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The Legion of Doom
I can see the series starting out like this, Luthor sitting in his prison cell watching news footage of the Justice League of America earning accolades for their contributions to society. Luthor focuses on Superman and starts fuming, until he begins to smile as a clock ticks. A bomb goes off and Luthor walks out of prison to be picked up by the Toyman. The beginning of the series would detail Luthor selecting members of his Legion to go against the heroes of their world.
Lex Luthor: Daniel Day-Lewis

Luthor is definetly the star of this series. It's not a series about s good guy trying to redeem himself, this is one about an evil bastard trying to finally kill his world's greatest hero. Luthor assembles this team because he needs them to complete his goals. He hates the super humans, but they are a necessary evil. Like Doom said, Lewis is the man to bring this sadistic plotter to life. I see Luthor behind bars at the end of the series, but he's going to take down dozens of super heroes with him before all is said and done.
The Joker: Wes Bentley

I'm going with the Joker in his purest form, an evil force of nature with a scary sense of humor. If anyone has seen anything that Bentley's been in, they know he makes characters come to life. Not your cookie cutter psychopath, the Joker is on the Legion just because he scares the piss out of everyone, and Luthor knows he can use that. I can see Bentley in clown make-up beating Robin with a crow bar and laughing hysterically, he just turns around and asks him if he gets the joke.
Cheetah: Shannyn Sossamon

In the comics Cheetah was an anthropoligist who sold her soul for ultimate power. She wasn't ever trying to better people's lives, she was making a gain for herself. Cheetah pulls one of the lesser super heroes towards her offering peace, when she's turned down she rips their throats out with her claws. Shannyn Sossamon has a seductive quality to her, one where you would buy her as a cat goddess.
Brainiac: Hugo Weaving

Sure he's out to destroy the world, but Luthor's pretty confident in himself that he can kill Brainiac after the heroes are gone. Brainiac doesn't want to be with these humans, he finds them unworthy. He never felt an emotion until he met humans, and he despises them for it. Brainiac acts behind the scenes, waiting until the right moment to strike. Watch the Matrix and you'll get the vibe I want with a Brainiac. I can see Hugo Weaving doing all of that.
Black Manta: Djimon Hounsou

In his role as a pirate, Manta's earned a reputation as a monster of the seas. And with his autistic problems at the fore, Manta has an unpredictable nature to him. Manta keeps to himself, stays away from the rest of the Legion, but when the situation arrises he steps in to make the kill. Hounsou has made a name for himself as playing the silent character who acts when needed. He'd be perfect for a showcase of Manta on the screen.
Gorilla Grodd: John Malkovich

I'd like to thank of Grodd as a Hannibal Lector type. He just sits in his room and gives the rest of the Legion the information they need against the super heroes. I'd like to also think that Grodd likes to mess with the rest of the Legion. Like Brainiac, Grodd doesn't get into the fights, but he likes to put the rest of the Legion in their place. I'd love to hear John Malkovich go off on a rant at Luthor and then give him the directions to the wrong location, just to prove a point.
Giganta: Isla Fisher

I don't see why Giganta has to be a giant when she's in her regular form. She's this little girl who lets her opponents' guard down before she steps on them. Giganta's not a bright girl, she's more of Grodd's lacky in the Legion. I go to Isla Fisher's insane performance in Wedding Crashers for this portrayal.
Toyman: Andy Serkis

I see Toyman not as a pedophile, but more as a child locked in a man's body. He likes to make toys, but no one seems to like the toys he makes. And since no one likes his toys, Toyman's going to lash out like a child and kill them. I can see Andy Serkis bring that child like persona that he brought as Gollum in the Lord of the Rings. I can just see him laughing and giggling like a five year old as his toys kill his enemies.
Sinestro: Peter Stormare

Sinestro's more of a hard *** than the rest of the Legion. He was bred to be the greatest Green Lantern of all time. Hal Jordan took that away from him, however, when he revealed his nature. Sinestro's basically a fascist, wanting only order in his universe. He's joined Luthor's Legion to wipe out the chaos that resides on Earth. I think Peter Stormare can play the drill sergeant like Sinestro in the Legion. He's got that creepy stare that'll make the heroes that go up against him pee themselves.
Bizarro: Daniel Cudmore

I want to see Bizarro not say a single word for about the first half of the series. He just beats the super heroes to death and flies off. Bizarro's maybe the only sympathetic villain you have on the Legion, he wants to be a hero, but he can't force himself to do good. Cudmore didn't say much in X-Men the Last Stand. His character is much like Bizarro in that he's there just to get the job done. His 6'8 frame combined with the rotting face of Bizarro will make one scary villain.
Suck it Trebek!
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