Guijllons said:
My point about the locale in which he fights is that it's small fry, muggers, hitmen, extortioners. Sure he's an interesting character, but It's not enough to warrant a continuing title in the Ultimate line. He exists well enough in the 616. If they have a DD series, why not Punisher? then why not every walk on part character like the 616 does.
But it's enough to warrant his own comic in 616?
Guijllons said:
he's genetically enhanced? I thought he was just naturally more acute in his senses.
:roll: Again, if you know virtually nothing about the character why are you arguing about it? I should end the post with this comment because obviously you're not qualified to argue with me about it.
Guijllons said:
I think you're missing the point. Cap America is supposed to be a costumed hero, it's a media gimmick. Spidey is a kid who doesn't realise how stupid he looks. The DC guys... look, I'm not gonna get started on Mr. and Mrs. Cape, it's too easy a target. If you consider that the Ultimate line is a more real life situation, the DD costume is laughable. If he does have his own series, then damn they need to update it, I wouldn't take it seriously.
UltimateE said:
Agreed. I liked the black stealth ninja look in UDD&E.
Who cares about the costume? No one reads Spider-Man and says, "A kid in tights? This is awful. I'm not reading it anymore". And E, the black outfit is a nod to Miller's Legends run, it wasn't any ultimization. The Costume has already been established in Team-ups and UXM:Blockbuster.
Guijllons said:
By the way, you know you're obsession with the character is bordering on love don't you.
:roll: This, kids, is what we call a weak attempt to make me look like a joke so his opinion could be more solidified. Don't buy into it. I'm trying to look like I know what I'm talkin about because I actually read Daredevil.
Guijllons said:
I'll read it, and it will probably be good, but I don't see the point in making it when the 616 is good enough. Hell, the only thing that really needs to be looked at Ultimate-wise is the costume anyway.
Sit back and enjoy the ride, brother. It's coming.
Moonmaster said:
I do think that DD should get his own ongoing, though. There's a lot to him. To the arguement that he doesn't have enough villains, maybe that can be an element of the character: He doesn't fight supervillains, he fight more realistic villains. And even though Bendis is doing a good job already with 616 DD, I think they should bring in someone new for Ultimate DD (if it happens) to give a fresh perspective on the character.
Ultimizing Kingpin, Bullseye, Owl, Purple Man, Typhoid Mary, Mr. Fear... I don't see how that could be as bad as Ultimizing Spider-Man's rogues, they're all stupid comic book characters created so long ago that they come off as laughable. This is why the Ultimate Universe is made to modernize these characters. Stilt-Man and Mr. Hyde I put in fanfics and the role play I don't see why my ideas on ultimizeing them was bad (especially Hyde) but no one read my fic or even looked at what I was doing with the characters. Whatever the point is they'd work.
I'd love to see Bendis on Daredevil's origins but he already said it wasn't going to happen. Whoever they got would probably do a good job.
Go vote in the new thread so I can get a handle how most of you feel.