Enough Ultimate titles?

TheManWithoutFear said:
Ultimizing Kingpin, Bullseye, Owl, Purple Man, Typhoid Mary, Mr. Fear... I don't see how that could be as bad as Ultimizing Spider-Man's rogues, they're all stupid comic book characters created so long ago that they come off as laughable. This is why the Ultimate Universe is made to modernize these characters. Stilt-Man and Mr. Hyde I put in fanfics and the role play I don't see why my ideas on ultimizeing them was bad (especially Hyde) but no one read my fic or even looked at what I was doing with the characters. Whatever the point is they'd work.
I'd love to see Bendis on Daredevil's origins but he already said it wasn't going to happen. Whoever they got would probably do a good job.

Actually, now that you mention it, DD's villains could be really cool Ultimized. But, I still think if they do Ultimate DD, they should take a really original look at the characters. Again, maybe they could go super realistic and gritty. With the right guidance, guys like Stiltman could become pretty badass (well, maybe).
Thiraknut said:
We only need five titles:

1. Ultimate Spider-Man
2. Ultimate X-Men
3. Ultimates
4. Ultimate Fantastic Four
5. Ultimate Marvel Comics Presents - this one could print all the stuff currently in minis, Daredevil stories, Hulk stories, etc.

I read UU because there's NOT upteen million titles like the regular MU. Keep it simple, keep it good.

But that's just me.
i have to agree with you on this. it would be cool to see
Ultimate Marvel Comics Presents that showcase certain people that don't have there own title but get a 1 or 2 book thing to give them a backround
Okay, I'm going to go on record here saying I don't want an Ultimate Daredevil ongoing. What I would like is an Ultimate Daredevil mini that has A: Daredevil as the main character, not Elecktra. She's become the overused "tough assasin chick", and while she's a more grounded character in the ultimate universe she's still not enough to make me want to but the mini. B: Daredevil in costume. I don't care what costume, it could be the red toggs, the classic brown and yellow, or even the black and red armor version. I just want to see daredevil being daredevil. C: Has Greg Rucka writting it as it's own story, not prologues, no movie tie ins, no continuity chackles. Just a straight up good Daredevil story. I know the mans got one in him.
TheManWithoutFear said:
But it's enough to warrant his own comic in 616?

The 616 book is already existing. The point of the Ultimate books is to fix wonky continuity. DD doesn't really have any.

You would want 2 DD books telling the same stories?
UltimateE said:
The 616 book is already existing. The point of the Ultimate books is to fix wonky continuity. DD doesn't really have any.

You would want 2 DD books telling the same stories?

What's oh so different about USM and 616 Spider-Man? The general story is pretty much the same guys.... Everyone is talking about UDD like it already exists and parallels 616. Yeah, Matt Murdock is gonna get hit with radioactive material blinding him and heightening is remaining senses. Yeah, Matt Murdock is going to meet the love of his life in college and she's going to turn out to be a female assasin. Yeah, Matt Murdock is going to grow up and run a law firm with his college buddy, Foggy Nelson. But how bout Peter Parker is going to get bit by a radioactive Spider, Peter Parker's best friend's dad is going to be his arch enemy. Peter Parker is going to fall in love with MJ Watson, Peter Parker's Uncle is going to be killed by a thug he could've stopped previously.

Stop bringing this up, it doesn't work. You're useing double standards.... UDD would have changes just like Spider-Man does but it's still the same story...
I took a couple minutes to think about this.. who were the real cornerstones of Marvel.. and I got to say.. I am happ with the Ultimate Universe as it is. Some minis and short appearances for other characters would be cool.. but I dont think its necessary... itd be interesting to see Emma Frost and Havok end up as Ultimate Xfactor with a few other mutants for a short or maybe just another storyline in U Xmen.. If there ever is an Ultimate Venom title I think I will shoot my foot off in protest.. I really enjoy that even in Daredevil's own minis not that much is known about him and his appearances elsewhere are so dark and mysterious.. his own world is darkness.. lets keep him shrouded in it I say.. In a weird way he reminds me of the Sphinx in the movie Mystery Men just like a hundred times cooler.. but mysterious.. terribly mysterious.. but hey.. if they REALLY got to expand Im ok wiht Ultimate Power Pack or Howard the Duck..
To the Man Without Fear AKA Longest Post EVER!

