DC's Earth-66 - Timeline

Is it not possible for the first part of Batman vs Two-Face to be moved back, perhaps during the series proper?
A few more updates on that set of episodes: Commissioner Gordon mentions that it's August in Batman 2x20, "Deep Freeze", and it is also stated that it's the hottest day of the year a few days after Batman 2x19, "Green Ice", indicating that the temperature reference merely refers to Gotham City's local weather so far, not the record for the nation that year. The following episode, Batman 2x21, "The Impractical Joker", picks up after a period of little crime in Gotham City when Batman and Robin haven't been active, so there's a significant break in time between 2x20 and 2x21.
False-Face, from Batman (1966) is Clayface from Batman '66 and Wonder Woman '77. Pretty solid connection. They reveal his name is Basil Karlo, too.

Wonder Woman (1975-1979) is tied to Wonder Woman '77 is tied to Batman '66 is tied to Batman (1966-1968).

To bring it up again, Wonder Woman's costume in Earth-76 is definitely not her costume from the tv show. It could be artistic licence, of course. The only ties to the show is her transformation into Wonder Woman and the Earth number being 76, which is the year when the actual series, not the tv movie, released. It's possible, but speculation, that Earth-76 isn't actually the Wonder Woman universe, which is actually Earth-66.

I still think it's most reasonable to assume the universes combined post-crisis. That, or Wonder Woman played out exactly the same on Earth-66 and Earth-76.
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Wonder Woman (1975-1979) is tied to Wonder Woman '77 is tied to Batman '66 is tied to Batman (1966-1968).

To bring it up again, Wonder Woman's costume in Earth-76 is definitely not her costume from the tv show. It could be artistic licence, of course. The only ties to the show is her transformation into Wonder Woman and the Earth number being 76, which is the year when the actual series, not the tv movie, released. It's possible, but speculation, that Earth-76 isn't actually the Wonder Woman universe, which is actually Earth-66.

I still think it's most reasonable to assume the universes combined post-crisis. That, or Wonder Woman played out exactly the same on Earth-66 and Earth-76.

It could be that the reason for the costume differences is that part of the comic, like most (thought admittedly not all) of the scenes in Crisis is set in the "present day" of Earth-76, so there's 43 years in which she could have changed costume designs. It seems more likely than not that it's supposed to be the universe from the TV show; that seems to be the original intent. I prefer your second explanation, that Wonder Woman and Batman are essentially the same on Earths 76 and 66, though Crisis certainly allows for both. Makes sense to keep them on the same timeline either way.
I made a list of all the heroes on Earth-66 for fun, and...

Introduced in Batman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl

Introduced in The Green Hornet
Britt Reid/Green Hornet

Introduced in Legends of the Superheroes
Retired Man/Scarlet Cyclone
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel
Dinah Lance/Black Canary
Carter Hall/Hawkman
Barry Allen/The Flash
Helena Bertineli/Huntress
Ray Palmer/The Atom
Ghetto Man

Introduced in Solo #7, "Batman-A-Go-Go"
Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman (hinted to/dream sequence)
Alan Scott/Green Lantern (dialogue only/dream sequence)

Introduced in Batman '66
Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman

Introduced in Codename: Action
Miles Drake/Captain Action
Jimmy Christopher/Operator 5
Mary Roche/Black Venus
Archibald Masters/American Crusader
Bart Hill/Daredevil
Bruce Carter/The Fighting Yank
Alfred Chinard/The Spider

Introduced in Batman '66 Meets The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Agent Napoleon Solo
Agent Illya Kuryakin

Introduced in Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel
John Steed
Emma Peel

Introduced in Batman '66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes
Querl Dox/Brainiac 5
Reep Daggle/Chameleon Boy
Imra Ardeen/Saturn Girl
Tasmia Mallor/Shadow Lass
Andrew Nolan/Ferro Lad
Princess Projectra/Phantom Girl
Garth Ranzz/Lightning Lad
Ayla Ranzz/Lightning Lass
Jo Nah/Ultra Boy
Jan Arrah/Element Lad
Lonna/Insect Queen
Rokk Krinn/Cosmic Boy
Thom Kallor/Star Boy
Dirk Morgna/Sun Boy
Chuck Taine/Bouncing Boy
Luornu Durgo/Triplicate Girl
Krypto the Superdog
Streaky the Supercat
Comet the Super-Horse
Beppo the Super-Monkey
J'onn J'onzz/John Jones/Martian Manhunter

Introduced in The Green Hornet '66 Meets The Spirit
Ebony White/The Spirit
Denny Colt/The Spirit

It's a lot more than I thought. I guess this would be the equivalent of a Justice League Unlimited '66, heh. Probably the second most populated universe next to the Arrowverse.

