Dreamcasting Round Ideas and Suggestions


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2005
Toronto, Ontario(by way of the Kepler Verge)
I think this might be a good idea to revitalize the Dreamcasting/DreamMovie games, which (personally) are losing my interest a bit because it's been ages since we've done a topic I'm familiar with. They don't seem to be as active as they used to, so maybe other people are feeling the same?

Hopefully this could help. Even if you still love them, I think a place where we can all put future ideas for topics out there is long overdue.

Personally, the "adaptation" round I would most like to see is 1984, which I know a good bunch of you have read. A Clockwork Orange might also be cool, especially with different twists on the plot. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea was written to be Dreamcast, if enough of you have read it. Anyway, what else do you guys want to see happen?
I think this might be a good idea to revitalize the Dreamcasting/DreamMovie games, which (personally) are losing my interest a bit because it's been ages since we've done a topic I'm familiar with. They don't seem to be as active as they used to, so maybe other people are feeling the same?

Hopefully this could help. Even if you still love them, I think a place where we can all put future ideas for topics out there is long overdue.

Personally, the "adaptation" round I would most like to see is 1984, which I know a good bunch of you have read. A Clockwork Orange might also be cool, especially with different twists on the plot. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea was written to be Dreamcast, if enough of you have read it. Anyway, what else do you guys want to see happen?
I've said it before, I'll say it again:

Dreamcasting should be split among two sections:

Dreamcasting, the one located in the comic book movie forum, was only moved there by DSF because the first several rounds were comic-based, even though my intent was for it to be for everything else: books, comics, videogames, toy lines, historical biopics, etc.

Dreamcasting, the one located in the general movie forum, which I had initially titled "Remakes", should be for everything that is an existing movie property (although with some elasticity may or may not apply to older properties such as <i>Lost in Space</i>, <i>Star Trek</i> or <i>T.J. Hooker</i>)

It still baffles me why it was made into adaptations while I was gone.

The division above splits everything between "new never before seen on screen" and "old stuff from the big screen and small screen", which I think is a more balanced division than "comics" and "everything else", especially since everyone knowing the comic being cast has become a problem in more than one round. God knows, we'd be in trouble if Doom and I decided to make a round for <i>Scalped</i> (Native American casting issues notwithstanding.)

That said, I think your suggestions are brilliant, though I'm sure I'd spend weeks mulling over 1984, because I'm very particular about which British thesps are used in any kind of property.
I'd spend a fair amount mulling over the supporting casts of all suggested, but I know exactly who I'd cast as Winston in 1984(I have a feeling I'm not the only one who'd pick him either), Alex in Clockwork Orange, and Nemo and Ned Land in 20,000 Leagues.

I think the two rounds covering "new stuff" and "previously done stuff" makes a lot more sense than the current system, however.... it might be a good idea to have the "comics" one stay active as its own sect, because there are so many comics out there people want to do, and it is a comic site.

Then again, maybe we have too many as it is?:( Maybe people would be further confused. What do people think?

Personally, I wouldn't mind having a whole game just devoted to novels, but I can see why that might be too much.
I think the two rounds covering "new stuff" and "previously done stuff" makes a lot more sense than the current system,
You have no idea how much it pleases me to hear that.

Planet-man said:
however.... it might be a good idea to have the "comics" one stay active as its own sect, because there are so many comics out there people want to do, and it is a comic site.

I'd ordinarily agree, but I think past rounds have already shown that it;s best we don't. The number of people who seem willing to cast comic book properties that aren't in the pop consciousness --- basically anything that isn't a superhero title or classic enough to be known to non-readers --- is limited.

Normally, round moderators who have dared to do so --- Bass & Miracleman is the first but not only example that comes to mind --- have endeavored to send scans or encourage people to go and read the comic, and so that helps things somewhat.

But this might be a problem with novels. As cool an idea to make a dedicated Dreamcasting series out of novels would be, and no matter how game I am for it, it would be even more challenging to try to identify books that multiple participants would have read, let alone try to read them and cast them in 7-14 days.

Honestly, I'm thinking about the game in terms of what would yield a better game balance and better play, rather than in terms of what I want (or what you want or other people want)... otherwise I'd have started a Dreamcasting revolving entirely around old 20th century PC games years ago.
Just because it's been a couple of rounds since a high profile book popping up in the comic book movie forum doesn't mean that it shouldn't just stay that...

I don't think opening it up would change anything, and in fact, I think it would drive participation down. The only time the majority of people on the site will contribute to a dreamcasting is when its a comic book that most everybody has read, or a remake of a movie everybody has seen.

More Dreamcasting threads will just make them all die.

I just don't see the point of changing them. They both seem to be working fine.

Round Suggestions

- Amazing Spider-Man
- Lucifer
- The Sandman
- Swamp Thing
- Sleeper
- Invincible
- The Walking Dead
- Preacher
- Tom Strong
- Justice League International
- Supreme Power
- Alias

Books (though probably less than five people have read any of these on the site)
- Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay - Michael Chabon
- A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole

Movies (Remakes)
- The Third Man
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
- The Godfather
- Back to the Future
- A Clockwork Orange
- It's a Wonderful Life
- All The President's Men
A couple of ideas for books..

Any of the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett (preferably something like Wyrd Sisters, Small Gods or Thief of Time..)

The Horus Heresy series of novels from Games Workshop's Black Library. It is based on an in-game historical event, but fleshed out for the books(for a general overview of the Heresy click here)
Dr.Strangefate said:
More Dreamcasting threads will just make them all die.
I agree with this, and have already argued similarly although I didn't want to say, "make them all die." because I didn't want it to be mistaken as pissing on Planet-man's suggestion of a novel thread.

Just because it's been a couple of rounds since a high profile book popping up in the comic book movie forum doesn't mean that it shouldn't just stay that...

I don't think opening it up would change anything, and in fact, I think it would drive participation down. The only time the majority of people on the site will contribute to a dreamcasting is when its a comic book that most everybody has read, or a remake of a movie everybody has seen.
I disagree, but only for the same reason that you disagree... the only time participation goes up is when the comic book property or remake in question is when it's something everyone has seen or is familiar with.

It's less a question of removing the comic book dreamcasting and more a suggestion of slicing remaking/adaptations into two threads and compressing comic books into adaptations, simply because it would be killingly overexposing to allow such a division to create three threads.
I've been itching to do a Lucifer round, but I'm afraid of how many people have read it.

I really want to do Alice In Wonderland only because I have a brilliant idea.
If we can get even two more people to agree to participate in a Lucifer round, I say we go for it!
I've been pushing for 1984 since the adaptation round began. I like the system we have now. I know most all of the properties and there have been only a couple of rounds where people didn't know what to do (Miracle Man is excellent but I just couldn't put the characters I needed in my mind). I just think we need something big in the comics and adaptation section to get people back to the dreamcasting.
I'd still like to see a Desolation Jones round, but if you're looking for a less superhero-ey idea that a lot of us will know...

Has anyone done Punisher MAX yet?
Bass & Miracleman
I'm pretty sure I did the Miracleman round.

Get your facts straight, foreigner.
Projects I'd Like To See:

Punisher MAX
Daughters of the Dragon (Iron Fist round was close....but ultimately meh)
All-Star Batman and Robin (just for kicks)
The Boys