Dreamcasting # 20: Green Lantern: Intergalactic Law Enforcement

Seeing as this is for TV....my cast is made up mostly of actors who specialize in TV. Thus making them ideal for casting leading roles while having the ability to mesh well with an ensemble as opposed to one or 2 co-stars like their silver-screen counterparts.

I know I promised Ourchair to justify the roles more in depth......but I got lazy. Plus I now have another Dreamcasting round to work on. So........

Here are your Green Guardians.....


Hal Jordan - Dylan Walsh - The detached boy scout played by Dr.Sean McNamara.

John Stewart - Tyrese Gibson - As much as I'm not a fan of the majority of his work---he still shows so much promise and could play the hot-headed Lantern rook with his eyes closed.

Kyle Rayner - Lucas Black - The new rook from the backwater swamps of Earth. His sense of patriotism and naivete of "good always conquers" is this "green" Lantern's greatest strength.

Sinestro - Clive Owen - I didn't want someone too old....or too young. Owen fits the bill and with the proper workout plan could prove quite the imposing yet sophisticated, scene chewing villian.

Guy Gardner - Walton Goggins - Whose the crass ***hole of the team that everyone wants gone but always in their corner? Shane Vandrell. That's who!

Kilowog - Lawrence Fishburne - A mixture of old school Hollywood costume magic and CGI.....voiced by the always regal Morpheus. But only because Dennis Haysbert is disqualified.

Katma Tui - Aishwarya Rai- The cold, stern, yet exotic look of Rai says experience and take charge by the book. But behind those cold eyes and pursed lips lay a fiery, emotional woman who despite her personal desires firmly believes in "Service Before Self" and is married to The Corps.

Isamot Kol - Eddie Izzard - CGI....voiced by this hissy-toned sinister sounding Izzard.

Abin Sur - Oded Fehr - The old zen war dog of the crew. While some want to do nothing more than rush off into battle and solve the problems of the universe with might.....Fehr can dole out the zen philosophy and strategic route better than anyone.
I know I promised Ourchair to justify the roles more in depth......but I got lazy. Plus I now have another Dreamcasting round to work on. So........
You got lazy?! LAZY?!

I expect more from you Doom, my homosocial Hollywood soulmate!

I wrote an entire movie pitch for Ghostbusters AND made an awesome Planetary cast in the same week! What's YOUR excuse?

You sir, are a terrible disappointment

(ourchair<- fascist *******)

Victor Von Doom said:
Sinestro - Clive Owen - I didn't want someone too old....or too young. Owen fits the bill and with the proper workout plan could prove quite the imposing yet sophisticated, scene chewing villian.
[/QUOTE]This is great. It's a brilliant unobvious choice. I think Owen as Sinestro is an inspired choice, as his face is a very neutral one, and not your typical "I'm evil" face like that of oh say, Willem Dafoe.

I want Clive Owen Sinestro to perform as 'non-British' Clive Owen, the guy who has to grit his teeth just to speak without an accent (think Sin City) because I think it's a fundamentally more interesting Sinestro to have him speak in such a way as to sound like a clenched fist on the verge of becoming a punch.

Victor Von Doom said:
Guy Gardner - Walton Goggins - Whose the crass ***hole of the team that everyone wants gone but always in their corner? Shane Vandrell. That's who!
This is the best Guy Gardner ever. And you will all know this if you watch The Shield. And if you don't watch The Shield, then do the right thing and watch it. It is so awesome it is guaranteed to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Victor Von Doom said:
Abin Sur - Oded Fehr - The old zen war dog of the crew. While some want to do nothing more than rush off into battle and solve the problems of the universe with might.....Fehr can dole out the zen philosophy and strategic route better than anyone.
Oded Fehr's voice makes sagely calm sound sexy. It's awesome. My girlfriend gets wet down there just listening to him as Dr. Fate.
You got lazy?! LAZY?!

I expect more from you Doom, my homosocial Hollywood soulmate!

