Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator
Well, me and HBM had this idea for an epic Sliders adventure, maybe I'll type it up here at some point.
So I'm reading the Hound of the Baskervilles today, and two things hit me
A) House of House M.D. is pretty much entirely based off Sherlock Holmes (House/Holmes, Wilson/Watson, there addresses are the same, vicadin use/cocaine use)
then B) I figured another famous medical man is based off of Holmes himself: Doctor Stephen Strange, some research into the Sanctum Sanctorum's address cemented it for me (177A Bleeker street compared to 221B Baker Street). 177 and 221 are almost mirror images of each other, A instead of B, and Bleeker is very similar to Baker. Especially couple with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's ideological shift towards spiritualism after the death of his son, Dr. Strange must be inspired largely after said writers works.
Now why don't more writers take more homage from this? fear of stepping on Dr. Who's toes?
Now with Dr. Stranges recent fall from grace it would be an ideal set-up to conjure up a Mystically inclined Detective Story.
Naturally the story would be Narrated by Wong, as the apprentice/side-kick, the Watson to Strange's Holmes, you would follow Wong's narrative trying to solve the case for yourself before Wong does, only to have Strange whip the carpet out from under you and reveal the truth of the matter.
I figure it would start with Wong walking the streets late at night, heading to what was once the Sanctum Sanctorum to consult with Stephen over their new place in the world, if Wong should stay by Strange's side, or go and offer his services to Brother Voodoo, or strike out on his own. He enter's the ominously lit building, the confines of wich are shrouded in incense smoke. Strange asks Wong "were you followed?" Wong responds "No master, I made sure I was not followed", Strange counters "Really, then why prey tell would Dr. Michael Morbius be hiding in the shadows upon the ceiling" Wong casts his eyes sky-ward.
Falling to the ground Morbius makes his entrance "Pardon my intrusion Stephen, I wished to approach you privately after your apprentice here leaves for the night" his ghastly appearence startles Wong, but does not shake Strange. Strange replies "It is quite alright Master Morbius, I get few visitors these days following my loss of title" Strange's face lightens "I would offer you a drink, but I'm afraid I don't have anything that might quench your thirsts, unless Wong here would oblige". Wong reaches for his dagger and Morbius says "It is more than a generous offer, but I would have to refuse" , Wong relaxes and Strange replies "It was a joke, the both of you need to lighten up, now what brings you here Michael?"
Morbius stiffens up "Yes, yes, I've come to you because of the recent Disapearence of the young sorceror Ian McNee" Strange looking perplexed, paces about the sanctum, wong offers a reply "Well, a magician pulling a disapearring act is far from something to consult the former Sorceror Supreme for". Strange smirks, Morbius sighs, Wong says "I trust their is extenuating circumstances?" Morbius responds "Yes, you see Ian has made great strides in your common fields recently, acquiring the 4 cornerstones of creation, he's come to be dubbed "The British Dr. Strange" or "Lord Strange" as you will" Wong jumps "Have the cornerstones vanished aswell?", Morbius "Yes, yes they have, "Do you suspect foul play?" Strange barks as he halts his pacing about the sanctum. "Yes, I do" Morbius says as his expression sinks in on itself.
Strange says "Okay Michael, If you would kindly return here tomorrow night, I might be able to help you on your little excursion here", Morbius obliges "Thank you very much Stephen, I will come again tomorrow" as he takes his leave through an open window.
Strange as he returns to his chair "Well, Wong, a missing sorceror, 4 lost artifacts of dire importance, and suspected foul play it's not much to go on, what do you think?". Wong pauses for a moment, contemplating "You are right, we don't know much, and I'm not sure if we should trust Morbius, but the cornerstone of creation are immensley important objects, should they fall into unkind hands... I'd hate to witness the consequence". Strange looks at Wong alight "So we have a case then?" Wong replies "I suppose we do", "Excellent! go gather your things, after we convene with Dr. Morbius We'll be heading to London" Strange emotes with a replenished vigor Wong has not seen since well before his master lost the title of Sorceror Supreme.
It's rough, and rushed I know, I might expand later, further tellings will include Strange analyzing McNee's flat, possible guests with MI13, the Midnight Sons and Brother Voodoo, McNee having visions of his captor while trapped in an undisclosed location, Morgana LeFay, Night Nurse, and a slew of mystic suspects that Strange and Wong will slowly eliminate on course to discover McNee's captor.
Man, this thread still belongs to me. It's basically just my own personal scratch pad, isn't it?
I have an absolutely ginormous idea on simmer right now, grafted from a couple of prose ideas I'm working on. It's a head-to-toe revamp of the Moon Knight character. At the heart of it is a unified theory for all the theo-mythological characters over at Marvel. It would tie together everything from the Valhallan gods to Mon Knight's Egyptian patrons, all the way down to the totemic characters like Black Panther, Baron Voodoo, and Puma. It would also purge so much silliness from the mythic stable of characters (i.e. Zohar. a super villain who uses the Kaballah to fly and shoot laser beams. What the ****?). In short, it's cooler than anything you've ever seen on the printed page.
Holy ****, that sounds awesome!
What in god's name did I have in mind?
I hate when that happens, you have a brilliant idea and forget it before you can use it
Isn't it the worst?
I mean, other than forced sodomy, I guess.
It's not as bad as man-on-man rape.