Since this thread is for complaining, I won't feel bad (or OVERLY whiny

) for doing just that -
I have been collecting the Ultimate U from pretty much the beginning -
I have the good ( post clone-saga USM, early UFF, Millar UFF,
early UXM, Ultimate Vision)
I have the great (Ultimates 1, Ultimates 2, BKV UXM, early USM up to Gwen's death, Ultimate Human
I have the mediocre (Ultimate War, Ultimate six, most of the rest of UXM, most of the rest of UFF, most of the rest of USM, Ultimate Origins, Ultimate DD, Ultimate Elektra, Ultimate Galactus trilogy)
I have the awful (Ultimate Iron Man 1 and 2, Ultimate Power, most of U3)
Like many collectors, I keep hanging on when titles go sour in the hopes of regaining past glory.
Ultimatum made me think it was FINALLY time to pack it in... but after ALL of this, it was Ultimate Hulk Annual that completely ended it for me. This really was the worst comic possible.
My store owner looked shocked as I cancelled every Marvel title (including all Ultimates), except Immortal Iron Fist and Captain America
instead, I picked up:
Walking Dead
Umbrella Academy
Dead Irons
Not that anyone cares about these particulars - mostly I'm just trying to describe on a 'single collector's level' that Loeb accomplished what even Ultimate Iron Man couldn't.
Though I ripped up my Ultimate Hulk Annual in disgust, shame, and embarrassment, I might print a copy of the cover off of the net and tape it to my comic collection, the way a heavier person might use a picture of themselves on the fridge - as motivation for what I want to change. It will induce a vomity feeling, and be a reminder to drop a book when it becomes awful.
Some good has come from Loeb - by setting a new industry low, I doubt - even by default - that I will ever be this disappointed in comics again. Next time I would rather chew $4 worth of tin foil, $0.10 at a time.
PS - Thank you for starting this thread - This was exactly what I needed, and - I think - the place I needed to say it.