You Cannot Vote For This Cast Even Though It Rocks You Like A Hurricane And You Totally Want To Vote For It!
It should be noted that the ages of the actual actors vary...but for the sake of the film and believability...they're all in their early 20s.
First Row: Topher Grace, Scarlett Johansson, Ryan Hansen, Scott Kelly
Second Row: Sean Bean, Paul Giamatti, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Dwayne Johnson
Reed Richards –
Topher Grace – The classic big brain nerd whose eyes were always in the books and his mind on the stars and beyond. Aside from having the lean physical look of young Reed down…Topher also has that innate ability to play the awkward/not-quite sure of himself geek much like his work on "That 70s Show". But he also can channel that "cocky-who's the ****ing genius in the room?" self-assurance as seen as the young exec on "In Good Company".
Sue Storm –
Scarlett Johansson – Brilliant but beautiful blonde bombshell. Susan to a T. Who better to play the young bio genius than Hollywood's gorgeous young "old soul"? If you don't think Scarlett can pull off the sexy side of Sue all while reviewing your medical charts and telling you what this alien baby in your stomach will do to you if you don't let her handle her business…than you need to get off this dreamcasting stuff right now. Plus her role in "The Island" shows that she's up for the physical-nosebleeding strain this role requires. An inspired choice indeed.
Johnny Storm –
Ryan Hansen – Who wants to be a rockstar? Your normal everyday teenager. And how does a teenager who wants to be a rockstar and now has superpowers and can fly act? Like Johnny Storm. For Johnny its all about the women first…save the world later…if there's time. They young, carefree superstar of the group is perfectly embodied by the "Veronica Mars" perennial slacker---Dick Casablancas. Played perfectly by Ryan Hansen. Take Dick Casablancas and dial down the douche and you have Johnny.
Ben Grimm –
Scott Kelly – Your kind-hearted jock. Even before Ben was saving the world and screwing up continuity by punching dinosaurs he was protecting Reed. Who better to play the "former athletic star now alone due to a horrible accident making him different than everyone else" than the man who played the role before in the incredible "Friday Night Lights"…Scott Kelly? As FNL's Jason Street, Kelly has to show his strength comes from within. This is Ben. A virtual newcomer or unknown to most of you, Kelly wowed me in Friday Night Lights than when it came time to cast….he was the ONLY pick.
Professor Storm –
Sean Bean – A bit player in the overall story and puppet for the military. You need someone who will fold under the enormous pressure the military places on he and his staff and students…but still has the nobility to remain the "man of the house" with his kids. Even if they do disobey him. Sean Bean can play the role without overshadowing the main cast and yet still be standout in his own rights.
Dr. Molekevic –
Paul Giamatti – I know many believe that Devito is perfect for this…but I don't want a rehash of Batman's Penguin sans flippers. And Mole doesn't need to be short. For this I want the slightly delusional grandeur that Giamatti gave us in "Shoot 'Em Up". Giamatti can bring his trade tics and give the role some real life.
Victor Van Damme –
Jonathan Rhys Meyers – While slightly older than the rest of his onscreen peers, my vision for Van Damme would have him purposely older than Reed and Co., so that when Reed continuously shows him up and proves that he's smarter than Van Damme, it gives Victor all the more reason to hate him. Meanwhile, because of his brilliance and age, I want Reed to be able to look up to Victor early on. I could go on and on about Meyer's acting ability….but he has a pretty impressive track record that speaks for itself. But one word…."Tudors".
Namor –
Dwayne Johnson – Who said that the Atlantean Supercriminal had to look like he's Reed's age? Let's be honest…is there anyone else than can carry an air of superiority and contempt for the savage commoners like The Rock? I'm not even gonna go into how he's built for this role. Just know that this choice is genius!