DC's Earth-66 - Timeline

  • Ordonnance Saison 1-3
  • Légendes des super-héros Saison 1
  • Le frelon vert Saison 1
  • L'escouade des crimes Saison 1-3
  • Judd, pour la Défense Saison 1-2
  • Les héros de Hogan Saison 1-6
  • La Famille Addams Saison 1-2
  • Les Monkees Saison 1-2
  • Perdu dans l'espace Saison 1-3
  • L'homme de l'U. N.C.L.E. Saison 1-4
  • La fille de l'U. N.C.L.E. Saison 1
  • S'il vous plaît, ne mangez pas les marguerites Saison 1-2
  • Soyez malin Saison 1-5
  • Les Vengeurs Saison 1-6
  • Les Nouveaux Vengeurs Saison 1-2

  • Wonder Woman (en anglais seulement) Saison 1-3
  • L'homme aux six millions de dollars Saison 1-5
  • La femme bionique Saison 1-3
Désolé de ne pas avoir mis une phrase avant la liste. Entre-temps, je me suis rendormi. Je suis donc allé voir les acteurs qui faisaient des caméos. Nous n'oublions pas que nous avons James Bond qui fait un caméo dans U.N.C.L.E wow tellement bon, vous méritez tout le crédit pour un grand bravo je suis impressionné par toute la série. Tu as oublié brigade criminelle
  • Batman Season 1-3
  • Legends of the Superheroes Season 1
  • The Green Hornet Season 1
  • The Felony Squad Season 1-3
  • Judd, for the Defense Season 1-2
  • Hogan's Heroes Season 1-6
  • The Addams Family Season 1-2
  • The Monkees Season 1-2
  • Lost in Space Season 1-3
  • The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Season 1-4
  • The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Season 1
  • Please Don't Eat the Daisies Season 1-2
  • Get Smart Season 1-5
  • The Avengers Season 1-6
  • The New Avengers Season 1-2

  • Wonder Woman Season 1-3
  • The Six Million Dollar Man Season 1-5
  • The Bionic Woman Season 1-3
Can you detail the crossover, cameo, spin off so that we can understand the chronology?
Désolé de ne pas avoir mis une phrase avant la liste. Entre-temps, je me suis rendormi. Je suis donc allé voir les acteurs qui faisaient des caméos. Nous n'oublions pas que nous avons James Bond qui fait un caméo dans U.N.C.L.E wow tellement bon, vous méritez tout le crédit pour un grand bravo je suis impressionné par toute la série. Tu as oublié brigade criminelle
The Fellony Squad (en francais "Brigade criminelle") is on´the list. I didn't include James Bond, because he's portrayed by George Lazenby, even though he should look like Roger Moore in the 80s. Lazenby was during the Sean Connery Era. But it's just my personal preference not to include it :)
La Fellony Squad (en francais "Brigade criminelle") est sur la liste. Je n'ai pas inclus James Bond, car il est interprété par George Lazenby , même s'il devrait ressembler à Roger Moore dans les années 80. Lazenby était à l'époque de Sean Connery. Mais c'est juste ma préférence personnelle de ne pas l'inclure:)
Merci et pour l'autre série comment faire des croissants. Il y en a quelques-uns que je connais déjà. J'en avais déjà parlé.
Can you detail the crossover, cameo, spin off so that we can understand
  • Batman Season 1-3
    • I think this one's obvious
  • Legends of the Superheroes Season 1
    • I think this one's obvious
  • The Green Hornet Season 1
    • I think this one's obvious
  • The Felony Squad Season 1-3
    • Sam Stone has a Window Cameo in 2x21
  • Judd, for the Defense Season 1-2
    • Crossover with The Felony Squad
  • Hogan's Heroes Season 1-6
    • Colonel Klink has a Window Cameo in 2x26
  • The Addams Family Season 1-2
    • Lurch has a Window Cameo in 2x27; THRUSH is mentioned by Uncle Fester
  • The Monkees Season 1-2
    • Penguin from Batman '66 appears
  • Lost in Space Season 1-3
    • Window Cameo in one of the Comics, this one could be argued about
  • The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Season 1-4
    • Batman '66 Meets the Man from U.N.C.L.E.
  • The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Season 1
    • Spin-off of the Man from U.N.C.L.E.
  • Please Don't Eat the Daisies Season 1-2
    • THRUSH appears
  • Get Smart Season 1-5
    • THRUSH appears I think (?)
  • The Avengers Season 1-6
    • Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel
  • The New Avengers Season 1-2
    • The Avengers Spin-Off