TheManWithoutFear said:
Ultimate Daredevil is going to happen eventually ... If you read the team-ups you know how good both Daredevil and Punisher would be.
This is the silliest logic, really. You already know I love Daredevil. I go absolutely insane batsh** loco like a monkey on speed for it, and if that amount of hyperbole doesn't mean anything, then you're going to hate me for the next few paragraphs.

TheManWithoutFear said:
The Ultimate Universe is missing one big dynamic and that lies within those two characters and eventually they're gonna use them over Vampires and Demons with flaming skulls.
There is absolutely NO certainty when it comes to second guessing the editorial decisions of Marvel in general. And while I agree with you that multiple corners of the Ultimate Universe have yet to be explored, suggesting that Daredevil is GOING to beat vampires and flaming skulls in the race towards Ultimatization is just plain deterministic hoo-ha. There WILL be demons and flaming skulls at some point, and whether that comes BEFORE or AFTER Ultimate Daredevil is something we CAN'T predict with absolute certainty. And in fact, I don't particularly care which one comes first, even if I AM admittedly more partial to Daredevil than demons and vampires.

TheManWithoutFear said:
So if you don't read Daredevil and you don't want it because then you'd feel you'd be forced to pick up another title just say you're not interested. Don't be like "well the Ultimate Universe was created because"
You know maybe you ARE on to something there, MwoF. It's pretty lame to cling onto an editorial mantra as the justification for our own opinions. After all, dumb editorial mantras like the Comics Code Authority led to the creation of such absurdities as graphically sanitized and bloodless battles between adamantium claw wielding mutants and murderous gun-toting vigilantes.

But guess what, an editorial responsibilities lie not only in continuity maintenance or established industrial codes, but a real responsible approach to the business AND art of publishing. And that means NOT exploiting the audience with redundant titles, saturating the market with them and diluting the franchise.

Let me digress with a little story: My partner in Ultimatization, compound and I were recently discussing Mark Millar (an absolute favorite writer of ours) and I pointed out how many of his worst critics hate him precisely because of his "shallow liberalism" attitude towards plot and themes. Millar frequently criticizes the degradation of society, morals and values and the rise of an uptight culture and he does it in such over the top ways.

But what compound and I agreed on is that it's because Millar, for all his entertaining craziness is problematic to these critics simply because he NEVER suggests any alternatives or any real messages to what he criticizes whether it's America's increasingly irresponsible use of power (The Ultimates) or the destabilization of conventional family values (Wanted).

Your proposal of an Ultimate Daredevil WOULD BE more interesting, POSSIBLY exciting, but you suggest nothing that would make it nothing more than a redundant product within a comic book market that is still trying to recover from the implosion of the late 90s. You propose nothing, elaborate little and enthuse none, I say NONE of us here.

And before you call me out for saying NONE are enthused, let me point out that those who have concurred with your excitement over an Ultimate Daredevil merely CONCEDE to anticipation for an ultracool character's transition to this high concept continuity and NOT to your nonexistent suggestions of what that would be.

But wait! I remembered you DO suggest ideas about Ultimate Daredevil, but as I've said before, not particularly interesting ones. In fact, most of them are some variation of the one you also posted on this thread:
TheManWithoutFear said:
I think someone brought up an interesting point when they said that Miller's Daredevil was tainted by following writers, and most fans would agree too. There's your proof of what about Daredevil's history needs to be fixed and what will probably happen they'll jump from basic Frank Millar to Bendis' Daredevil (Probably some Nocenti bits added too) and that's how Ultimate Daredevil will be with some slight changes.
Well, I feel ashamed to go back and be a hypocrite on what I just said, but from MY SUBJECTIVE opinion of what the Ultimate Universe is about, it is NOT about "fixing".

You are correct in asserting that not ALL of the Ultimate Universe's products are the radical reinventions that they are purported to be. (Ultimate Spider-Man is particularly guilty of this, I'll admit) but the narratives of both Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spider-Man are sufficiently flexible enough that a chronological restart affects everything.

