DC Extended Universe - News & Rumors

Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

YOU thought Man of Steel was okay, I thought it was a huge piece of crap. The acting was awful for me (especially stiff as a board Cavill). Affleck is the only good cast member and from every single picture and video for this it looks like he greatly regrets this decision but then again Affleck kind of just has that face. Gal Gadot is a HORRIBLE actor and Eisenberg would only work if the rumor of him being a teenage billionaire is true (which is not only dumb but a role he's already played (and it was a snorefest then too)) and I'm not interested in seeing that again. Anyway, I'm done with this. I'm being far too pessimistic as it is. I'm finished complaining about this and Man of Steel until I see the film.
YOU thought Man of Steel was okay, I thought it was a huge piece of crap.

It's like an inverse of the Ultimates 3 debate.

The acting was awful for me (especially stiff as a board Cavill).

Cavill was a fine Superman. I'm convinced you decided to dislike it before even seeing it (kind of like with this film) and just created reasons not to like it. I've debated and logically countered every point you've made about it, but you still lean on the lame arguments centered on the destruction caused by the fight in Metropolis, laying it at Superman's feet instead of Zod's and the other Kryptonians.

Affleck is the only good cast member and from every single picture and video for this it looks like he greatly regrets this decision but then again Affleck kind of just has that face. Gal Gadot is a HORRIBLE actor

Based on what? What was she so horrible in? I've only seen her in those Fast and Furious sequels and she did a serviceable job in her role. It's not like she was given much screen time or chance to develop her character. So again, what have you seen her in that convinces you she's a horrible actress?

and Eisenberg would only work if the rumor of him being a teenage billionaire is true (which is not only dumb

Why is that dumb? Lex Luthor being Lex and all, he's a smart, driven, and obsessive person. How are those NOT qualities that lead to the rare teenage billionaire? I prefer that self made man version of Lex than the version who inherited his wealth from his dad and was just a trust fund baby like on Smallville, of which you're a self admitted fan.

but a role he's already played (and it was a snorefest then too))

That's your problem, apparently in your mind two characters being wealthy makes them exactly the same. Not the case. And The Social Network was quite a good movie, so not sure where you're getting "snore fest" from. Probably another ridiculous attempt to be irrationally dismissive about every aspect of this movie.

and I'm not interested in seeing that again. Anyway, I'm done with this. I'm being far too pessimistic as it is. I'm finished complaining about this and Man of Steel until I see the film.

Yes, you are being too pessimistic. And cynical. Pretty much the typical fanboy stereotype. Relax.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

YOU thought Man of Steel was okay, I thought it was a huge piece of crap. The acting was awful for me (especially stiff as a board Cavill). Affleck is the only good cast member and from every single picture and video for this it looks like he greatly regrets this decision but then again Affleck kind of just has that face. Gal Gadot is a HORRIBLE actor and Eisenberg would only work if the rumor of him being a teenage billionaire is true (which is not only dumb but a role he's already played (and it was a snorefest then too)) and I'm not interested in seeing that again. Anyway, I'm done with this. I'm being far too pessimistic as it is. I'm finished complaining about this and Man of Steel until I see the film.

I was going to go through this an explain all the ways in which you are wrong, but then I got to the part where you call The Social Network a snorefest, and I realized that I'd just be wasting my time. The Social Network is a modern classic.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

DIB, I will write a review of Man of Steel. I've already told you I was going to for when the next movie comes out. I wrote a really detailed one for The Amazing Spider-Man (which you can read on my awfully put together and never used LJ to see what's in store) so it will be like that. I have seen Gadot in Knight and Day and the Fast and Furious movies which she was terrible in. She's a model turned actor. Nothing more in than a pretty face (and I'd say her lack of muscles, larger breasts, and heels on the costumes supports that) and having that be Wonder Woman REALLY pisses me off.

I was going to go through this an explain all the ways in which you are wrong, but then I got to the part where you call The Social Network a snorefest, and I realized that I'd just be wasting my time. The Social Network is a modern classic.

I never finished it. In the movie Zuckerberg was too much of an ******* for me to root for him and I ended up falling asleep 3/4 of the way through.
DIB, I will write a review of Man of Steel. I've already told you I was going to for when the next movie comes out.

I'm not interested. I've heard everything you have to say about it. You didn't like the destruction caused by Superman and Zod's fight, which I get. But that's the result of two near-gods going toe to toe in a metropolitan area. You're kidding yourself if you think Metropolis doesn't get seriously messed up on a regular basis in the comics. Granted not to that degree, but that doesn't discount the point.