  • Wonder Woman Season 1-3
    • I think this one's obvious
  • The Six Million Dollar Man Season 1-5
    • The Bionic Woman is a Spin-Off of this one
  • The Bionic Woman Season 1-3
    • Wonder Woman '77 meets the Bionic Woman
The Addams Family
The Beverly Hillbillies
Green Acres
The Green Hornet
Hogan's Heroes
The Lone Ranger
Mister Ed
The New Addams Family
Petticoat Junction
What are the connections for those that I didn't include?
There is a Man from U.N.C.L.E. Book that kinda connects a lot of other franchises via cameos, but those I just take as Doppelgangers/Variants.
Can someone do a Tommy Westphall Multiverse timeline &/or a guide of all the series?
Connections to John Munch
John Munch
Newhart & Lost
It was all a dream -

The Bob Newhart Show crossed over with St. Elsewhere when Elliot Carlin visited the St. Eligius psych ward.

Oceanic Airlines features heavily in a number of ABC shows, eventually connecting back to St. Elsewhere. We have Tommy Westphall to thank for this ending...

Value of Fan Theory
Encourages making connections through textual analysis
What does the Tommy Westphall Universe tell us about the state of current TV?
Provides for ongoing discussion and life beyond the series finale
Reboot, reuse, recycle
Sooo many white guys
Expands understanding of the real world and the limits (or lack thereof) of reality
St. Elsewhere
Tommy could have populated his imagined hospital with fictional characters from his world.
Multiverse theories in the real world could apply to fictional worlds
More or less controversial than the end of Sopranos?
Shows Directly Connected to St. Elsewhere Through Crossover Episodes
The Bob Newhart Show
Boston Public
Chicago Hope
Crossing Jordan
Degrassi Junior High
Homicide: Life on the Street
The Tommy Westphall Universe
In 1988, the series finale of St. Elsewhere revealed that all six seasons had taken place within Tommy Westphall's favorite snow globe (or, more likely, as a figment of Tommy's imagination).

Unwillingness to branch out
As St. Elsewhere writer Tom Fontana eventually said in 2003, "Someone did the math once, and something like 90 percent of all [American] television took place in Tommy Westphall's mind. God love him."

Tommy Westphall Universe Theory

What are some things about Tommy (Tommy Westphall) from St. Elsewhere that make no sense to you?

Tommy Westphall and the St. Elsewhere series.

Tommy Westphall was a character on the TV series St. Elsewhere, which ran from 1982 to 1988. One of the most notable aspects of Tommy's character was the revelation in the series finale that the entire show was a figment of his imagination. This revelation led to the "Tommy Westphall Universe" theory, which posits that a significant number of TV shows are connected to St. Elsewhere and exist only in Tommy's mind.

While the Tommy Westphall Universe theory has gained a following among some fans, it is not officially recognized by the creators of St. Elsewhere or any of the other shows that have been connected to it. Additionally, some fans have pointed out various inconsistencies and plot holes within the theory, which may make it difficult to fully understand or accept.

Overall, the nature of Tommy's character and the role he played in St. Elsewhere remains a subject of debate and interpretation among fans and scholars of the show.
The Lost Episode is taken as what was described at the end of Batman vs Two-Face (Harvey could return to his evil personality). The acid scar origin happens after Hugo's machine. There's no substantial continuity errors from that interpretation.
I looked into this site a bit. First of all, great find! Didn't know about it. So, here are my thoughts about the Earth-66 Additions:
  • Green Acres - I'll include it in my list, didn't know about the Hogan's Heroes Mention
  • The Beverly Hillbillies - Same, seems to cross over with Green Acres and Petticoat Junction
  • Petticoat Junction - Same, seems to cross over with Green Acres and the Beverly Hillbillies
  • Mister Ed - Not sure about that, but probably sure
  • Lone Ranger - Nah, I don't see it. Besides the name and the connection in another universe (the Radio) there ain't a thing. So, nope
It's still different though in design and dress choice, her animated version doesn't even have rollerblades