Flash TV series Discussion/Spoilers

That was easily the weakest episode of the flash to date. They made the speed force cheesy. And the conflict with zombie girder was handled like bad slapstick.
So seeing John Wesley Shipp as Jay Garrick was pretty awesome. And Zoom apparently becoming Black Flash was neat (his symbol and 'ears' turned red). And it's cool that they are now doing the Flashpoint story. But it's getting harder and harder to like Barry. He's being written SO stubborn and selfish and stupid.

On top of that, there were some glaring plot holes in this episode. The Star Labs team planned to send Zoom back to earth 2 and strand him there, never opening another rift between the worlds ever. Except Jessie was planning to go back after they were done. Not to mention the fact that it's been established that Zoom can open rifts himself.

I really like this show, but it has always been a bit dumb, and it seems like it's getting worse.

EDIT: I do wonder how Flashpoint is going to mess up Arrow, Legends, and maybe even Supergirl.
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So seeing John Wesley Shipp as Jay Garrick was pretty awesome. And Zoom apparently becoming Black Flash was neat (his symbol and 'ears' turned red). And it's cool that they are now doing the Flashpoint story. But it's getting harder and harder to like Barry. He's being written SO stubborn and selfish and stupid.

On top of that, there were some glaring plot holes in this episode. The Star Labs team planned to send Zoom back to earth 2 and strand him there, never opening another rift between the worlds ever. Except Jessie was planning to go back after they were done. Not to mention the fact that it's been established that Zoom can open rifts himself.

I really like this show, but it has always been a bit dumb, and it seems like it's getting worse.

I'd have to watch it again, but wasn't Jessie only going to return to Earth-2 if they beat Zoom and either captured/killed him?

EDIT: I do wonder how Flashpoint is going to mess up Arrow, Legends, and maybe even Supergirl.

It will provide a convenient avenue for folding Supergirl into the DC-CW... maybe?
I was hoping for a bigger story in the flashpoint timeline. The one episode that briefly explored how the main characters changed and mostly focused on the fact that Iris and Barry are meant to be together was a bit of a let down.

Anyway, we'll see where they go with the new timeline and what else is messed up.
In flashpoint Harry Potter died and Draco won the house cup, but in this timeline Harry Potter lived, so he is getting his revenge on Flash.

EDIT: Or he really hates guys with lightning bolts on them.
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Man this episode was rushed. It literally took about two minutes to go from Caitlin is evil and and Wally's in trouble to Caitlin is good and she invented something to cure Wally. So cheesy.

Not sure. It's possible, but it may be more likely Alchemy is working for Savitar, and Savitar just decided to step in. Or vice versa, Savitar is working for Alchemy and showed up to protect Alchemy, etc.

You were right.

And OBVIOUSLY Julian is Alchemy. They need to try a little harder with these big reveals. But Julian's character keeps getting more and more similar to Draco. He's a spoiled rich kid who wants to prove himself and hates the hero that everyone else loves, who is recognizable because of a lightning bolt. He also is helping a dark lord return and using the philosopher's stone to accomplish it.
I'm two episodes behind and currently watching them following DIrishB's CW timeline. After an absolutely abysmal season premiere I thought this season was somehow going to be worse than the last one, but they really turned it around. It still has the same problems as the last two, mainly just forced drama, but the actual Flash parts are more compelling than they've ever been. Tobin Bell was a fantastic choice for Alchemy. Also Tom Felton is an absolute gem. Best character in the show by far. I'm not a fan of Gotham by Vapelight Wells, but I'm still holding out on a Wellsverse, where everyone in Harrison Wells, showing up. Also Star Labs Museum? This better be going where I think it is. Lastly, Ginger Wally when?

What did they do to Savitar and why does he look like a Bayformer?

So Savitar is HR Wells right? Using that face changer to hide himself from everyone else while appearing to Barry

Okay, here is my theory. HR Wells is Gorilla Grodd. He is also Savitar. He's using mind control to use Alchemy, Tom Felton, to restore Flashpoint beings.
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The crossover episode was fun. Looking forward to it continuing in Arrow and LoT.

Really liked Barry having to come to terms and accept responsibility for Flashpoint, especially in regards to Diggle finding out his son used to be a daughter in original timeline.

Plus, we got another Flash/Supergirl race, only this time she was being mind controlled to kill Barry.

Also, nice hint at Hall of Justice becoming a new recurring base for Flash's team, or maybe just utilized in the annual crossover episodes?

Lots of fun.
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I really like that they are FINALLY making Barry deal with how much he has screwed up. But it was mostly used as a plot point so all the heroes wouldn't be mind controlled. As soon as they dealt with that problem, everyone is okay with them again.

The episode was rushed, but they had to set it all up. Hopefully the episodes of Arrow and LoT will have better pacing now that the set up is accomplished.

I loved the Hall of Justice. That was very cool. I'm guessing HR (who is probably Savitar, right?) will end up turning it into a museum of super heroes.

I liked the Barry/Oliver/Kara moments too.

Dr Stein didn't have a daughter before, did he?
I really like that they are FINALLY making Barry deal with how much he has screwed up. But it was mostly used as a plot point so all the heroes wouldn't be mind controlled. As soon as they dealt with that problem, everyone is okay with them again.

Well, there is the running plotline on Flash itself of Cisco being pissed due to his brother's death, which has been a recurring theme. This episode was really the first opportunity for Diggle and others to even find out about Flashpoint. They did temporalily wrap it up for sake of crossover and the team up aspect, but I have a feeling Diggle will be dealing with the knowledge of that change personally on Arrow. I don't think they're ok with it, just prioritizing the alien invasion before their personal problems, as heroes should.

The episode was rushed, but they had to set it all up. Hopefully the episodes of Arrow and LoT will have better pacing now that the set up is accomplished.

The Arrow episode was decent. It was a bit flat in terms of the emotional potential, but had some nice nods to the series' history. No Manu as Deathstroke was disappointing but guess he's unwilling to return to the show. It was also the first Arrow episode NOT to have any flashbacks.

I loved the Hall of Justice. That was very cool. I'm guessing HR (who is probably Savitar, right?) will end up turning it into a museum of super heroes.

Eh, I don't know if HR will end up being Savitar. It's possible, but what's the point of a godlike Speed Force being posing as HR? Just for fun? It seems pointless. Course, Alchemy's reveal as Draco Malfoy was predictable so, maybe it will be HR.

I liked the Barry/Oliver/Kara moments too.

Those were a lot of fun.

Dr Stein didn't have a daughter before, did he?

No, she seems to have been created due to the anomaly Stein caused in 1987 on a previous episode of LoT.

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