I wrote an entire movie pitch for Ghostbusters AND made an awesome Planetary cast in the same week! What's YOUR excuse?

You sir, are a terrible disappointment

(ourchair<- fascist *******)

I did. :oops:

It happens. Plus I got this other dreamcasting round with like 20 choices of films to pick from (not really liking that idea instead of the designated single project......I mean just pick a property! You either want Back to the Future or Star Wars!).

This is great. It's a brilliant unobvious choice. I think Owen as Sinestro is an inspired choice, as his face is a very neutral one, and not your typical "I'm evil" face like that of oh say, Willem Dafoe.

I want Clive Owen Sinestro to perform as 'non-British' Clive Owen, the guy who has to grit his teeth just to speak without an accent (think Sin City) because I think it's a fundamentally more interesting Sinestro to have him speak in such a way as to sound like a clenched fist on the verge of becoming a punch.

Bingo. What I'm looking for is the calm neutral protagonist Owen much like he was in "Inside Man".

This is the best Guy Gardner ever. And you will all know this if you watch The Shield. And if you don't watch The Shield, then do the right thing and watch it. It is so awesome it is guaranteed to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

You can never go wrong in going to the "Shield" casting pool. So many great choices to pull from. I'm still in love with my Lemonhead as Mitchell Hundred's Bradbury.

My girlfriend gets wet down there just listening to him as Dr. Fate.

Who doesn't?
Kilowog - Lawrence Fishburne - A mixture of old school Hollywood costume magic and CGI.....voiced by the always regal Morpheus. But only because Dennis Haysbert is disqualified.

Isamot Kol - Eddie Izzard - CGI....voiced by this hissy-toned sinister sounding Izzard.

Love these two.

I was trying to find a place for Eddie Izzard, but I couldn't.
Thanks! I think it's a very flippant cast, and I don't like casting big names, but in an ensemble I feel you have to have pretty much everyone with the same 'star power' or the cast can be overshadowed.
It's funny you mention that because I distinctly recall the first few times you started joining in on the Dreamcasting, you mentioned the whole star power issue and said something to the effect that you prefer your stars to be of equal star power... an ensemble of big names or an ensemble of cult talents.

And as such, I've always understood the logic operating behind your decision to usually use big names, but here I think it works to the BEST effect. It's your best cast I think because --- as a guy who religiously follows Hollywood news to play the HSX --- they can all reasonably fit in a budget.

It's not like the cast of Ocean's Eleven where everyone has to take a pay cut, but stars of yesteryear who still have star power now, and still command big checks, but their cost is much more reasonable than they used to be (and the whole era thing I already mentioned).

So I completely think you're selling yourself short in not realizing the unconscious brilliance of the cast. I still like a lot of the choices that other people have made, but as a package I think yours is awesome because it's a PLAUSIBLE star package both cost and cast wise.

Victor Von Doom said:
It happens. Plus I got this other dreamcasting round with like 20 choices of films to pick from (not really liking that idea instead of the designated single project......I mean just pick a property! You either want Back to the Future or Star Wars!).
I think it's ridiculous.

We're already being asked to do a pitch, which is pretty big.

Can't we just make it ONE film? Can we all agree to do just ONE film?

It makes no sense to pit Ultimate Houde's Back to the Future pitch vs. Strangefate's Star Wars. It's total nonsense to make THAT a competition.
just wanted to say:

Hugo Weaving=Sinestro.



I was really close to picking him but came up with someone who I like in the part a little bit more.

I'll post some of my picks now while they're still untaken by anyone else.



Dennis Quaid as Hal Jordan

Anyone who's seen Innerspace will probably agree.


Christopher Lloyd as Sinestro

Based mainly on his performances in Dennis the Menace, The Addams Family. The fact that he looks so much like him is just a bonus.

Both might be a little to old these days, but in their primes I think they would've both been as good as you can get.


