Dreamcasting # 20: Green Lantern: Intergalactic Law Enforcement

This is getting to the point where we should almost do a separate vote for each character, because there are so many good individual choices from too many different people to decide.

I seriously suggest we sent ballots made up of nine rows of this:

Character - Actor - Poster(s) that chose them

Whoever's name comes up the most in the third collumn wins, and the host can then post a cast of the actors that got the most votes too.

I proposed this during another round. It was likewise shot down. But I agree with you wholeheartedly (unless it's done like the DreamMovie thread I made). But yeah when its just dreamCASTING, I think we should try it and see who makes the greatest number of good choices, or maybe do it both ways, and the best overall cast gets to choose the next, whereas the best individual cast member chooser gets some bragging rights.

Also, my cast/movie rocks.
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Mostly Sinestro.

Your new Jordon looks better, but I never seen him in anything that I can remember.

What do you think of mine? No one has gave me feedback. I would like to know if it's good or bad.
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Tog, the only ones I dont think work with your cast is Mark as Hal & Cube as Stewart. They don't work at all, IMO.

Everyone else are good choices.
Mostly Sinestro.

Your new Jordon looks better, but I never seen him in anything that I can remember.

What do you think of mine? No has gave me feedback. I would like to know if it's good or bad.

It was kind of a reach for me with Sinestro. I'm still deciding. Oh, and I'm adding my own Guardians to my list:

Since the Guardians are the guiding voice behind the Lanterns, I wanted five people that have all played guides to younger characters in large films. MOst of these guys are here for name power and their characteristic voices. James Earl is the leader, he's the oldest and wisest of them. Elliot's one who believes in the Lanterns spirit and is the more cavalier one (he fought off Krona in the beginning of time). Hurt's the quiet thinker who plays the role of the most intelligent. Stamp is the no nonsense Guardian, he's the one that keeps the Lanterns on a lease. Garner would most definetly be Ganthet. He just has that look of caring that the rest of the Guardians lack and plays a part to help the Lanterns in the film's climactic battle with the Sinestro Corps.






Now I'm on to cast the Sinestro Corps. Because if I can't win a round dedicated to my favorite superhero I'll be perplexed.
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This is getting to the point where we should almost do a separate vote for each character, because there are so many good individual choices from too many different people to decide.

I seriously suggest we sent ballots made up of nine rows of this:

Character - Actor - Poster(s) that chose them

Whoever's name comes up the most in the third collumn wins, and the host can then post a cast of the actors that got the most votes too.
It makes perfect sense.

Unfortunately it's a damn lot of work for each vote and Lord knows, we already have enough of a problem getting people to even REMEMBER to vote.

This ain't the elections.
Sinestro Corps

That's right, the Sinestro Corps should be in the final installment of the Green Lantern trilogy. For Sinestro's shock troops I chose people who can display emotion, mostly anger, to play off against their Green counterparts.

Amon Sur: Ray Park

For the misguided son of of Hal Jordan's mentor, I wanted someone who could play up the insanity of Amon Sur. Combine that with his kinetic acrobatic and manic fighting style and I think he can pull off the abilities that Amon Sur would have in a fight with the Lanterns.

Hank Henshaw: Viggo Mortensen

To play an evil Superman melded with technology Viggo Mortensen would work perfectly. He can have that sinister look in his eye since he's only acting with one eye and his voice. And Superman wouldn't be mentioned in the film. It would just be implied that he is copied off of Superman.

Lyssa Drak: Monica Bellucci

For the seducting historian of the Sinestro Corps Monica Bellucci would work well.

Parallax: Anthony Hopkins

Picture the huge sentient fear with the voice of Anthony Hopkins. He'd be a penetrating force that corrupts those he takes over. He'd play a huge role in overtaking Kyle Rayner in the battle against the Corps.

Arkillo: Tyler Mane

Arkillo is the polar opposite of Kilowog. Mean, Insulting and Canabalistic to say the least, he's a Sinestro Corps Recruit's worst nightmare. I would love to see Tyler Mane as Arkillo going head to head with Brad Garrett as Kilowog.

Superboy-Prime: Ian Somerhalder

Prime is the ultimate weapon for the Sinestro Corps. He would never be called Superboy, just Prime. Like Henshaw it would be hinted that he had connections with a Superman. I still want Prime to be from a parallel universe who has come to destroy Green Lantern's. Lost's Ian Somerhalder has the pinache to play the troubled teen that thinks he's better than everyone else.
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Hal Jordan- Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman is perfect for Hal Jordan in my opinion. Not only can he portray the risk taker, but he can also do heroic well. He also is a good age for the part. Old enough to be an authority figure, but not too old.

John Stewart- Djimon Hounsou

When I think of John Stewart I think of a strong military type, which Djimon could play perfectly. He can also yell pretty well too. My idea of the character is based primarily off of the cartoon version.

Kyle Rayner- Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake could play the sensitive/artistic side of Kyle, while also being physically imposing. Him having a mentor/mentee relationship with Hal would be a nice touch to a movie version.

Sinestro- Jason Isaacs

In my opinion Sinestro should be a dictator type. Jason can pull off the arrogance which I think would be crucial to this part, as is evident by his character in the Harry Potter franchise.

Guy Gardner- Mark Valley

If you have ever seen his character on Boston Legal then you should know that he is perfect for Guy Gardner. He is unapologetically patriotic and very brash.

Kilowog- Michael Ironside

This one I'm not too sure about. Though he is known mainly as the voice of Darkseid, I think he can bring it down a notch to portray Kilowog. His voice is big enough for this large character, though it should be less menacing than his Darkseid.

Katma Tui- Aishwarya Rai

She is hot...enough said.

Isamot Kol- Mads Mikkelsen

Madds Mikkelsen has a reptilian quailty about him which I think add to the role. His voice alone would be great for the character.

Abin Sur- Jeremy Irons

While someone cast him as Sinestro, Jeremy Irons would work well as Abin Sur. He probably shouldn't have a big part if a movie is ever actually made.
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No offence guys but can we add the rule where you can not change your cast once posted unless to add pics as iit is still the same people?

This essentially is a contest. Sure it's fun but look at actual contests. the entry you submit is final. Also like people have said if someone has used an actor we mostly don't copy them so by changing you you cost people in away more than one choice

not trying to make a big thing out of it just saying I think this should be a rule
No offence guys but can we add the rule where you can not change your cast once posted unless to add pics as iit is still the same people?

This essentially is a contest. Sure it's fun but look at actual contests. the entry you submit is final. Also like people have said if someone has used an actor we mostly don't copy them so by changing you you cost people in away more than one choice

not trying to make a big thing out of it just saying I think this should be a rule

I think you can change your cast as much as you want before the deadline.

I'm not stealing anybodys. But whatever.