Comic Book T.V. wishlist.

I would like an ultimate Spider-man series, if they use the same exact stories as the comics its a guarantee hit

Oh god I think I'm about to cry :cry:

DAMN YOU BENDIS!!!! *shakes fist in the air*
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Smallville and Heroes are the only good superhero shows and both weren't originally comics. I'm worried if any comic book was made into a show it would suck like Painkiller Jane, Blade, or Birds of Prey for example. I love PKJ but the show is nauseous. But i guess to answer the question i wish for Walking Dead.
Smallville and Heroes are the only good superhero shows and both weren't originally comics. I'm worried if any comic book was made into a show it would suck like Painkiller Jane, Blade, or Birds of Prey for example. I love PKJ but the show is nauseous. But i guess to answer the question i wish for Walking Dead.

they were just done badly thou.

Imagine a live action show that was frame for frame a live action version of Batman : The animate series. Maybe just made slightly more mature. Tv gold would be made
- I really think the concept of Superman Returns would work perfectly in the context of a TV show. One of the problems facing Singer in the sequels is that there's so much that NEEDS to be resolved between the characters, not to mention the fans want their supervillains. And Singer only has about 5 hours of screentime (absolute max) to do it. Why not just cancel the garbage that is Smallville and turn SR into a TV show? In a perfect world, they'd recast Lois Lane and Perry White and if Spacey was too expensive, they could keep using Rosenbaum. I think it would rule.

- Not making a live-action Spidey show at this point just doesn't seem to make any sense. There's such a fanbase at the moment and I'm sure more than a few comic writers would be interested in using their collective talents for a TV show. Making an Ultimate Spider-Man show would be great.

- I still think that making a Smallville-esque Batman show would be a disaster. What people seem to forget is that Bruce Wayne in-training is not a nice guy. He doesn't know where he's going or what he will eventually become and all he has is revenge. How are you going to fit a gooey, lovey-dovey teen soap into that? Sure, you could do something like what they did in the (masteful) Mask of the Phantasm, but are you really going to be able to stretch it out over 4-6 years? Not without wrecking the character, I think.

- INVINCIBLE is the perfect setting for a Scrubs-esque, superhero comedy drama show. Read it and you'll know exactly what I mean. The trials and tribs of being a teenage superhero, with a lighthearted tone. It's classic.
Imagine a live action show that was frame for frame a live action version of Batman : The animate series. Maybe just made slightly more mature. Tv gold would be made
It would take away the fun of the animated series.

What I loved about the animated series was that it wasn't just a great Batman series, but it was a great animated series... right down to that Looney Tunes sensibility of having symphony notes played to the beat of Joker tip-toeing up the stairs or Batman leaping between two parallel building faces back and forth. It was like they took all the great elements of WB animation history, and transposed them onto a great action adventure series PLUS Batman coolness.

A lot of that greatness would be lost in trying to copy it into live action, such that you'd be better off trying to build a great live action TV Batman from the ground up WITHOUT attempting to reference a previous work in another medium.
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It would take away the fun of the animated series.

What I loved about the animated series was that it wasn't just a great Batman series, but it was a great animated series... right down to that Looney Tunes sensibility of having symphony notes played to the beat of Joker tip-toeing up the stairs or Batman leaping between two parallel building faces back and forth. It was like they took all the great elements of WB animation history, and transposed them onto a great action adventure series PLUS Batman coolness.

A lot of that greatness would be lost in trying to copy it into live action, such that you'd be better off trying to build a great live action TV Batman from the ground up with attempting to reference a previous work in another medium.

Bingo. Couldn't have said it better myself.
It would take away the fun of the animated series.

What I loved about the animated series was that it wasn't just a great Batman series, but it was a great animated series... right down to that Looney Tunes sensibility of having symphony notes played to the beat of Joker tip-toeing up the stairs or Batman leaping between two parallel building faces back and forth. It was like they took all the great elements of WB animation history, and transposed them onto a great action adventure series PLUS Batman coolness.

A lot of that greatness would be lost in trying to copy it into live action, such that you'd be better off trying to build a great live action TV Batman from the ground up with attempting to reference a previous work in another medium.

Yeah your right.

My only feeling was done anyother way and it's either as cheesy as Adam west batman or as bad as blade tv show.

but yeah your right. Reading your post I see it wouldn't work
- I really think the concept of Superman Returns would work perfectly in the context of a TV show.

