What the hell are you talking about? You see Wahlberg's perfectly cast face right there.
Might just be me but he's the only I don't see , oh well.
What the hell are you talking about? You see Wahlberg's perfectly cast face right there.
Might just be me but he's the only I don't see , oh well.
Nathan Jones as Brock Rumlow/Crossbones = Nathan Jones is/was a Wrestler , Ice wont be happy :lol:
Captain America: The Movie - My Dreamcast
Steve Rogers, Captain America - Peter Krause
Krause is one of the only actors around these days who can pull off the classical good looking American Man. Plus he's bulked up for many roles before, so that wouldn't be a problem... He's a hell of an actor too, but has too often been relegated to Television rather than the big screen.
Sharon Carter, Agent 13 - Evangeline Lilly
People keep trying to pin Sharon Carter's role on whatever blonde celebrity might look interesting holding a gun... But I think dear old Kate from Lost would be a pretty damn good officer of SHIELD, and especially as a love interest for Captain America. She has the good looks you'd want in a leading lady, but she has the toughness behind that to carry the character through to being something more than another Blonde.
Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier - Ian Somerhalder
Yeah I know, another Lost person... but Ian was the first person to come to mind when I started thinking about who to cast as Bucky... He's the sort of guy who you could see being a poster-boy for the Army, but from Lost we know he could play a darker, more conflicted character. Plus he's a hottie.
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis IS Nick Fury. 'Nuff Said.
Sam Wilson, Falcon - Terrence Howard
Let me buffer this by saying that I think TGO's choice of Taye Diggs is spot on here... but Howard would give the character a bit more in the terms of depth and age... As said before, I'd use Falcon more in the terms of the Ultimate version of the character...
Aleksander Lukin - Ben Kingsley
Despite having played every race on the planet, Kingsley is primarily of Russian Heritage, and can be ****ing scary when he wants to be... Kingsley as a terrifying Russian Businessman with the power of the Cosmic Cube and the Winter Soldier... Playing some Cold War Soviet commander would be fantastic... Not to mention the fact that in a film, you could play him more directly off of Fury. Two Cold War Spymasters. It'd be great.
Johann Schmidt, The Red Skull - Ralph Fiennes
The Red Skull wouldn't start out as a part of Lukin's Mind, so it only makes sense that he have his own actor... Ralph Fiennes' acting seems to bring out the embodiment of Human Evil... But the role that makes him fit most directly is the role he is pictured in above. Amon Göth in Schindler's List. Lending his talents towards the role of the Nazi Supersoldier, I think he could make a terrifying villain.
Brock Rumlow, Crossbones - Vin Diesel
An odd choice, I admit... But despite his naysayers, Vin Diesel CAN act, and he can kick ***, and he simply hasn't played enough villains... Give the man a decent script and pit him against Captain America, it'd be great! For me, I wanted one of the two big Powerhouses in Hollywood today, and I didn't think Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson really fit the part as well as Diesel. (albeit Starmore is a fantastic choice)
Synthia Schmidt, Sin - Milla Jovovich
I was going to try to choose somebody else, since Langsta suggested it... But *******it, She fits too well. Too well to choose anybody else.
As for your comment, Langsta, about not casting Matt Damon in anything... why? He's a solid actor with several high-caliber performances under his belt. A lot of people like to lump him in the same pile as Ben Affleck because of their longtime friendship, but it's not really hard to see who got the lion's share of talent in that duo, and it's not Ben Affleck.
As for wrestlers not acting, you're right but you're wrong. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson isn't exactly a bad actor. For that matter, Roddy Piper is no Peter O'Toole or Anthony Hopkins, but he's not that bad either. And for my pick, Nathan Jones, in a role like Crossbones (a character who is probably unknown to the casual moviegoer), does it matter? Like I said... Crossbones is the Skull's "muscle" and I don't feel that the role would call for a lot of deep, thoughtful dialogue.
Doc, I love your choices for Sharon, Bucky, and Crossbones.
I'm just not feeling any of the other roles.
That's just because you have no love in your heart.
I have yet to post my cast. I'm still doing the photo arrangement thing.
Oo, Doom's should be good.