Re: DreamMOVIE #12: The Spielberg/Lucas hit machine!
My cast, and pitch for...
Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic
Four thousand years before
the rise of the Galactic
Empire, the Republic verges
on collapse. DARTH MALAK,
last surviving apprentice of
the Dark Lord Revan, has
unleashed an invincible
Sith armada upon an
unsuspecting galaxy.
Crushing all resistance,
Malak's war of conquest
has left the Jedi Order
scattered and vulnerable
as countless Knights fall in
battle, and many more
swear allegiance to the new
Sith Master.
In the skies above the Outer
Rim world of Taris, a Jedi
battle fleet engages the
forces of Darth Malak in a
desperate effort to halt the
Sith's galactic domination…
Following the plot of the first game, this film will centre around the struggle for redemption of the memory wiped Darth Revan, piecing together his history before the Jedi mindwiped him, and his quest to uncover the Star Maps that hide the location of the sinister Star Forge, a weapon of ultimate power controlled by his former apprentice, Darth Malak. Will Revan turn back to the Light Side of the Force and save the Old Republic from the armies of his former apprentice, or will he reclaim his rightful place as Dark Lord of the Sith.....
Galen Dravad (Revan's character in the game is unnamed until the reveal that he is Revan, so I created a new name for him)/Darth Revan - Christian Bale
Bale is a fantastic actor, who can easily pull off the charismatic strong leader role that Revan plays.
Darth Malak - Hugo Weaving/CGI
I love Hugo Weaving playing sinister creepy parts, and Malak is that to a T.
Bastila Shan - Morena Baccarin
Beautiful and brave, with a tragic turn towards the Dark Side. Look no further than Morena.
Jolee Bindo - Morgan Freeman
I want to cast Sam Jackson, but as he has been taken in the prequel trilogy. Morgan has that older, wise look to him that Jolee needs.
Juhani - Milla Jovovich
Strangely sexy alien cat chick? Milla can pull it off.
Carth Onasi - Nathan Fillion
What dreamcast would be complete without Nathan Fillion? Carth IS Mal. Except maybe slightly less sarcastic.
Canderous Ordo - Adam Baldwin
Tough and rough, Adam has proven his ease for playing the tough guy in Firefly.
Misson Vao - Michelle Trachtenberg
What can I say? Misson was an irritating little toad in the game. Michelle played Dawn, also an irritating little toad. She can do Mission no problems.
Darth Bandon - Zachary Quinto
Bandon was a sadistic violent SOB. Have you met Sylar?