Embarassing Comics


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2005
I assume quite a few of us have collected and read comics prior to the existence of Ultimate Universe. So confession time! Let's be honest, what comics are you embarassed to have collected or followed when you were younger?

Me? I bought a few issues of Darkhawk way back when he was still considered cool enough to be listed as a "Rookie" in Marvel trading cards. Yup, the very same Darkhawk/Chris Powell who is now a part of the Excelsior group from Runaways.

With a mystical amulet that Powell found in an abandoned amusement park, he could transform into an armor-clad avenger who could shoot darkforce bolts from his chest, glide with his Batman Beyond-style metal wings and use a cable claw to move from building to building.

Darkhawk wasn't patently lame, he was just kind of lacking in direction and characterization. He was often compared to Peter Parker in the sense that he was almost as young as Parker was when he got the Spider-Powers, but there was also a running subplot about his mother's boss Philippe Bazin, being a criminal minded businessman.


More confessions, anyone?
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Infinity War, including as many crossovers as I get get my hands on.

Also, Maximum Carnage (sorry Nur).
UltimateE said:
Infinity War, including as many crossovers as I get get my hands on.

Also, Maximum Carnage (sorry Nur).
Hahaha, I've got Maximum Carnage as well. But I'm rather shameless about my my stinky Spider-Man collection AND the trivia as well, so no surprise there.
The amalgam thing. I bought all those, and 'ahem'... "enjoyed" them as well back in those days i was just a sucker for violence and super powers. so "super violence" was automatic. Also this period of time was where i started love affair with Savage Dragon (one of my favorite characters of all time.) So everything i liked back then wasn't horrible but i definitely was feel the Amalgam marvel dc crossover for a while, WHY? i don't know it just happened OK.
Synch said:
Also this period of time was where i started love affair with Savage Dragon (one of my favorite characters of all time.) So everything i liked back then wasn't horrible but i definitely was feel the Amalgam marvel dc crossover for a while, WHY? i don't know it just happened OK.
Hehehehe, I used to pick up Savage Dragon as well, but only up to #5 of the ongoing series. I think my favorite issue was when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles guest starred, and that's because I'm a total Ninja Turtles freak.

I look upon Savage Dragon with less embarrassment than I do Darkhawk or New Warriors but only because the series was such lovable camp, almost as if it were an homage to those messy late 60s to early 70s DC/Marvel comics that were cluttered with so many characters. Add on top of that the fact that the series still runs until today, and Larsen seems to have maintained a reputation for being a consummate professional because of it.
lets see I've made a few piss poor choices in my day..... one I liked though was Strange. It was the one that was kind of a I'll show you what Doctor Strange was like before he became Dr. Strange. Also I use to collect Spider-girl
ourchair said:
I assume quite a few of us have collected and read comics prior to the existence of Ultimate Universe. So confession time! Let's be honest, what comics are you embarassed to have collected or followed when you were younger?
Everything I collect(ed) I ain't embarrased about. I have no reason to be embarrases about them.
Another - the whole Death & Return of Superman story.

I still can't hate it even though I know I should. I have a soft spot in my heart for it.
Ultimate Warrior said:
I do that but I'm not embaressed about it. A teenage girl in a tight spandex (or something) suit jumping around doing every pose in the book. Can it be better? :wink:
Send it to the MAX line and have it with no suit?
Hmmm...no one has mentioned Superpro.

Either no one here ever got it, or it's too embarassing for even this thread.
Ultimate Warrior said:
I used to be a subscriber to Bamse, a swedish comic. I think only supermusli understands why that's embarassing. :? :oops:
If Bamse is the same thing as in Denmark, I totally understand now.