UltimateE said:
Also - the X-Men. I hate the costumes. They are stupid, pointless, and unnecessary. They should all have leather jackets a la New X-Men.
I like the majority of ultimatre X-men costumes, they seem more military with cargo pants and a t shirt that's what you usually see guys like Spinter Cell wear (sans vest). And what I reallty love about thier costume is how uniform they are, they all have they same colors. And in the first arc they did have jackets, I don't they have been wearing them probably cause it is warmer out.
Green Goblin - I hate that he turns into a Hulk ripoff. Here you have a villain kooky enough to put on a lame suit and they ruin it. Dumb.
I actually do like it when he wears the cloak like in legacy arc. He looks alot more demonic, so Ithink from now on he should alway wear that
Daredevil should not have a red rubber suit. Sorry DD purists. The black ninja outfit was waaaaaaay better.
I like how his costume was in the movie, I think it should be more like that, cause it was all realistic, and was just normal red leather clothing you can buy. It also seems more suitiblefor the street fighting he does. The only thing good to come from that movie.
Venom - NO WHITE SPIDER. It's stupid.
I agree, they should not have that when Venom returns to the comics, I loved how he looked before, he was more monsterous.
Guijllons said:
X-men, yeah, I think they're stupid, would make more sense if they dressed like the black panthers or something (Given the the whole Xavier/Magneto thing was an allegory for the differences between Martin Luther King and Malcom X).yeah
Well actually Stan Lee never intended Xaiver/Magneto to represent King/Malcom X, He was just representing them as peaceful/violent protestors.
Guijllons said:
The ape thing, nah, that's a bit cheap, but if he was created now, he wouldn't be green. The green thing is silly and part of the old idea that radioactive things glow green. But skinny Dr. Banner transforming into the strongest one there is, makes perfect sense. Case of 'careful what you wish for'. Full on Charles Atlas.
Actually the original Hulk was grey, but the printer said that grey was too difficult to do, so Stan thought what color to make him and said "Well, not too many heroes are green so lets do that."