I also get that you don't like that Superman killed Zod. Guess what? Superman didn't like it either! He begged and pleaded Zod to stop. He killed him only when he had to to save innocents. He was faced with a difficult moral decision and chose the lesser of two evils. Get over it. And again, Superman has killed in the comics several times.

And we've had this debate so many times it's impossible to count. You don't like Man of Steel. We get it. And you're entitled to your opinion. But you do a pretty insane job or arguing your points when you rely on patently false blanket statements, insane exaggerations, and that habit of dismissing or not addressing when people counter your points with their own opinions.

I wrote a really detailed one for The Amazing Spider-Man (which you can read on my awfully put together and never used LJ to see what's in store) so it will be like that. I have seen Gadot in Knight and Day and the Fast and Furious movies which she was terrible in. She's a model turned actor. Nothing more in than a pretty face (and I'd say her lack of muscles, larger breasts, and heels on the costumes supports that) and having that be Wonder Woman REALLY pisses me off.

What doesn't piss you off? Seriously you've become the grumpy old man of the boards, mate. You're like the new ManWithoutFear, just with less attitude and far less alcohol in your system.

First, she has raised heeled boots, they're not high heels or stilettos. Second, while she should've been a bit more muscular, it doesn't bother me. And her breast size certainly isn't an issue. Better than if they'd cast some actress with implants...or do they have plastic surgeons on Themyscira now?

And again, whatever your opinion of her in the F&F films (of which you've given a completely unfair assessment in terms of her role... she wasn't terrible at all, as I said, she had very little to work with), and I never saw Knight and Day, but I'm willing to bet it was an extremely small part that also didn't offer much opportunity to show what she's capable of.

Do you not think the casting directors and Snyder cast her for a reason? Are you so convinced you know better than them? Especially since neither you or I have even seen a single instance of her portrayal of Wonder Woman? Not a line read, not a combat scene performed. Again, you're jumping the gun for the sake of complaining.
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

I'm not interested. I've heard everything you have to say about it. You didn't like the destruction caused by Superman and Zod's fight, which I get. But that's the result of two near-gods going toe to toe in a metropolitan area. You're kidding yourself if you think Metropolis doesn't get seriously messed up on a regular basis in the comics. Granted not to that degree, but that doesn't discount the point.

I also get that you don't like that Superman killed Zod. Guess what? Superman didn't like it either! He begged and pleaded Zod to stop. He killed him only when he had to to save innocents. He was faced with a difficult moral decision and chose the lesser of two evils. Get over it. And again, Superman has killed in the comics several times.

And we've had this debate so many times it's impossible to count. You don't like Man of Steel. We get it. And you're entitled to your opinion. But you do a pretty insane job or arguing your points when you rely on patently false blanket statements, insane exaggerations, and that habit of dismissing or not addressing when people counter your points with their own opinions.

Oh there is TONS more than that. I use that as a basic template so I don't have to talk about it for hours on end like I did when it first came out and because people get REALLY bored when I get down into the grit and dirt of a film. The response to my TASM review showed that and I feel like I didn't even get really down in there.

What doesn't piss you off? Seriously you've become the grumpy old man of the boards, mate. You're like the new ManWithoutFear, just with less attitude and far less alcohol in your system.

First, she has raised heeled boots, they're not high heels or stilettos. Second, while she should've been a bit more muscular, it doesn't bother me. And her breast size certainly isn't an issue. Better than if they'd cast some actress with implants...or do they have plastic surgeons on Themyscira now?

They photoshopped her boobs so they look bigger than they actually are. That bothers me. Then we have the heels. Heels raise the leg which raises the butt to add more focus to it. Not only is that impractical for a superhero to wear but it's not comic accurate either.
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Oh there is TONS more than that. I use that as a basic template so I don't have to talk about it for hours on end like I did when it first came out and because people get REALLY bored when I get down into the grit and dirt of a film. The response to my TASM review showed that and I feel like I didn't even get really down in there.

Whatever. You've made up your mind about Man of Steel, and apparently already about this film as well, without really seeing anything yet, which is patently ridiculous.

They photoshopped her boobs so they look bigger than they actually are. That bothers me. Then we have the heels. Heels raise the leg which raises the butt to add more focus to it. Not only is that impractical for a superhero to wear but it's not comic accurate either.

