Dreamcasting #17 - Ultimate Fantastic Four

I don't think I like any of ourchair's picks for the FF, but I do like most of the supporting cast.
My favorite casts this round are Willverine's, Moonmaster's, Tog's, and Ourchair's. I think Ourchair has the best Reed (Anton Yelchin), but I don't really like Aaron Carter as Johnny Storm, and I don't really think R. Lee Ermey quite fits Thunderbolt Ross. Other than that, Ourchair's cast is gold (AZN PRIDE!).

As for Tog's cast, I've never really liked Nick Stahl (ever since Terminator 3, because let's face it, Edward Furlong's John Connor is one of the greatest roles of all time). I also don't like Kevin Smith as Moleman (I think SSJmole fits the part much better), but other than that, I like it.

Moony's cast, though incomplete, is great. What it lacks in, uh, completion, it makes up for in quality. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a brilliant choice for Doom, and although at first I didn't like Julia Stiles as Sue, I actually think she would do great in the role.

Willverine, your cast is perfect except for Sue and Moleman. Again, SSJmole is teh Moleman for realz, yo. I know you said that Ana Faris can do well in dramatic roles (of those, I've only seen Lost in Translation), but I just can't see her as Sue. But the rest of your cast is excellent.

I really like the Ben Grimm casts this round. I like how people are casting him based on Ben Grimm, instead of the Thing.

Well, that pretty much sums up my little "rant" here.
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I really like Stahl as Reed. He has the odd look to him and not the pretty boy look that Ultimate Reed seems to add.

As for Ourchair's cast, I don't know who any of the people you choose for the FF are. But the your choice for the Moleman is the best. It really does rival Devito.

Aaron Carter seems to be horrible to me. I never seen him act and can't stand the idea of him.

And I do like Ellen Page as the mad thinker, except for the only place I seen her act was X3. But I'm sure she can do it.
Not to be snippy, but the only problem I could possibly have with anybody else's casts is that they're all too old. I didn't want to cast anybody over the age of 25 in the roles of the Four.

So far, Kristen Bell is the only person in other people's casts who I had actually considered throwing in because she is rather petite and still gets away with playing twenteeners, but she's beginning to age soon.

I'm trying to stay with the young ones here, which is probably a reaction to the fact that one too many artist on Ultimate Fantastic Four has drawn the characters' appearance of youth a little too inconsistently. It's actually one of my pet peeves when someone draws them a little too adult-like.

Langsta said:
I think Ourchair has the best Reed (Anton Yelchin), but I don't really like Aaron Carter as Johnny Storm, and I don't really think R. Lee Ermey quite fits Thunderbolt Ross. Other than that, Ourchair's cast is gold (AZN PRIDE!).
The scene I have in mind for R. Lee Ermey to nail is when he's getting down from a chopper in the middle of Vegas, just about to give Reed a verbal spanking when he catches an N-Zone ray gun and says, "I love you, son."

bluebeast said:
Doom's a prick, plain and simple. when casting someone for Victor Van Damme I want someone who can play up the regalness of the dictator but also show how much of a spoiled little brat he is. Jonathan Rhys Meyers has always been a favorite of mine and I think it fits that he played Henry the VIII. Plus look at the picture I put up and tell me that's not Doom.
He's getting a little too old, but he could play A version of Doom. Hell, I'd make him the 616 Doom. Regardless of which version of Doom, he ended up as though, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is one sexy-gorgeous Doom.

thee great one said:
As for Ourchair's cast, I don't know who any of the people you choose for the FF are. But the your choice for the Moleman is the best. It really does rival Devito.

The scene I had in mind for Dourif's 'audition' was the one where he lectures the Baxter students on their destiny. Dourif has a rather unsettlingly low-pitched squeak for a voice, and I think it works better than the 'stumpy man smartmouth' that epitomizes actors like DeVito and Smith.

"And I know you're saying to yourself, 'Please Doctor, we're just kids. We're children. Cut us a break.' You want to go slack off? Go 'hang out' at the mall? You want that? Then go. But you're not coming back here. Don't you understand this? There's them and there's you. You are not even the same species as them!"

I closed my eyes and listened to the voice of Deadwood's Doc Cochran.
I don't few that any of my picks are too young. I know they're like 26-28 but they look young enough to play people in their young twenties.
I don't few that any of my picks are too young. I know they're like 26-28 but they look young enough to play people in their young twenties.
I agree that they look young enough to play people in their twenties. At least insofar as age is defined by Hollywood.

I mean Seann William Scott is 31, Bartha is 29 and Ashmore is 28. That's excusable though because Hollywood frequently casts people pushing thirty playing twenty-one year olds and casts twenty year olds playing teenagers.

So by that definition, yeah they look like they could play twentysomethings...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing the cast itself, but these actors have had such extensive appearances over the past decade that it's hard to take them seriously as high-school/college kids. They're adult performers now, basically.

I mean, Meyers has played football coaches and starving musicians and glam rockers. Bartha is now in a phase where he's playing schoolteachers and skirt-chasing actors. It's hard to turn that around unless you're one of those late twenties people whose career IS playing teenagers (i.e. Gabrielle Carteris or A.J. Langer)

But allow me to repeat: Rhys-Meyers Doom is sexy gorgeous.
I agree that they look young enough to play people in their twenties. At least insofar as age is defined by Hollywood.

I mean Seann William Scott is 31, Bartha is 29 and Ashmore is 28. That's excusable though because Hollywood frequently casts people pushing thirty playing twenty-one year olds and casts twenty year olds playing teenagers.

So by that definition, yeah they look like they could play twentysomethings...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing the cast itself, but these actors have had such extensive appearances over the past decade that it's hard to take them seriously as high-school/college kids. They're adult performers now, basically.

I mean, Meyers has played football coaches and starving musicians and glam rockers. Bartha is now in a phase where he's playing schoolteachers and skirt-chasing actors. It's hard to turn that around unless you're one of those late twenties people whose career IS playing teenagers (i.e. Gabrielle Carteris or A.J. Langer)

But allow me to repeat: Rhys-Meyers Doom is sexy gorgeous.

You do have a point there.
I was seriously thinking about going ahead and using Meyers as Doom.....but now I don't know.

He's the only one I need to recast. And maybe Professor Storm......try as I might....I want to kick myself in the balls for thinking I could put Richard Gere in that slot. Could be worse....I could've used Eric Roberts.
bluebeast said:
You do have a point there.
I guess the briefest way of making my point is that I just think actors who like they are the 'adult' 20 and not the 'kid' 20 aren't my bag for a gig like this. That is all.
I was seriously thinking about going ahead and using Meyers as Doom.....but now I don't know.

He's the only one I need to recast. And maybe Professor Storm......try as I might....I want to kick myself in the balls for thinking I could put Richard Gere in that slot.
I actually have a lot of favorite actors I've never used in Dreamcasting mostly because I feel like they swallow up the role.

I'm no big fan of Al Pacino, but he's a good example of the kind of thing I'm talking about... no matter what kind of role you give an actor like him, he's just going to swallow it up and spit out Al Pacino.

It's not that he's a bad actor, it's just that people like him have a singularly defining acting style that tends to overwrite anything he's given. The same thing for Richard Gere. Or Steve Buscemi. Or Christopher Walken. Or Tom Cruise.

Incidentally, I briefly considered David Morse to play Professor Storm, but he's a little too blankly disturbing to pull off non-comical comic relief.

Victor Von Doom said:
Could be worse....I could've used Eric Roberts.
What's an Eric Roberts?

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