Okay, Here is all of the DC News from the past 10 Days that I found compelling enough to plop out here for all of your reading pleasure:
- Richard Donner (creator of the Superman Movie franchise) and Geoff Johns will be sharing writing duties on Action Comics, starting with issue #844. The run is open-ended, and will be drawn by Adam Kubert. Expect to see classic villains like Brainiac, Bizarro, Parasite, and most intriguingly, Zod.
- Justice Society of America: Obsidian (Alan Scott's son), Stargirl, Alan Scott, and Mr. Terrific will be on the team when it's rebooted. Hawkman will not be. Jesse Quick will play a major role, although it was not made clear whether she would be joining the team. Maxine Hunkel, a new character (presumably the descendent of Ma Hunkel, the original Red Tornado), and Power Girl will also feature prominently.
- Upcoming JSA/JLA team-up will involve an unnamed third team.
- "Asked if DC had any plans for Kent Nelson or Dr. Fate, Didio replied, "Have we already announced that?" To which a mildly exasperated Johns fired back, "You have now!"'
- The Nightwing/Barbara Gordon proposal will be resolved in the pages of Nightwing, and NOT in 52.
- There have been many hints as to another co-op project by the 52 team following the end of the weekly series.
- The Legion of Super-Heroes WILL play a role in 52.
- Lobo will be looking to collect the bounty placed on the heads of some prominent space-characters.
- Talky Tawny, the Talking Tiger of the Marvel Family, will appear in 52.
- "New heroes from Japan will soon appear in the pages of 52, where, Morrison said, there is a subculture of kids who want to be superheroes. One of the heroes named? Most Excellent Super Bat. "It's super heroes as fashion," Morrison said."
- "Asked about the return of the New Gods, Morrison said that they'll appear in 52 and again, teased a "big New Gods thing" that is coming later. The writer said that their upcoming appearance will be based on their appearance in Seven Soldiers: Mr. Miracle but will get much bigger."
- Fans concerned with the alteration of Cassandra Cain's character were urged to continue reading the Robin series.
- (as pointed out above) There will be a Black Canary/Zatanna hardcover Graphic Novel by Paul Dini coming out in the next year.
- Adam Hughes has been confirmed as both writer and artist for an All-Star Wonder Woman series.
- The Titans East storyline will begin in Teen Titans #42
- Inertia, nemesis to Bart Allen, will be in the Titans East storyline, as well as showing up in The Flash.
- Bat-Mite will show up in Morrison's run on Batman.
- Dini's Detective Comics isn't as Stand-Alone as it might appear.
- Batman will appear in Shadowpact.
- Krypto will be showing up soon in the Superman titles.
- All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder will probably last about 12 issues.
- The first arc of The Brave and the Bold will star Batman and Green Lantern (Hal Jordon): See the cover
- Teen Titans' Terra will be getting her own miniseries. immy Palmiotti and Justin Gray will write, and Amanda Conner will draw.
- Morrison's Batman will have the Black sense of Humor that he used to have.
- "The Joker gets shot in the face, point blank in the first issue," Morrison said, saying that a new Joker will appear in his fifth issue, and will fuel a new Batman-Joker dynamic.
- the Jeff Smith Captain Marvel limited series, Captain Marvel and the Monster Society of Evil is nearly done, with three issues of the four issues already in the can, and should be ready to ship in early next year.
- VERTIGO: In a future story arc, Fables will answer the question…" is Santa Claus a fable?" Y The Last Man #50 will reveal the cause of the man-killing plague, and the series is still on track to end with #60. (A Lot More
Here, but I'm too lazy to summarize).
- WILDSTORM: The Authority will be travelling to OUR Earth. As in the one we live on... With Dubya and everything... Written by Grant Morrison. Simone's Gen13 will take the series back to the original line-up, and Wildcats will continue to deal with Hadrian's (Spartan) plan for the destiny of Humankind. Ex Machina will end with Issue #50. Midnighter is different than The Punisher because he's Gay. The new Stormwatch teams will be like Gotham Central meets Suicide Squad.