USM is deceptively straightforward, but I think some fail to recognize that Spider-Man, and his core theme of "great power/great responsibility", placed within this new context now allows Bendis to explore the meaning of heroism and trying to grow into a man not within our chaotic contemporary society of moral ambiguity and mediated image. The "moral ambiguity" concept is deceptively simple, but it holds because USM is caught within a world where the struggle to do good is never clear cut, something which is a pet theme of Bendis' and one he explores in a completely DIFFERENT way in DD (but I'll get into that some other day.)

But all you've proposed is a "reedited" version of DD continuity, taking out all the "undesirable bits". It's a bloody DIRECTOR'S CUT! With NEW ART! And in DIGITAL COLOR, not that crude crap that Lynn Varley used to do for Frank Miller!

We don't need THAT. What we need from Ultimate Daredevil is something that recontextualizes what makes the character so strong in the first place. Is this Man TRULY "Without Fear"? What do his blind eyes see that others cannot? How is he a man of debate and a man of violence? Why does a Catholic dress like a devil? What is it about him that drives him to cleanse his city of social cancer with both his fists and his mind? (Hint, it's not responsibility, vengeance or virtue).

TheManWithoutFear said:
..... Yeah, all right, The UU was created to make money end of story because with the success of the movies they knew it'd work.
And to that I say, balderdash. The Ultimate imprint began long before many of the Marvel movies made a whole heaping ton of cash. To suggest an ad hoc, ergo propter hoc (after it, therefore because of it) sequence between the movies and the Ultimate line is not only fallacious but chronologically erroneous. As for the X-Men movie that came out a couple years before Ultimate X-Men, Marvel was in such a terrible financial state at that it's been generally acknowledged that those early years of Ultimate-ness were not necessarily about BOLD NEW REINVENTIONS (which they weren't, to be honest) as they were about their press release-stated motive that rebooting the continuity was the only way to gain new readers (and even that goal was problematic itself).

TheManWithoutFear said:
Does anyone see the pattern that whenever a thread is brought up about more Ultimate Titles, Daredevil is always the topic of conversation. Go ahead and blame it on me all you want but I didn't start it this time (or a few other times in the past). It's easy to pick on the guy with the username MWoF.
Yes, WE DO pick on you quite a bit. Maybe even moreso than you deserve. I'd like to think it's more wink wink nudge nudge than you're making it out to be. But if you'd care to look past your own self-image of "The Underdog" that no one listens to and constantly dismisses, the UC poster who is "Without Fear" to champion his favorite superhero, then perhaps you'll realize why:

You're a zealot NOT an evangelist.

As I've iterated before, (and will do so again) I love Daredevil. If they sold Daredevil towels, t-shirts, underwear, condoms and cereal, I'd buy it. And as a piece of graphic literature, I'd recommend it to a LOT of people. But I'd extol the virtues, preach the strength, illustrate the thematic resonance, pontificate on the solid dichotomies established by the Holy Prophets Miller, Bendis, et al. But I know that there's a fine line between being an effective preacher and the one who has an unending homily that everyone sleeps off on during mass.

A zealot is NOT necessarily a bad thing. It suggests one has a genuine passion for the object (in this case, Daredevil) concerned, which you most certainly have. But zeal ALONE doesn't get you very far in preaching the utmost coolness that is Daredevil. You'd better have the words for it. Just ask any evangelist.
TheManWithoutFear said:
What's oh so different about USM and 616 Spider-Man? The general story is pretty much the same guys

Depends on the definition of "general". Because depending on how broad you want to brush that, lots of comics follow the same "general" story.

ourchair said:
Yes, WE DO pick on you quite a bit. Maybe even moreso than you deserve. I'd like to think it's more wink wink nudge nudge than you're making it out to be.

It is, of course. The same manner in which you, MwoF, bring these things up, even though of course you are serious about them. We kid because we love.

Ourchair - amazing essay there. I give it an A-.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Just got done reading Ourcharis post.... :dazed:
".....All by myself, don't wanna be.... All by myself"
They play that when I'm all alone at the train station too, you know.
I remember about 1996 marvel had a great " Down Show " because it was throwing way to many series out ... Too many Ultimate Titles and ppl won't buy it ! STOP IT MARVEL BEFORE YOU DIE :wink:
I for one, am not interested in an Ultimate Daredevil series. Simply because I felt that the Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra and the Ultimate Elektra series were pretty piss-poor.

