Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.

First Row: Mark Valley, Rebecca Rominj, Jason Behr, Jamie Foxx
Second Row: Russell Crowe, Viggo Mortensen, Adam Baldwin, Isla Fisher
Capt America – Mark Valley – Casting someone in the iconic role of Cap is almost damn near impossible. It's like trying to cast Superman…no matter how good someone is…in some way or other they'll always fall short of expectations. With that in mind…I opted not rest on my laurels and cast Aaron Eckhardt as Cap again (GOD—HOW MANY TIMES ARE WE GONNA CAST CAP!?!?!?). Instead I went another route and chose to have my Cap as the all-American Jersey boy. Cap has got to be someone who is patriotic enough to wear the flag…but get him outta uniform and into some jeans and t-shirt and you got a guy who just wants to head to Coney Island and grab a Nathan's hotdog. Another thing about Cap and the gang…they're not kids. They're not people my age. These are people in their 30s and have experience in heroism in spades. They need to look good like all heroes do…but at the same time their visual facial appearances need to convey the fact that they have seen some horrors and suffered great loss. For that---I chose Mark Valley . You may know him best from Boston Public…but it was in "Keen Eddie" that I became aware of this underrated star. Aside from his chiseled All-American good looks, he's got that ordinary Joe vibe. But with his weathered eyes he can easily portray that seasoned vet aura.
Sharon Carter – Rebecca Rominj – Again… Sharon is the same as Cap. You need someone who is gonna have that mature "I've been a field commander a lot longer than you think" look about them. Plus as the lead female/romantic role…you need someone who is also pleasing to the eye. I give you THE comic femme fatale. Despite her small cheesy roles in other comic films---she has done a lot of acting in the past few years and has grown as an actress. You combine her kick-*** attitude of Mystique from "X-Men" and her broken emotional state from "Man About Town" and you have Sharon .
Bucky – Jason Behr – Here's the thing about Behr…he hasn't done a whole lot of acting. And it's a shame too because he's damn talented. Unfortunately he fell into what I call "The WB Curse". He played the lead role in the WB's teen sci-fi drama " Roswell ". And he was quickly lumped into the rest of the WB teenthrob group. To be honest---unless you watched the show…you won't really know who But in that show he was an alienated being who desperately tried to blend with the rest of humanity even though he was now far from it…but at the same time he held onto the idea of solving his mysterious past and origins. If that don't describe Bucky…
Falcon – Jamie Foxx – The ever present, ride-or-die, sidekick of Capt America . My version of Falcon wouldn't be that red and white Falcon. It's gonna be Ultimate Falcon. Winged-backpack and all. And Jamie Foxx sticks out in my mind as the more capable actor able to bring the nobility of the character without outshining the main character. To be honest…this is one of the few casting choices I don't think I need to explain.
Nick Fury – Russell Crowe – The current theme to my casting is to fill it with strong secondary characters that can help carry the main actor without overstepping their bounds and requiring their characters to have more screen time. And with Fury…it's no exception. For a character that is never there---you need a strong presence to properly portray the importance of just who Fury is. And on top of all that…you need someone who has that look of "been there---done that---call me when you do this". Plus he's got to smell like Havana . Crowe has that warrior of yesteryear look to him. Like maybe 30 years ago he could've killed you with one blow….but now it might take him 3 or 4.
This is the portion of the casting that I run outta steam in explaining why. Must……..on.
Red Skull – Viggo Mortensen – First off…look at the pic I used. Yeah. Need I explain more? Fine…I will. My goal in casting Red Skull is to make him someone that Cap can actually fight in the film. How anticlimactic would it be to see the big fight of the film be with some steroid henchman and his crazy girlfriend? The average moviegoer is gonna want some punches thrown. The origin/reason why Skull is aged the way he is in the 2000s would be something slightly simple and throwaway that the audience can grasp. But enough about how I'd use him…the reason I cast Viggo is because he's talented as **** and I'm tired of him playing the good guy. This'll be a chance for him to show his more sadistic side and sink his teeth into the hard as nails former Nazi and cold-blooded killer.
Crossbones – Adam Balwin – Let's keep this simple: Redneck…racist…serial killing…Jayne Cobb. Moving on…
Sin – Isla Fisher – Did you see that one look she had in Wedding Crashers when she said "I'd find you!". Yeah…take that and add some killing onto that. Plus there's the uncanny resemblance.