Re: DreamMOVIE #12: The Spielberg/Lucas hit machine!
I think we should forget the voting. The moderator of the round chooses the next person to create the next round.
Hell, that's what happened with this round anyway.
Um... No thank you?
This is a game... I don't know. The round moderator choosing who gets the next round just brings up favoritism, and frankly, when I have time to put in a round, I do it because I want to win. Its a contest, its all about putting out the best cast, something better than everyone else's.
And I don't have a problem with this becoming a DreamMOVIE game and there being the Dreamcasting game as a separate entity... But we need to figure out what we want for each of them... I don't think both should become pitch based, because while pitch based casts are inevitably more interesting and typically win because of the effort put into them, we don't all have time to put together a movie pitch every week.
My suggestion:
DreamMOVIE - Pitch based rounds - Two Weeks before voting (because if there needs to be a pitch, you shold give people more time), Leave these rounds open to whatever the winner of the previous round wants it to be. Like if you were to say "Star Wars Episode VII" that's as equally valid as asking people to do a remake of the first Star Wars. But open rounds like this I don't think are the answer to the question.
Dreamcasting - Cast based rounds - One Week before voting - If people want to toss a pitch in there, great, but otherwise, don't worry about it.
Still, I'm not positive a movie pitch based game would survive... And I do think that Comics ought to have their own separate Dreamcasting game... The reason why I designated it specifically as comics dreamcasting in the first case was simply that it was in the "Comic Book Movie" forum.
Honestly, I still think just two dreamcasting games work - Anything Goes and Comic Books. Because when you come down to it, Comics are really the only thing we know that we all have in common, interests-wise... but if people
So lets discuss it a bit more, and try to come to an agreement.
I totally 100% disagree about the moderator choosing the winner, though. Without the competition, I really do think that BOTH games would die.