DC TV Shows (Non-Arrowverse) Timelines

Several specific elements don't add up, mainly pertaining to the Wayne deaths:
1. Bruce Wayne was 8 in GK when his parents died instead of 12 (in Gotham they explicitly state this as his age.)
2. Joe Chill (who took the fall) was locked up a day after Bruce's parents were killed. In Gotham, Mario Pepper was the fall guy and got shot dead; but the real killer was Matches Malone who would later die two years after the event. (Ironically, Chill's unnamed cellmate mentioned in GK died after 2 years as well, also a pawn of the Court.)
3. Bruce never discovered the Court of Owls for himself until the time of his death.
At most, it'd be alternate timeline events.
At most, it'd be alternate timeline events.
Yeah I have headcanons/theories regarding that (all unconfirmed) but it boils down to Thomas and Martha died 4 years too early in this timeline.
But if anything, this is a timeline adjacent to Gotham's continuity and the Arrowverse's as well - but separate from both while still borrowing many of their concepts.
Also I'd take Joe Chill's "50 years" claim as nothing more than a very rough estimation the same way Mother's Day was "6 months away" in early-2018 a la Jessica Jones.
Yeah I have headcanons/theories regarding that (all unconfirmed) but it boils down to Thomas and Martha died 4 years too early in this timeline.
But if anything, this is a timeline adjacent to Gotham's continuity and the Arrowverse's as well - but separate from both while still borrowing many of their concepts.
It has a confirmed reference to Batwoman I think but it's also a separate reality. Kinda like Superman & Lois, actually...

So is Knights an alternate timeline or alternate universe?
Universe. Or, at least what Selfishmisery said above.
It has a confirmed reference to Batwoman I think but it's also a separate reality.
For those who don't know what that reference is: Stephanie Brown being a high school senior on her way to MIT. (She graduates from MIT in '16 after skipping some 'grades' on Earth-Prime.)
For shows like Pennyworth, Gotham and Gotham Knights - they were all given the dubious but vague "Batman Universe" label.
Not Arrowverse or any other established Batman universe, but some baseline Elseworlds storylines that could almost be adjacent to each other but there are continuity hiccups that suggest otherwise.

These aren't intended to be followed up on or connected, unless it's very specific like Sid Onslow's mention in Gotham (thus justifying him being in Pennyworth) or the same Wayne Manor. All 3 are standalone and from different timelines; presumably of the same world or not. Doesn't matter, at least to the show runners who want to tell their own story.
Why is Pennyworth in the same timeline as Gotham the if there's 3 timelines?
Why is Pennyworth in the same timeline as Gotham the if there's 3 timelines?
Condensing. Like the Titans/Doom Patrol/Swamp Thing/Stargirl/etc timeline post, the inconsistencies are very minor and would not break the overall narrative of these adjacent stories; despite being different timelines or Earths.

Gotham Knights however breaks from the timeline too sharply with Bruce's age when his parents died.
Let me put it this way: Nothing in Pennyworth overlapped with Gotham. It's a specific point in the past with no real "tying it all together".
Vise-versa, the show runners were careful to not conflict too much - with Lucius Fox you could easily assume Alfred had so much occurring in his life between 1972 and 1988 that he forgot about Lucius. Nothing suggested that when Alfred had his threatening speech to him in the bar that it was their first ever meeting.

Gotham Knights brings up the time period of which Gotham took place, due to it being at least 20-30 years later, but doesn't adhere to the specific nature of the Wayne deaths or the Court of Owls for story-related reasons. Also different writing team for the most part, besides two producers who only worked on Gotham's final season.
Oh, yes. That makes sense.

I have considered doing a Blade Runner timeline by the way, but those comics are kinda hard to get through for me. Black Lotus was kinda mid. The original and 2049, as well as the shorts, are all fantastic.