Apparently, it's been reported on Newsarama that Dan Didio, when asked
a question about DESOLATION JONES — which I've previously said is on
a hiatus — said that he believed the series wouldn't continue due to my
being exclusive to Marvel. This is, of course, what happens when you put
on the spot a guy who doesn't run the Wildstorm operation day-to-day or
have any reason to know anything about my Marvel deal. Dan Didio has
many powers, several of which are far too disgusting to mention in public,
but telepathy is not yet one of them.
DESOLATION JONES has been put on pause for several reasons, including
my wish to get enough pages in the bank to take the series monthly from
the forthcoming #9. My Marvel deal does not preclude me from continuing
The other reason I know JONES is being continued, is that DC themselves
are currently involved in the brokerage of a very interesting media deal that
I cannot yet discuss. Which is something else that poor old Dan would
have no reason to know.
So when you next see Dan Didio, sitting sadly in the lobby of a convention
hotel ruminating on why no-one loves him and how no-one understands
that all the pretty girls have to die… give him a hug. Tell him it's going to
be all right. Do it for me.
– Warren Ellis
This makes Baxter happy.