compound said:
Can't -- and won't -- argue with that logic
Bass said:
I doubt either Superman or Namor, in order to get around, would actually have to borrow a car.
It's just a little disapointing you know.
Superman, while deserving a nod as a the first modern superhero, is a mess.
I read up a bit on his history and in the beginning he was just superstrong and though. He could made giant leap because of his strenght.
He was just the Hulk without a temper problem! Then he started to fly because authors thought it was nice. And then wonky vision powers. And then that frost breath (bet it's minty too). And there is that "tactile telekinesis" that surround the objects he pick up to explain why he can lift huge structure off the ground without having them collapse under their own weight (that last one is secondhand ; a fan told me when I wondered about that subject). And who knows what else.
And what's the justification? Well, our sun is different than the one on his home planet...
Spider-Man's power are no less fantastic and impossible but they form a coherent whole and they mesh with his orgin story.
And most of the flyers of UU fly for fantastical but logical reasons. Ironman and Human torch basically fly the same way any jet fly. Storm rides powerful winds that she summons. Magneto lifts himself off the ground by using his powers on a metal belt and such. Angel actually has huge wings that at least look sufficient to lift a man. None of it is really possible but it makes sense, if you know what I mean, and that's the first requirement of suspension of disbelief amongst the 12 years old and older. Superman just flies because he is Superman. Much like Santa Claus reindeer. And now Namor...
But I am gonna muster a last dose of optimism. Perhaps the wings on the cover are just a nod to 616 Namor but inside the issue Namor doesn't have them. After all, I've learned after the fact that Ultimate Captain America got rid of similar wings on his helmets (god, this would have been awful). And it was Millar at the helm as it is now. If Millar feels small silly wings have no places on helmet, surely he feels the same for ankles. Right? Right? So here's to hoping against hope that UFF 25 shows us a wingless Namor.
(Other delusional posters can join me and we'll form a club)
Hey, enough complaints. Who looks Good?
Most of the Ultimates. Ironman is particularly cool in a manga powerarmor kind of way. Widow looks good in all her non-armored appearances. I like the Twins flair, as long as they don't wear their traditional costume. Though actually, Quicksilver has been appearing in black leathersuit of late (instead of the silver green thing from early on) which doesn't look half bad and Scarlet Wicth looks quite nice without the cloak and headband, as seen in UXM 64. So they have both improved a lot, IMO.
Spider-Man has a "so-silly-it's-cool" riff going on with his costume. It's practical for a brawler/acrobat because nothing is loose on the costume and somehow the flamboyant color works for him. It makes the few time when he is sneaking harder to swallow but it mesh wells with his quirky personality and constant quips.
Cyclops : Nothing flashy but actually looks like a mutant soldier, you know?
Magneto :One of the few character I tolerate a cloak from. Because, if someone is close enough to grab his cloak, he already messed up anyway. I think the cloak and helmet allows the artist some really sinister pose with shadows obscuring most of the feature. Green Goblin, when he's hunched over Peter and raving about circles of life, is very nice/creepy.
Dazzler is cool. That punk riff is great, even though it's terribly unpractical for someone who can expect to get in fights in a regular basis.
Beast was on and off. Depended on the artist, you know. But his appearance on the a cover during the Return of the King arc was great.