They were just dull and conventional. Something that the Ultimate universe generally avoids (though, I'm sad to say, I think Bendis has fallen into this pattern of writing on all his titles).

The most exciting idea in this thread, I think, is the idea of an Ultimate Marvel Comics presents, though I suppose, it would just be Ultimate Marvel Team-Up under a new name - which for some reason isn't very popular on this board.

But I think a main reason a new ongoing title is a) not needed and b) unlikely to appear for a while is this: the Ultimate titles, wether by initial design or by happy coincidence (and I would go for the former, being an Earth X fan) are essentially, the definitive versions of the characters. Each current Ultimate book seems more like the characters involved than their 616 counterparts who, due to 40 years of rotating creative teams, and social and editorial change, have lost their way, becoming mish-mashes of styles and genres. While every new 616 run preaches "we'll return to basics, and get back to the fundamentals", few runs can really acheive this goal because of the amount of backstories that have locked the characters into a certain routine.

In the Ultimate universe, the past is as changeable as the present and future, and so the writers, with 40 years of hits and misses to look at, can create an ultimate form of these characters to endure in the new century.

For the titles that have been going for 40 years and have had multiple titles added to them, diluting them further, this kind of total rebooting for definition is appropriate. It allows the 616 universe and all the extra titles to go off in different directions and explore radically different interpretations of the character, because the ultimate version is always there, unchanging and iconic.

But to those who are still "whole", those who have single titles that are their definitive versions, there would be no purpose - except to dilute these characters by creating more and more versions of them - the antithesis of the ultimate paradigm.

Daredevil, currently in 616, is definitive. He is Daredevil. He's always had just one title, and he's never strayed from his path. The only ones to stray, are the ones who've been played with for so long - Spider-Man (five titles a month for decades), The X-Men (which became a full-fledged franchise for 30 years - X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Excalibur, Generation X, not to mention the continuous stream of crossovers and solo-titles of the main characters), The Fantastic Four (which spawned all sorts of cosmic characters such as the Silver Surfer) and the Avengers (which was a title that had a roster of almost every single MU character available to it - so many, that the team lacked in many cases, a cohesive element - made more difficult by the continuous interactions of those characters in their own titles).

When you compare any of the titles to be "ultimized" and compare it to any title that has not, you notice that the difference between the history of these books is enormous. Frankly, Daredevil is just not in the same league.

Which brings me to another, probably much less palatable point.

As much as I like Daredevil... he ain't a grade A character. Sure he's good. Grade B isn't anything to be scoffed at. But he is not in the same league as Spider-Man, or the X-Men, or The Ultimates, or even the Fantastic Four. The character has been able to sustain himself for decades, and that's commendable, very much so, but he's not got the depth or appeal that the true, tier 1 characters he shares a universe with.

The four that have been ultimatized are backbones of the superhero genre, like Superman or Batman. They inspire change. Daredevil, does not. He can be influential, and he can make a hit. But he's just not in the same league.

And, if you think of the Ultimate titles as a microcosm of the last forty years... Daredevil's had 3 issues of Ultimate Marvel Team-Up, a starring role in one mini, and a major supporting role in another, as well as a cameo in the premiere book of the line. In a way, the devil's had his due.
Well if I hadn't been at my computer solidly since 7 this morning (it's past midnight now) I'd probably further comment. But in all seriousness, I can't immediately think of anything to top what has been said in this thread today. Good calls.
TheManWithoutFear said:

Even his fans have no love for him.

I'll fight on...

I'm a big fan of Daredevil - but I'm not blind to what he is. He's a great character - but he's not an iconic archetype like his competition.

That said, I'd be very, very happy, if Ultimate Daredevil came along and changed my mind. :)

icemastertron said:
Bass, are you trying to get a grade for your "essay" from E, too? :wink:



Yes I am.

All right guys, you all win. I do think it will eventually come and I do think all us Ultimate nuts (even the ones who don't want to read it) will be forced too. But I can no longer fight 1 Vs. UC so until the next new member comes along and is foolish enough to bring it up again... I'm done with this topic. Go to the new Daredevil site and vote on it though. Thanks MWoF.

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