Embarassing Comics

UltimateE said:
I know - I offered you something like 5 bajillion gajillion google plex dollars and you still wouldn't sell them to me.

That's in this very thread.
Ultimate Warrior said:
I used to be a subscriber to Bamse, a swedish comic. I think only supermusli understands why that's embarassing. :? :oops:

Hehe... yes probably. But I think every child in Sweden at some point subscribed to Bamse.. I know I did! He was a commie tough... ;-)
icemastertron said:

You disappear for months and then come back, rinse, and repeat!

Oh, ye of little faith. Supermusli never disappears... he just takes a nap sometimes. :)

Good to see you too icemastertron!
I own BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE: THE OFFICIAL MOVIE ADAPTATION COMIC. But then again, I'm not really ashamed of that.
*cough* Lady Rawhide


the Deodato run on Wonder Woman
thee great one said:

That's hot.

I miss Hercules and Xena. I loved those shows.

Me too, and yeah I had that fantasy more than once x.x
thee great one said:

That's hot.

I miss Hercules and Xena. I loved those shows.
Can you believe that's a framed lithograph thingy? Its true.
for real??

I mean seriously, I almost wrote an alternate ending fanfic for Xena once.
Then I realized that was a bit too extreme.
skotti-chan said:
the Deodato run on Wonder Woman

Just art, or did he write it too?

I've said this before, but Deodato is one of my favorite artists. If he was doing art on NFL SuperPro I would buy it.
UltimateE said:
Just art, or did he write it too?

I've said this before, but Deodato is one of my favorite artists. If he was doing art on NFL SuperPro I would buy it.

No, I believe it was William Messner-Loebs that wrote. I'll admit that NOW Deodato is a heck of an artist, but during his Wonder Woman run, it was pure Image-style eyecandy.
skotti-chan said:
No, I believe it was William Messner-Loebs that wrote. I'll admit that NOW Deodato is a heck of an artist, but during his Wonder Woman run, it was pure Image-style eyecandy.

OK, yeah maybe I wouldn't like that, especially for Wonder-Woman.
skotti-chan said:
for real??

I mean seriously, I almost wrote an alternate ending fanfic for Xena once.
Then I realized that was a bit too extreme.

You lesbians and your continuous debasement of the human race. It's always about SEX with you people isn't it?! Nothing but sex. You act like teenage boys with your raging hormones and messy libidos. Sex sex sex. Sex sex. You make me sick.

On a totally unrelated topic yet pertaining to embarrasing comics, I own several issues of Tomb Raider that have covers like this:


Since the interior art looks nothing like the cover, I have yet to read them.

I CAN STILL OPEN THEM THOUGH, you sick freaks because I always keep the mylar bag on. :heybaby:

Aaaah. Now I understand why so many women are turning to homosexuality.
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Bass said:
Aaaah. Now I understand why so many women are turning to homosexuality.

This is exactly why I don't read She-Hulk, no matter how good people say it is.