Comic Book T.V. wishlist.

Global Frequency. And I haven't even seen the pilot yet.

The entire setup of the series was PERFECT for TV - I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it's true.

Planetary made their much as I love Planetary I don't know how that would work. It would be better suited as a movie trilogy or something like that.
I can't do the who would get as I live in uk and have diffrent networks. Mine are as follows.

3What If!?
The Pitch: Marvel meets tales of the crypt.

Why it Would Work: diffrent story each episoide introduced by what if guy. It would be great to watch.

2Ultimate Spider-man
The Pitch: Smallville meets Spider-man

Why it Would Work:It's spider-man plus Ultimate spider-mans arcs would work great as a season. season 1 green goblin ect... in ultimate form!
1 Venom!
The Pitch: Angel meets Spider-man meets Spawn.

Why it Would Work: People love the anti-hero and if done as a tale of redemption even better. We want to see him re-deem himself.
Ex Machina - It's been labelled as The West Wing meets superheroes, and it could be incredibly cool.

Y: The Last Man - It's about the last man on Earth. With lots of chicks. Fun ensues.

Fables - Mythic stories crossover with the real world. This would be one of those fun two-part episode storylines.
I would like an ultimate Spider-man series, if they use the same exact stories as the comics its a guarantee hit

A Batman show based on the realm of Batman Begins, no super powers just real crime and crazys.

I always thought Daredevil would make a great gritty storie, lawyer by day, street fighter by night. They have a good story with very realistic and inexpensive fight scenes

Runaways sound like a great idea, I'm all for it.

I also had the idea of a Bishop show, just have him show up in the past with some future tech and no memory, having to solve a puzzle to save the future from a threat he knows nothing about.
Random said:
I would like an ultimate Spider-man series, if they use the same exact stories as the comics its a guarantee hit

A Batman show based on the realm of Batman Begins, no super powers just real crime and crazys.

I always thought Daredevil would make a great gritty storie, lawyer by day, street fighter by night. They have a good story with very realistic and inexpensive fight scenes

Runaways sound like a great idea, I'm all for it.

I also had the idea of a Bishop show, just have him show up in the past with some future tech and no memory, having to solve a puzzle to save the future from a threat he knows nothing about.

I like what you're saying. Save the Spider-Man one. It's been done done done.

I really want a Daredevil but I can't say anything that just won't seem like me being a fanboy.

Runaways is a great, great tv idea.

Y: The Last Man

Batman Beginsesque
I would like to see an Ultimate Spider-Man show. I always thought this would work the special effects would be a stretch but I think it would work.

Batman I thought as long as they stay away from doing another campy version it would be a great show.

Hellblazer would definitely work.

Runaways would make for a great show.
I'm all for:
  • Hellblazer
  • Nick Fury
  • She-Hulk
  • Lone Wolf and Cub
  • Runaways

The rest sound iffy to me. And especially the Kingpin one??? It sounds too much like Sopranos. Plus I don't think "hero" Kingpin would work.

I'd love a Daredevil one though. You got all the courtroom drama...and then you have the action parts. Perfect match.

But if I could only pick 3 shows outta the list to make it'd be:

3. Runaways on FOX - This just works on so many different levels.

2. Lone Wof and Cub on HBO - Ooooooooooooooooo.......the samurai fanboy in me won't allow me to type anything intelligible.

1. Nick Fury on NBC - My number one choice is Nick Fury. IGN went inside my brain and picked my 2 favorite shows and combined them into one. Like peanut butter and jelly in one jar!!!! Although I would think about airing this on FX instead. It gives me more freedom to do some of the edgier stuff with it and not have to worry about some housewife pissed off because he 5 year old was flipping channels during primetime and saw Nick shoot a man in the head..........................................cause you know thats what he does.
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I'm blah about this.

Hellblazer sounds like it could be good, but the idea of it being a "shop"... I dunno.

I think it should be more of a wandering show, kind of a subverted Quantum Leap with Constantine punishing what went very, very wrong.

Nick Fury could be a lot of fun.

Beyond that... none of them sound interesting. Mixing ****ty shows together for inspiration doesn't make me get excited. Sorry, but 24, Smallville, Lost, the OC, these are shows I can't ****ing stand.