Clancy Brown as Abin Sur

One of my favourite character actors. I think he looks and sounds just right for a slightly more evolved being, and can absolutely pull off an impression of somebody who's seen too much, fought too many battles and is just worn out, which is exactly how I think Abin Sur should be. He needs to make a definitive impact in the brief amount of screentime he gets, and Clancy is always good at that(Starship Troopers).
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The way I do dreamcasting is that I picture the story and feel of the movie and trying to cast according to the idea. I can't picture this as a television show and wouldn't know what to do for multiple movies, so I tried to fit it all in one, which I think I did a good job of even though I took a bunch of liberties.


Kiefer Sutherland - Guy Gardner - For my story I'm going to combined Gardner with Alan Scott, as in he's the first of the modern Green Lanterns, much older than the rest. I picture him as an aging brutish cowboy. The film would open with him having a fight just outside of Earth's atmosphere with a then unknown assassin with a yellow ring. After the battle continues on Earth Gardner is mortally wounded and uses the last of his energy sending the ring to find a new owner. We all know that Sutherland can do the tough guy to such great levels. Bass really pissed me off by taking Willis, he's perfect.


Joshua Duhamel -Hal Jordan - Gardner's death is only one of many the GL corps have been facing, they send in two Earth Lanterns to investigate his death and find the new GL if he's out there. I figure there are always three Lanterns to each planet, one to remain as guardian of their world, one assigned to guard duty on Oa, and One to patrol different sectors of the galaxy. Hal Jordan is a little more care free and has fun flying than his partner, but still is serious when it comes to the job. I choose Josh for his role in Transformers, I want the GL corps to have a distinct military feel to most of the characters.


Roger R. Cross - John Stewart - I'm going with the DCAU, cause I really like the military aspect of the character. He's very stern and serious compared to Jordan. I loved him on 24 and just feel he can play the military Stewart very well.


Jesse Bradford - Kyle Rayner - Gardner's ring finds Kyle as the new GL. I want to add a Peter Parker quality to the character, a normal everyman who gets powers. Unlike Jordan, Stewart, or ant of the other GL's, he's not a military person he's a comic book artist. But with that imaginative personality he grasps the concepts of the ring's ability much better. Other GL only uses basic shapes but Kyle can easily make more complex objects. I choose Bradford because he can play the younger rookie to the rest of the cast and he has that everyman quality that is essential since Kyle is the Audience's lead way to the GL universe. I really wanted Freddy Rodríguez, but mole took him first.


Alan Tudyk - Sinestro - He was once the best of the Green Lanterns, but grew tired of protect he became more and more in love with power. After and encounter with the Weaponers during a tour of his duties he discovers a yellow Lantern, he decides to take this power for himself. After killing a Lantern to keep his secret he forces the ring to his finger to prevent it from finding a new owner and thus alert the Guardians to his crime. He finds that wearing another green ring boosts the yellow, and thus his quest for power begins. I choose Alan for his role as Sonny in I, Robot. I picture Sinestro being very cold, proper and confident, having almost a god complex over others. With the make up Alan could definitely do this.


Ron Perlman- Kilowog - After the 2 GL's fing Kyle they travel to Oa to have Kilowog train Kyle, with the two GL's returning to track down Sinestro. He puts on a tough persona but is pretty kind at heart and Ron just has that great voice for it, both very tough but also very friendly.


Eva Green - Katma Tui - Katma is a strong willed warrior from the same world as Sinestro. Being trained by Sinestro she is very concerned over the recent revalation of his villainy. She initially sees Rayner as a joke, given his lack of discipline, but she warms up to him. I choose Green because of her role in Casino Royale, she was able to play both strong and vulnerable, both is what I see Katma needing (but with more strength to her.)


Scott McNeil - Isamot Kol - I picture Kol being more in the background as a generic ill tempered, but always loyal GL. He depises Sinestro for his cowardly betrayal. This was the hardest, I could not think of a single screen actor for this. When I saw what Isamot looked like I immediately pictured Dinobot's voice from Beast Wars, a character that I love and think he could bring a bunch of great qualities to Kol.