Definitely the live-action equivalent to the Golden Age DC Universe.
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I made a list of all the heroes on Earth-66 for fun, and...
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl

Britt Reid/Green Hornet

Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Drusilla/Wonder Girl

Retired Man/Scarlet Cyclone
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel
Dinah Lance/Black Canary
Carter Hall/Hawkman
Barry Allen/The Flash
Helena Bertineli/Huntress
Ray Palmer/The Atom
Ghetto Man

Clark Kent/Superman
Alan Scott/Green Lantern

Miles Drake/Captain Action
Jimmy Christopher/Operator 5
Mary Roche/Black Venus
Archibald Masters/American Crusader
Bart Hill/Daredevil
Bruce Carter/The Fighting Yank
Alfred Chinard/The Spider

Agent Napoleon Solo
Agent Illya Kuryakin
John Steed
Emma Peel

Jaime Sommers/Bionic Woman
Ebony White/The Spirit
Denny Colt/The Spirit

It's a lot more than I thought. I guess this would be the equivalent of a Justice League Unlimited '66, heh.
Clark Kent?.In what movie or series appear?
Here's an idea: What if the animated films are Earth-66 and the comic books are Earth-76? There's serveral things between them that seem contradictory. Also, it solves the issue of the tv show trying to set itself in 1966-1968, while the comic, set after the show, is also set in 1966.

The comics are the only connective tissue to Wonder Woman, as well. Batman '66 is in the same continuity as Wonder Woman '77.

This means:
The Green Hornet
Legends of the Superheroes

Wonder Woman
Batman '66
Wonder Woman '77

Just a thought I had. Again, Crisis on Infinite Earths combining earths makes most sense, but speculation is speculation.
I like that! Honestly I'd take it one step further and speculate that there's a whole range of Earths that have slightly different versions of the same characters and events as Earths 66 and 76, to account for the similarities and contradictions between stories:


Green Hornet TV universe (where Batman is a fictional character)
Adventures of Superman TV show
New Adventures of Batman Filmation animated series
Dick Gautier as Batman, 1973 Equal Pay spot
Batman TV show/Film/animated films/Challenge of the Super Heroes
(Where Green Hornet exists and is identical to Earth-36, but a dramatized TV version of his criminal exploits was made, events of the series take place from 1966-1968.)
Batgirl pilot (different introduction of Batgirl)
Batman/Superman Hour/The Adventures of Batman, Superfriends, etc.
Wonder Woman TV series
Batman 66 and Wonder Woman 77 comics. (Continuation of the Batman and Wonder Woman TV shows, slightly different introduction of Two-Face, events of Batman take place in or before 1966, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and Green Hornet are the same as on Earths 76, 52, and 66.)
Return to the Batcave (where Batman is a fictional character)

Speculation aside, regarding the main timeline, I noticed that there are some continuity issues with the episodes as aired. Specifically Aunt Harriet encounters and is familiar with the Penguin in Batman 2x27, "The Penguin's Nest"/Batman 2x28, "The Bird's Last Jest", but in Batman 2x42, "Penguin is a Girl's Best Friend"/Batman 2x43, "Penguin Sets a Trend" she appears to meet him for the first time. (As noted, there's a similar issue with Green Hornet's appearance in Batman 2x07, "The Spell of Tut" vs. the crossover in Batman 2x51, "A Piece of the Action"
Batman 2x52, "Batman's Satisfaction".)

It's possible this is just a continuity error due to the huge number of scripts being written in a short amount of time, but it could also be that the episodes ended up being produced or aired out of story order. Since the episodes are pretty much self contained, it might be possible to move 2x42/43 to before 2x27/28 on the timeline to account for this.

Sounds like he was unaware of the comic crossover while making Crisis on Infinite Earths: Giant. Still, he admits that could have just been in his head.

Sounds like he was unaware of the comic crossover while making Crisis on Infinite Earths: Giant. Still, he admits that could have just been in his head.

The Green Hornet
Legends of the Superheroes
Batman '66 (and crossovers)

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman '77 (and crossovers)
Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77

It'll do, I suppose. I wish DC had some kind of live-action canon overseer so we don't get this kind of thing.
I've changed this timeline quite a lot now. I think the shows timeline is more important than the comics - just assume that those dates are non-canon/mistaken by the characters.

I think this is much more reasonable, anyway. The comics are in release order, which I'd assume to be intended as chronological.

Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs Peel has flashbacks to The Avengers 4x03, "The Cybernaunts", interestingly. Nothing outright states it's set in the continuity of the show, but it's kinda obvious. Will I add 8 seasons of television because of a one time crossover, though? Eh, nah.
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So is Legends of the Superheroes (1979) canon to Adam West timeline? Only wondering because trying to figure out the timelines as well