The Sopranos is amazing, and only makes me realise how stupid Kingpin would be.

The Planetary pitch is amusing as it's just, "film the comic" which means Planetary is just 1 season long. What surprises me is that they didn't pitch Planetary as "The X-Files meets Crusade".

Crusade is a science-fiction archaeology show searching for lost technology and (would've) dealt with vast secret conspiracies involving alien technology millions of years old.

The X-Files was all about a hidden alien conspiracy within the government, about people who kept wondrous technology to themselves, encountering a strange and dark world on a weekly basis, and at the same time, it played with genre a lot.

So, Planetary is "The X-Files meets Crusade".

Not that it makes it bad, y'know. I'm just pointing out that they don't seem to have thought about the Planetary "pitch".

That said, I get what they're saying. It's a nice idea.

I'll have a go in a moment. :D
Bass said:
Sorry, but 24, Smallville, Lost, the OC, these are shows I can't ****ing stand.

You gotta let this go man. Inhale the good.......exhale the bad. Feel all the pent up negativity leave your body. Your aura is healthy and glowing. Breathe........
Well, thier Hellblazer pitch lacks the "pop up and wonder who the **** this guy is" approach thats used in my favorite Hellblazer stories. I'd really like the episode set-up to be almost quantum leapish with John steping into other peoples buisness every week, hopefuly advancing some larger plot that would wrap up at the end of season one.

And Keifer Sutherland as John. Assuming he can do an english accent.

A Walking Dead series would work out excellently, but I'd prefer HBO for a nice budget and for the additional violence levels. I'm sure they're not using those sets from Oz anymore. :D

Baxters top 5, in no special order

Global Frequency
Walking Dead
B.P.R.D. - with a beefed up supporting cast this hellboy spinoff seems quarky enough. I'd prefer it to be animated though, just ot avoid the inevitable ****ty special effects. Plus you could have occasional "story" episodes between arcs for things like Makamoa or the various shorts and back-ups that the Hellboy characters have appeared in.
WildC.A.T.S. - Go from volume 2 as a set-up. You can explain away the war from V1 in a 3 line paragraph, just let us see what happens after.
Daredevil - Yeah, it'd suck, but I'd watch it.
I dont like how people pitch things like "sopranos and whatever" they should be pitched as there own shows. My vision od Ultimnate Spider-man would be NOTHING like smallville. I don't know if Nick Fury would work, the jury is still out on that
So after catching up with The Shield....I retract my statement. The Kingpin show could totally work.

Hell...another take on the show could be Kingpin narrating his rise to power and the show focus on that. Kinda like how they did with "The Black Donnellys". The show starts with Kingpin narrating his rise...and then the show cuts to him in his younger years and that specific story he's telling.

Also, after going back and reading the comic---I would've asked for a "Painkiller Jane" show. But I'm afraid I would've gotten the current series on Sci-Fi. To which Id ask them to take it back.
Ex Machina - It's been labelled as The West Wing meets superheroes, and it could be incredibly cool.

Y: The Last Man - It's about the last man on Earth. With lots of chicks. Fun ensues.

Fables - Mythic stories crossover with the real world. This would be one of those fun two-part episode storylines.

That's exactly what I want.

Fables could work so well on HBO.
I want to see a Y: The last man TV show. I also want to see a Planetary and Daredevil TV show event though I know both would suck. They already ****ed hellblazer up once with the Constantine movie, so I'm not eager to have that one hit television. Fables, however? That would ****ing rule. Runaways? Could go either way.

I would also really love to see Desolation Jones on television, but I know it would never work.
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Judge dredd live action show or Adult cartoon would be great. Comic book movies and tv shows sell and so do police shows so what better than a series about the single greatest law enforcer in any comic book

plus 2000 ad is a fantastic world with a huge , rich history they could use. with today's tv shows like stargate , quantum leap and the other really bland scifi shows that get put out every year it would be great to see one that was futuristic but actually good
A Desolation Jones TV show would be super sweet. I think it would be better than the comic, if they got Ellis and his "comic-friends" to write scripts.