Hugo Weaving - Abin Sur - I see his as the top Lantern, the general of them all. He has a very big battle against Sinestro where he dies and the villain gains his ring which makes him almost unstoppable. I choose Hugo for his command presence on screen, I can definitely see him as the GL everyone looks up to and would rally behind.

The film with follow two points of view, from Kyle Rayner as the character introduced to the Green Lantern Corps, and from Jordan and Stewart's pursuit of Sinestro. I see Sinestro becoming extremely powerful and Kyle pulling an underdog and turning the tide against the villain.
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"It's not like I've never parked before."
*Spits out alcohol* What, you smoke too?!
I was really close to picking him but came up with someone who I like in the part a little bit more.

I'll post some of my picks now while they're still untaken by anyone else.

Christopher Lloyd as Sinestro

Based mainly on his performances in Dennis the Menace, The Addams Family. The fact that he looks so much like him is just a bonus.

Not bad, not bad... but can he pull of sinister, is the question??

SON OF A *****
i wrote up a whole plot summary and had the cast done for three movies, and then for some reason it wouldnt let me post it and then deleted all i wrote. so here's the basic gist of what my awesome movies were.


The themes of the movies would concern fear and power. The abilities of the rings would be limited by each GL's insecurities and fears but would drive off of positive emotion. The movies, admittedly, follow a Star Wars-esque progression.

Movie 1
Hal Jordan and Sinestro are the top two agents of the GLC, an intergalactic law enforcement squad. The movies would take place on various planets, including Oa, the base of operations and home to the source Lantern, but never earth. Alan Scott is like the Sheriff, the old cowboy; he guards the source Lantern and stays on Oa. Guy Gardner is the cocky loner who takes care of missions on his own and shows up to mop up a job with ease and mock Hal and Sinestro, much like the Andy's in Hot Fuzz. The rings must be recharged every so often.

This movie would deal with Hal's and Sinestro's friendship, and especially Sinestro's arrogance and power-thirst and his eventual downfall due to this. Hal is very powerful, as he is fearless, while Sinestro is very powerful, as he is 100% sure in himself. However, Hal often questions his own judgments, and Sinestro is selfishly afraid for his own life.
When the two take on a particularly challenging task, their ring's life begins to wear out. Guy shows up to kick *** and take names, but he finds himself in a pickle. Sinestro's ring runs out and he calls for help to Hal, but Hal is busy trying to save Guy as well and hesitates before trying to save Sinestro; Sinestro is killed and expelled into the outer reaches of space. Hal must deal with his the pain of knowing that he cost his best friend his life. The movie blacks out, but then comes back on to briefly show Sinestro being consumed by a yellow light before the credits roll.

Movie 2
Alan Scott, after the Sinestro fiasco, has increased the number of GL's per active unit to 4. So now we have Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner (who is reluctant about working in a team), and newcomers John Stewart and Kyle Rayner. There is a new source of fear in the galaxy (an ancient evil!), and the GLC is investigating it as it is desolating planets. Each GL must deal with their fears and insecurities. Hal begins to break down. Soon they discover it's been Sinestro all along (Parallax'd)! He is destroying a planet, and the GL's have come to stop him. He has harnessed the power of yellow! The GL's find they have a yellow impurity in their ring! They are weakened! Hal is struggling with Sinestro being alive, and he, Hal Jordan the fearless, begins to succumb to fear. His hair starts to grey. Flashes of Hal's eyes, bathed in yellow light, flash across the screen. Sinestro succeeds in destroying the planet and flees. The GLs are defeated. End of movie.

