Flash TV series Discussion/Spoilers

I've been thinking. Thawne tells the real Wells that he and his wife would create the particle accelerator in 2020, but that he needed it to happen sooner. Does that mean that in this timeline Barry becomes the Flash 6 years before he was supposed to? Wells/Thawne/Reverse Flash said something in last night's episode that expands on that theory. He said, "Trust me, your lives are all much better off because of what I've done" (or something like that). I'm wondering, if Thawne hadn't killed Wells and made the particle accelerator 6 years early, what would have happened to everyone? Kaitlin probably would have become Killer Frost. Maybe Cisco became Vibe and died or something.

But what's crazy about this, is that if Barry goes back in time and stops Thawne from killing his mom and then killing Wells and his wife, and the timeline becomes messed up, then he isn't actually messing up the timeline, he's putting it back to what it should have been all along.

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That episode is going to be bananas. Have a feeling the entire episode will consist of the break out/transport of the meta human villains, ending with Wells showing up and the beginning of the fight between Flash, Arrow, and Firestorm against Wells.
Hawkgirl is rumoredly to appear in the season finale. Someone claims to have seen the actress on set when the episode was filmed.
Last night's episode was great. So many cool moments. Reverse Flash getting his costume from a flash ring, a reference to Green Lantern, slow motion high speed fighting, Capt Cold being awesome (Wentworth Miller is great ), and Oliver Queen kicking butt. This show is like comic panels leaping off the page.
I really hope we get Green Lantern at some point. With referencing Hal (who we can judge that he became GL before Barry became Flash or at least around that time frame, since with the pilot, Ferris Air was already abandoned), let the movies use Stewart.
I really hope we get Green Lantern at some point. With referencing Hal (who we can judge that he became GL before Barry became Flash or at least around that time frame, since with the pilot, Ferris Air was already abandoned), let the movies use Stewart.

In last week's episode of Arrow, they take a Ferris Air flight to Nanda Parbat. So that particular airfield was abandoned, but they must still exist somewhere.
That episode is going to be bananas.

Don't tell that to Grodd. He hates bananas.

I really hope we get Green Lantern at some point. With referencing Hal (who we can judge that he became GL before Barry became Flash or at least around that time frame, since with the pilot, Ferris Air was already abandoned), let the movies use Stewart.
So I just watched it and the reference to Hal was awesome. I REALLY hope they make a GL show or at least have him as a backup character like Atom and Firestorm.

It was a really great episode. But how was Ollie there? I haven't watched the finale yet, was his appearance explained there? Does the League give personal days?
The league of assassin's has an excellent benefits package.
It can be assumed he just snuck out briefly, which also helped set up Flash's appearance in Arrow's finale.
I guess we have to assume that, but it doesn't really fit with how close of an eye they've been keeping on him in Arrow.
That season finale was epic. Loved seeing the glimpses of the future (Caitlin as Killer Frost, the Flash Museum), hints of alternate timelines/dimensions (Jay Garrick's helmet flying out of the portal), and the questions it raised about Barry traveling into the past to prevent his mom's murder (but being warned off by his future self... a pretty obvious reference to a Flashpoint Paradox type ordeal experienced by that version of Barry).

I expect this will be explored next season (and possibly beyond), and may serve as an overarching narrative plot thread (the mystery/reasoning behind future Barry stopping present Barry from saving his mother). The answer may be obvious (because then he wouldn't become the Flash), or it may be far more layered and likely FAR more complicated. Especially given the wonders, amazing feats, and incredible instances of Barry saving the city/world as Flash... without a Flash, who stops those disasters? Without a Flash, there's no one to start the fight against the villainous metas, which in itself could lead to the end of the world.

As was hinted by last night's finale, and especially with Barry trying to close the singularity, I have a feeling he'll time travel or fall into an alternate dimension(s), something which may occupy the first few episodes of the season as he jumps from reality to reality (sort of like Sliders), each with its own variations, trying to get home.

This can open up the opportunity to introduce alternate versions Flash like Jay Garrick and Wally West, possibly setting them up as allies for a season finale showdown against the Season 2 big bad.
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Damn that was good. It wasn't without a few flaws..... mostly time paradox rubbish..... the biggest of which being if Eddie kills himself to erase Reverse-Flash from history, then who went back in time to kill Barry's mother, causing the whole situation in the first place? Or are we going to be shunted into the alternate reality Barry planned to create by going back in time in the first place?
It was a cool episode and I'm excited to see what comes next. I'm really pumped about the multiverse and Jay Garrick.

I couldn't help but feel that choosing to go back in time was incredibly selfish. This could give you your family back, but it will most likely change everyone else's life too, not to mention the fact that it could cause a singularity that will wipe out the entire world. Hmm, let's do it.

Also, did wells need the time machine AND the wormhole to go to the future? It allowed him to use the wormhole that Barry created? I was a little fuzzy on that.

Damn that was good. It wasn't without a few flaws..... mostly time paradox rubbish..... the biggest of which being if Eddie kills himself to erase Reverse-Flash from history, then who went back in time to kill Barry's mother, causing the whole situation in the first place? Or are we going to be shunted into the alternate reality Barry planned to create by going back in time in the first place?

Yeah, I was wondering that too. And also, if Eddie had just married Iris and never had a baby with anyone else, that would have erased Wells/Thawne from history anyway.

But overall, I'm really excited for season 2.
The Speed Force and the fact he'd collided with a particle at near light speed.

He can travel through the wormhole because he has a connection to the speed force is a nebulous enough explanation that it almost makes sense.

He can travel through the wormhole because he collided with a a particle at [mach two] doesn't really make sense as an explanation.