Re: Mark Millar & Bryan Hitch take over Fantastic Four!
I haven't followed F4 since the Road to Civil War.....and their Civil War tie-ins had me drop the book as soon as Ben went to France.
I'll check this out because it's Millar and Hitch. But I'm not exactly estactic over this announcement.
To be honest---I'd prefer Warren Ellis do this instead of Astonishing and allow him to rip loose with his knack for crazy sci-fi and over-the-topness......and have Millar and Hitch do Astonishing. At least that way when the book still ships every other month it won't seem like such a big suprise.
I see what you mean, but to be honest... Millar on FF and Ellis on Astonishing is actually tons more interesting than Ellis on FF and Millar on Astonishing because the former seems too obvious a match up.
An X-Men book with Millar on it is just an invitation to see him do the same polemic brouhaha that he's already done before in both Ultimate books he's written, while Ellis has already pretty much beaten the path of "science for the good of all" in books like UFF and Planetary.
I'd say that their current assignments are an opportunity for us to see them in fresher writing capacities...
If I'm not misremembering, Ellis says he is looking at Astonishing as a technical challenge, one in which he actually tries to wrestle with an entirely commercial approach. (Morrison did a similar thing, which I like to describe as 'the intensely commercial appeal of the fringe and alternative subculture' or 'X-Men as MTV')
Millar, on the other hand, isn't doing the 'let's pull all the stops out cause I can' approach which he so heavily embraced in UFF by declaring, 'Nothing is TOO stupid for the Fantastic Four' and instead focusing on the whole 'family microcosm' aspect, describing Doom as 'that weird Uncle that Mum and Dad don't speak to anymore' and making plans to introduce 'the girlfriend that got away' and other such things like that.
I'm actually only moderately excited about this, but I just wanted to point out the potential goods that come from the anti-pairing to your dream pairing.