The story opens with
Kazuya Mishima tracking down both
Calypso and
Osmund Saddler, leader of the Los Illuminados. A splinter group of
The Order. Kazuya tells him of a weapon that will bring about the end of mankind.
Shift to another scene in the home of
Lara Croft. She is attacked by the
Cult of Kagan, a vampire cult. She is almost killed but is saved by a red head vampire by the name of
Rayne, but the cult escapes and steals the Excalibur sword she recovered at the end of Legends.
Another scene shifts to an agency of government giving a case to the assassin
Agent 47. His target is a serial killer on the loose in a small town of South Ashfield. About a half of day's drive from Silent Hill. The only name given is
Sweet Tooth
In South Ashfield,, we find the mercenary,
Solid Snake investigating a call he received after a college,
Gabriel Logan, disappeared after investigating another threat of the Syphon Filter virus. He finds Gabe slaughtered and a notebook in his hands. In it says that it wasn't the Syphon Virus that was here but something called the
T-Virus made by the Umbrella Corporation. He then finds a group of savages feeding of humans. They attack but he fights off most of them and escapes into the street. Snake then runs into a
Nemesis. He tries to fight it but bullets are having no effect. He is than saved by a man on a motorcycle. He has white hair and a red trenchcoat. He shots a rocket into the chest of the Nemesis and he explodes. He introduces himself as
In Paris,
Jacques Blanc and a team of French military find a man as broke into their headquarters.
Kazuya Mishima who is now fully consumed by the Devil, is found stealing something in the archives. Before they can attack, another man shows ups and attacks him. The man is knocked down. They attack while Jacques attends to the knocked down man. Who says his name is
Jin. Kazuya defeats the team with easy. He then summons a bunch of no armed creatures (Silent Hill). to fight them. Jacques then sees his arm glowing and the Oni Gauntlet that he lost years ago, returns. He summons his whip and slashes the demons. Kazuya escapes leaving only a post card from Silent Hill.
In the town of
Silent Hill we find Calypso and Osmund. They are approached by The Cult Of Kagan, who give them the sword they stole earlier.
In the nearby town South Ashfield, we find Sweet Tooth slaughtering more people. 47 tracks him down and attacks him. Sweet Tooth overpowers him and throws him though a wall. Sweet Tooth escapes and tells him to meet him in Silent Hill. 47 then finds and hot wires a car and heads to Silent Hill.
We then find Snake and Dante on a highway. They pass a sign that says 25 miles to Silent Hill. Dante tells Snake that he as heard connections in the underworld of something big happening there. They are attacked by a pack of
Colmillos as they drive around a bend. This caused Dante to serve off the road and smashes into a tree. Dante attacks the wolfs. Dante and the wolfs are at a standstill in the street when a car comes around the bend and hits the wolfs. The car screeches to a stop and Agent 47 gets out. Agent 47 and Snake are aware of each other.
In Silent Hill, Calypso and Osmund starting a ritual with the sword. Calypso mentions that this isn't the normal swords shape, that it has been disguised. Then they are joined by Kazuya. Who gives them the remains of the Brainstern (Onimusha). He gives them to Calypso who puts them a jar and sets them in the circle with the sword. He mentions that these demon remains has time displacement energy on it and it will help summon the weapon from time. They start to chat and than appears the
Soul Edge. Who Kazuya picks him and feels the power in it. Calypso metions this is only part of the plan for Armageddon and they must head for the Tomb. Soon the door are ripped open with vampires flying though. Followed by Rayne and Lara. Who attack them. Kazuya easy fights them off with the Soul Edge.
Next Sweet Tooth interrupts them. Calypso wants to know why he is here. Sweet Tooth simply says he goes where there is carnage. Rayne attacks ST and they fight for awhile when they are joined by 47, Snake, and Dante plus more cult vampires. Dante attacks Kazuya and a big sword fight with his own demon sword, the Force Edge, and the Soul Edge. Kazuya gains the upper hand but is shot at by Snake. Calypso, Kazuya and Osmund take off in a hurry and leave the Excalibur sword. Dante then joins the fight between Rayne and Sweet Tooth, killing him. Dante than finds the Excalibur and notices the hidden power in it. Lara takes it from him. Lara also mentions that they are ending to a tomb of some kind. Sweet Tooth, who hasn't fully died yet apparently, tells them that they are heading to the Tomb Of The Forgotten God and that the carnage will be grand. They asked how he know all this and tells him that he found a killed one of Osmund followers.
Jin and Jacques arrive via helicopter in Silent Hill. They are soon attacked by demons and such. They defeat a lot of them and Jacques is sucking the souls into his Gauntlet. They are soon found and joined by the rest of the team. They fight off the rest them and escape in the helicopter. Lara tells them she knows of someone to help. On the way Dante hits on Rayne and Lara. Jim also examines the Excalibur. Who they find it reacting to Jacques' Gauntlet. He uses the soul to infuse it turning it into the
Soul Calibur.
They travel to Carthage, Missouri. To a huge mansion. Lara knocks on the door and a butler answers the door. He leads them in and there is WW2 memorabilia all over the place. They enter a room to find a 88 year old man in a chair. Lara introduces him as
General James Steven Patterson. She asks him of the Tomb. He tells her that he has heard of the Forgotten God. The tomb is rumored to be hidden in one of the small islands off the coast of Greece, he opens a cubboard with the keyblade(kingdom hearts), a gunblade (final fantasy 8), and the sands of time (Prince of Persia). He pulls out a map, gives it to them and mentions that it isn't easy to translate. Lara tells him that he has nothing to worry about. As they are leaving, He mentions to Rayne that she looks like a woman he fought along side with in WW2. She tells him that she enjoyed there time together and leaves.
They make their way to the island and find the temple. It is guarded by all sorts of demons from the Resident Evil and Silent Hill games. Dante, Jacques, Rayne, and Jin all keep the monsters busy. Lara, Snake, and 47 sneak into the temple and confront the evil trio who are standing over a tomb with the Soul Edge jabbed though it. They say they are too late. The forgotten God of War will awaken.
Kratos will walk the earth again. The ground shakes and energy starts flying everywhere. They are joined by the others by now.
Soon the tomb splits and Kratos is standing there pissed off. Calypso tells that they brought him back to rage chaos and war on this world. Kratos tells him that they shouldn't of bought him back and cuts off the head of both Calypso and Osmond with his blades. Kazuya takes off running, Jin goes after him wielding the Soul Calibur. They have a huge battle with the swords with Jin killing Kazuya.
Jacques & Dante battle Kratos while Snake, 47, Lara, and Rayne are fighting off demons.
acques transform into an Onimusha and Dante into his demon form, they hold their own for awhile, but Kratos is too strong.
Jin returns with both the Soul Calibur and Soul Edge. It causes the demon seed within to trigger and he battles Kratos and defeats him. He says now he can take what he came for, the power that Kratos took from the fates. where he can master time.
Leading to more stories as the group travel through time meeting different characters.
Solid Snake
Lara Croft
Agent 47