Nexus of the World
That's right I am!
Game's over.
Bass wins.
It's a good thing for us all, that he doesn't really win all that often then.I'm sick of people saying this every damn round.
I'm going to critique Bass' cast some here.
I don't agree with who you put Fillon on here. Fillon's humor lies more with the sarcastic remarks, and subtle hints of a joke laid out here and there, Shipwreck is more of a in your face comedic personality. Fillon would be suited to more of a Flint character, someone who is funny, but only if you catch it, while Shipwreck woul dbe better played by an over the top person, like Campbell.
Famke as Baroness is not all that inspired. You try to put her in every cast you do. While she would be fine, I have a better actress in mind for that character
Avery Brooks is a great actor, but I don't see him as Destro, hell, I don't see Destro as a big black man myself, but that's just me. Destro is big, yes, but if your simply going by the voice, who says only big black men have deep enough voices to be Destro?
I don't like your Mindbender cjoice at all, it irks me for some reason. The actor doesn't seem to fit the character at all.
ProjectX2 said:I'm sick of people saying this every damn round.
Yeah, see - all I did was, when I was a kid watching Action Force, I just liked Destro. The one day someone showed me Destro's real face or something and I was shocked because it didn't look like what I imagined Destro to look like, because in my head, Destro was always black. I imagined him as the African warlord arms dealer guy. That's why I cast Avery Brooks. Because in my head, Destro is African.
Not because he's got a deep voice.
Well *I* disagree with *you* stinky. I seem to remember a lot of Mal's humour in FIREFLY being that he bumbles around. The pilot episode - he shoots down a fighter - that then crashes into the turret he shot it down from. He says hardcore things like, "You want to run this ship?" only to have the challenge met with, "Yes!". His retort? "Well... you can't."
Mal, throughout the episode is continually doing smart things, only to find out he's actually not that smart or practical - always coming up short of the cool action hero he thinks he is.
That's Shipwreck.
Number of times Bass has competed in Dreamcasting: 6
Number of times Bass has used Famke Janssen for any role: 0
Yeah, see - all I did was, when I was a kid watching Action Force, I just liked Destro. The one day someone showed me Destro's real face or something and I was shocked because it didn't look like what I imagined Destro to look like, because in my head, Destro was always black. I imagined him as the African warlord arms dealer guy. That's why I cast Avery Brooks. Because in my head, Destro is African.
Not because he's got a deep voice.
My whole cast is just made up of actors who make me smile when I see 'em. (I couldn't fit Johnny Depp in there. Maybe he'd have been a good Flint.) William Sadler makes me smile. And he has done a quasi-germanic accent in BILL & TED'S BOGUS JOURNEY. He's a top actor and I felt sticking him next to Willem DaFoe's Major Bludd would be a really cool villainous tagteam.
As for your cast list - I've not seen Colin Ferguson in anything but he ****ing looks a lot like Duke.
Julianne Moore as Scarlett doesn't interest me, but then I'm indifferent towards her.
I almost went for The Rock as Road Block too, but the thing for me was, The Rock actually doesn't look like Roadblock and Roadblock was iconic Forcer. So I went for Terry Crews. But Rock as Roadblock I still think is a good choice.
I haven't seen James Rodey or Jeffrey Donovan in anything so I can't comment.
For Snake Eyes, I did some youtube looking on martial artists, and Tony Jaa came up. Something about him I didn't like for Snake Eyes. He - I dunno, maybe he was too over-the-top. Dunno.
Stephen Chow as Storm Shadow is quite clever. I wanted Storm Shadow to be a badass mofo, but Stephen Chow could make him funny. That's intriguing.
Gary Oldman as COBRA Commander was on my short list too. I think we agree - with Chris Latta dead, Cobra Commander has to be British.![]()
Jason Statham as Destro is a really good choice.
Sophie Marceau as Baroness - I gotta say, Baroness was campy and I'm surprised to hear her accent was supposed to be French. I'm still convinced Famke Janssen's the best choice here, but that's just me.
Russell Crowe as Major Bludd - I don't get this one. I don't see Crowe playing fourth fiddle to CC, Destro, and Baroness.
See, I see that as Mal, not as Shipwreck. But we, evidently, view the character as different.
He's from Scotland, not Africa, though there is Scottish Blacks. But he walks around without a T-shirt on, and his coat always open showing off his chest, which is white. All I'm saying.
Sometimes, we think alike. Does that mean sometimes I'm in tuned with the Nexus? Do you watch me?
That is a great cast but-
Action Force? ACTION FORCE?!
I don't care who you are or where you're from it's ****ing G.I. Joe.
Full Force? Weak
Same thing with me
But - you just said that Mal is funny by being sarcastic, whereas Shipwreck is more funny in a bumbling slapstick way. I then point out that Mal was also funny in a bumbling slapstick way, and you now say that's not Shipwreck? :?
That said, Shipwreck can't be a bumbling oaf in your movie anyway since it's the more serious
Oh yeah! How weird.![]()
I obviously didn't pay as much attention to his sweaty pectorals growing up as you did.
Only when you're thinking about Destro's man-bosom.
Don't try and get on my good side, loser.
You never seen the guy I picked, he could make it work.
So - I'm watching my old ACTION FORCE videos.