Making an Ultimate Spider-Man show would be great.

INVINCIBLE is the perfect setting for a Scrubs-esque, superhero comedy

Superman Returns? If he doesn't have a baby a new Superman show would be cool (Smallville doesn't count he's Clark not Superman), No only animated Spideys will work cus it cost too much to do the special effects necessary for a descent Spidey show, and a Superhero comedy happened and was canceled for costing too much by fox called the Tick (buy the complete series now on DVD).
I'd like to see an X-Men show. Mix elements and stories from 616 and Ultimate and it would have huge potential.
I'd really love to see a Batman show. The show would be set early in his career with flashback episodes to his training and traveling around the world. Have one or two amazing cameo episodes a year. Green Arrow, Zatanna Arrow, . Each season would more or less be one story arc dealing with one main villian. Maybe a Long Halloween style mystery. Each episode we get a little more of the larger story. The third season would be the Superman season. The very last season would introduce Dick Grayson and the last two episodes he would get the Robin costume. It'd have to be on HBO. Similar to Deadwood and Sopranos. I'd get HBO just for this show.
Superman Returns? If he doesn't have a baby a new Superman show would be cool (Smallville doesn't count he's Clark not Superman), No only animated Spideys will work cus it cost too much to do the special effects necessary for a descent Spidey show, and a Superhero comedy happened and was canceled for costing too much by fox called the Tick (buy the complete series now on DVD).

The Tick was madcap comedy, like the old Batman show. I'm talking about drama/comedy like Scrubs, maybe even a bit more serious. Read Invincible and you'll know what I'm talking about.

I think the premise of Superman Returns-on-TV would be great (kid and all), because it's an interesting new twist on the man of steel where you could focus on the characters as well as the action. The relationship between Richard-Lois-Superman not to mention Lois-Jason-Superman could be explored in-depth, not to mention, you could have deeper insights into just how much Lex Luthor hates Superman, etc. Basically a modern Lois & Clark, only Superman is the true identity and Clark is the disguise.
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Doing a proper list here


What If!?


Ultimate Spider-man - Follows comics almost exactly

Venom - follows on from Spider-man 3. Adult cartoon like the spawn one and Venom lives and is voiced by Topher Grace

Live action

Judge dredd

Metropolis - Follow on from Smallville with same cast but is about Clark in the suit in Metropolis


Spike Vs Dracula *mini* - Great comic so would be cool as a mini series

Judge dredd

This could work...

Even if it was a bit like the ultra-cheesy but mega-fun movie.

Metropolis - Follow on from Smallville with same cast but is about Clark in the suit in Metropolis

During the first two seasons of Smallville, there was nothing I wanted to see more than this. Now there is nothing I want to see LESS than this.
There was a show kinda like this before. It was called Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

I know i loved that show.

But i would like to see Smallville Lex (even if he leaving after season 7) become big bad lex and Clark put on the cape just to see how great it is when they confront each other
I don't know why She-hulk, Nick Fury or Kingpin are there...they seem quite odd picks tho i can kinda get the realism of fury/kingpin.

I thought there was a Preacher show in the works by the daredevil/ghost rider director. He said he was gonna stick pretty close to the comics so it could be great.

The walking dead reads like a tv serial drama, especially (i have it in books) each book (12 issues) flows like a series
1st series - Zombies start Find a place to live
2nd Series - the Prisoners, clean-up, the killings, internal struggle between 2 alpha males
3rd Series - It gets a lot more violent at the nearest town woodbury

But I think now it's a comic It doesn't need to be made a tv show

I liked the Aquaman seemed to be just smallville but with aquaman. I think Smallville has been pretty good this last series (from what I've seen..maybe just cuz they've introduced flash/aquaman/martian manhunter/green arrow/cyborg and it feels a bit more like justice league. I think the writers have just got better at writing and whatever project they do next wether it's aquaman or justice league or whatever, will be good. It'd be nice to have something as good as smallville is now but starting afresh.

I'd like to see a batman/daredevil realistic gritty costume detective drama. I don't think punisher would work unless it was really (MAX) violent and I don't think they'd make it that violent cuz they'd have to show it late and lose audience...

I'd love hellblazer as long as it was more like comics than film (obv) I think that'd work for TV.

I'd also love a tv series set in a transmetropoliton or judge dredd like future.

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