None of which is really going to have an effect on the film. The supposed photoshopped boobs (something you're assuming and have no proof of--it could simply be the costume chest piece is bigger than her actual breast size) won't be altered on film. I'm not convinced they're altered there. Pretty sure you're pulling that assumption out of nowhere. The boots are a stylistic choice probably done to add an element of feminism to the costume. Again, not a big deal.
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Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

I have ADHD and often times if something bores me or I'm not interested in I go on to something else. It once took me two weeks to finish a movie. Also I went in to Man of Steel really pumped. I loved the first trailer outside of the whole "maybe" scene. I thought it was going to be, for the first time ever, an actual Superman movie. That's why I was so hurt and disappointed by it. I want this movie to be good, it just has a lot of hurdles and it seems to be tripping on them is all. I won't lie, when I saw Wonder Woman's costume it was the most excited I got all day despite the awful color palette until the breasts and heels were pointed out to me at which point my enthusiasm turned into disappointment.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

DC Comics Will Release 10 Films Between Now And 2020

According to Box Office Mojo, Warner Bros. and DC have officially revealed dates for 10 (yes, 10!) projects that will be released between now and summer 2020, as well as two separate "WB Event Films". No titles have been named, but the roster, in descending order, is as follows

Untitled DC Film – August 5, 2016
Untitled DC Film – June 23, 2017
Untitled DC Film – November 17, 2017
Untitled DC Film – March 23, 2018
Untitled DC Film – July 27- 2018
Untitled WB Event Film – November 16, 2018
Untitled DC Film – April 5, 2019
Untitled DC Film – June 14, 2019
Untitled DC Film – April 3, 2020
Untitled DC Film – June 19, 2020
Untitled WB Event Film – November 20, 2020 :

One of them is with The Rock, as he has confirmed that he and DC have settled on a character for him to play on the big screen, with hints that it's likely a Shazam movie.
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DC Comics Will Release 10 Films Between Now And 2020 According to Box Office Mojo, Warner Bros. and DC have officially revealed dates for 10 (yes, 10!) projects that will be released between now and summer 2020, as well as two separate "WB Event Films". No titles have been named, but the roster, in descending order, is as follows: One of them is with The Rock, as he has confirmed that he and DC have settled on a character for him to play on the big screen, with hints that it's likely a Shazam movie.

Well, DC is certainly following the MCU formula.

It's interesting to note most of those dates steer clear of the usual May dates that Marvel uses, but not surprising.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

Interesting. Hard to get too excited about this without knowing what the properties are.
Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors

Cool. I don't know a lot about the character, and it's hard to see how this will fit with the greater DCU, but he seems like a pretty good fit visually. I've never been too impressed with his acting, but he's decent enough. It'll be interesting to see who they cast as Captain Marvel.
The DCCU slate, revealed by Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara. I'm thinking these are without the DC 'event' films.


And Ezra Miller as Flash? I've never heard of Miller, but hopefully his casting will end the constant wishful thinking that they'd link the Arrow/Flash TV universe with the DC Film universe (despite producers on both the TV series and films saying that wasn't going to happen dozens of times).
Re: DC Cinematic Universe - News & Rumors


And Ezra Miller as Flash? I've never heard of Miller, but hopefully his casting will end the constant wishful thinking that they'd link the Arrow/Flash TV universe with the DC Film universe (despite producers on both the TV series and films saying that wasn't going to happen dozens of times).

Cool, I guess. Even thought I like DC more than Marvel, they are at such a disadvantage in that Marvel is so far ahead. This all kinda feels like a rush job, even if it isn't. Who knows, hopefully it's good. Some of their casting decisions have left me scratching my head, but what do I know. They could work. I just can't really picture this Ezra Miller guy as Flash or Jason Mamoa as Aquaman. I've read elsewhere that they are also developing solo movies for Batman and Superman.
Cool, I guess. Even thought I like DC more than Marvel, they are at such a disadvantage in that Marvel is so far ahead. This all kinda feels like a rush job, even if it isn't. Who knows, hopefully it's good. Some of their casting decisions have left me scratching my head, but what do I know. They could work. I just can't really picture this Ezra Miller guy as Flash or Jason Mamoa as Aquaman. I've read elsewhere that they are also developing solo movies for Batman and Superman.

While I think Affleck as Batman and Cavill as Superman were great choices, I too am reticent about Momoa as Aquaman, Gadot as Wonder Woman, and Miller as Flash.

But who knows? They could end up being great choices. While I'm iffy about those three choices, Snyder has always done a pretty good job of casting roles in his films, so I'll wait to see the final results. Unfortunately a lot of people are resorting to the knee jerk reaction instead of waiting to see how they actually do performing the roles. And these are likely the same people who complained about Downey as Iron Man, Evans as Captain America, Hemsworth as Thor, Ruffalo as Hulk, etc etc, before those films came in out and they were able to actually see how damn perfect that casting was. Rush judgements almost always end up being wrong, in that regard.

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