Movie 3
Sinestro has decided to go after Oa. The GLs prepare for his coming. Alan Scott is acting sketchy, saying that this will be the biggest test of their fortitude. Hal is going psychotic. On a mission, he finally succumbs to his insecurities and fears and becomes corrupted (unlike Sinestro, who was given the "gift" of yellow) by Parallax. After arriving back at Oa, he flies away and meets up with Sinestro. Sinestro doesn't know what is going on and initially tries to attack Hal, but Hal, with Parallax in his system, owns Sinestro quickly. Sinestro becomes jealous again of Hal, and aims to harness the full power of Parallax. He plays on Hal's insecurities further and tries to draw Parallax out of Hal and into himself, trying to show the monster that only he, Sinistro, is worthy of harnessing the power. He is initially unable to. Sinestro and Hal/Parallax go to attack Oa. The GLs first attack Hal/Parallax as he is clearly the more powerful of the two, but they cannot free him. Then Alan Scott comes out and reveals his ring does not have the same yellow impurity (so THATs why he was guarding the source Lantern). He frees Hal from Parallax and saves the GL's collective asses! Sinestro then implores Parallax to consume him, and so Parallax jumps into Sinestro as a vessel. Sinestro starts going for the source Lantern. Alan Scott and the other GL's challenge him. They cannot take him down; he is too powerful. Sinestro then begins to be consumed by the overload of power in his system until finally he cannot handle it; now that he cannot defend himself, the GLs easily beat him. They expel Parallax from his system, Parallax, without a vessel, flees. They imprison Sinestro in the core of Oa. The end (?).


Hal Jordan: Gerard Butler

We need someone who can easily pull off heroic and fearless, but who can also succumb to insecurities. He also has to be old enough to lead the young guns.

Guy Gardner: Will Arnett

The guy has to be an *******, but also enjoy hitting things. He has to be funny, but has to also look bat-**** insane when he's having fun taking out the bad guy. Arnett could do it, I believe, if he turned down his overly goofy acting style and played it more subtly.

Alan Scott: Robert Redford

He can pull off the old sheriff/cowboy type who holds a secret ability. He'd be wise and strong, and Redford would pull that off no problem.

Kyle Rayner: Josh Hartnett

Ever since I first got into GL, I thought Hartnett would be a great fit for Rayner. So apologies to whomever I am "stealing" this choice from; great minds think alike! Hartnett would be able to portray the cool, artistic soul who has to deal with his insecurities about being a new member of the galaxy's elite police force.

John Stewart: Will Smith

Personality-wise, Denzel Washington is a better fit, but when he's supposed to be mentored by Gerard Butler's Hal Jordan, you gotta get someone younger. I still wanted a good actor, though, so I picked Will Smith, hoping he'd channel some of the intensity of emotions he displayed in The Pursuit of Happyness and especially Ali. He'd have to be able to get angry, but also kick back and have a couple interstellar beers after a rough day policing the galaxy.

Sinestro: Hugo Weaving

He could play the arrogant, power-hungry Sinestro to a T. See Agent Smith in the Matrix. Gosh, he'd be perfect.

Alright, there you go!

(Also, I realize I didn't cast everyone Ourchair said we MUST cast, and if that DQ's me, ok, but I think I made a good movie around this central cast of characters)
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This is getting to the point where we should almost do a separate vote for each character, because there are so many good individual choices from too many different people to decide.

I seriously suggest we sent ballots made up of nine rows of this:

Character - Actor - Poster(s) that chose them

Whoever's name comes up the most in the third collumn wins, and the host can then post a cast of the actors that got the most votes too.
This is getting to the point where we should almost do a separate vote for each character, because there are so many good individual choices from too many different people to decide.

I seriously suggest we sent ballots made up of nine rows of this:

Character - Actor - Poster(s) that chose them

Whoever's name comes up the most in the third collumn wins, and the host can then post a cast of the actors that got the most votes too.

I disagree.

The voting process should remain as is.

You look over all the casts....and you decide which one you like best overall. It's ok to like someone's Hal over another person's overall cast......but there doesn't need to be an all new voting system just because we're getting some good choices here.
I changed my Hal Jordan. I think it's a huge step up from who I had previously.