nothing but **** since it started, but JMS, in four pages, makes it exciting, powerful, and intriguing. It's like I'm not even reading the same story anymore.

I am happy.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Bass said:

See, I thought, "I'll hate The Other... but I like JMS and he's writing the last part. I should get it so I know what's going on when JMS takes over the climax".

This preview is why.

This crossover has been nothing but **** since it started, but JMS, in four pages, makes it exciting, powerful, and intriguing. It's like I'm not even reading the same story anymore.

I am happy.
I also think the preview looked quite good.
So I read the next issue of Friendly Neighboorhood Spiderman, and I can spoil what happens after Morlun ate his eye and beat the piss out of Spiderman. Anyone want to know what happened?
oh i can't resist.

okay, so paramedics take the mask off, and spider-mans face is badly cratered, and there is no way he is going to survive, but they take him to the hospital anyway.

there, the avengers come, but are not in the room with spidey, while morlun is. morlun is about to eat spiderman, when mj comes in, and morlun *****-slaps her.

when he is about to kill her, something is said like "the man is gone, but the spider remains" and spiderman's eye opens, huge, circular and red, and he pounces on morlun going "Ssssshhhhhhaaaaa."

this is actually really funny, spiderman pops bone claws out of his web-shooters, and pins morlun down with them. then, he looks up, and you see that he teeth are pointed, something is said like "it stings, it stings again, and when spiders eat, the always start with the head"

then spider-man eats morluns head, with mj screaming in the background. it's hilarious! then morlun's head, or what remains of it, is like "it wasnt supposed to happen like this, blah blah blah, then he disintegrates again, but then turns into purple dust energy stuff that swirls around and apparently goes into spider-man or something, as he screams in pain.

then he falls down, and is back to normal. he gains consciousness, as mj holds him, tells her that he is dying, fo' real, and that he loves her, says goodbye, then dies.

the avengers finally come in. and are like "oh crap!" then iron man, to make sure the press don't swarm peter's family, takes him away so that no one can find out his identity. the last panel is a double-page spread of iron man flying with his body in a white sheet, saying "the man she loves is dead. the man she loves is dead."

it was really well done, if the concept itself was absurd. though to be honest, i dont think the new powers will stay. or else his deus-ex-machina of being like "i have to win for my family!" then winning will be replaced by his "man is dead, head-eating mode" deus-ex-machina.

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