Comic Book Pitch Extravaganza

I wish I could come up with it tonight, but it's too hot and I'm naked, and there's more interesting things to do when your naked.

I'm incredibly curious. I mean, how many gorillas are there in the DCU?

All I can think of are Grodd and the now-dead Mallah.

Do I smell an action movie buddy team-up?

I wanna do one concerning the Gorillas in DC.


Awesome idea.
Title: Behind the Gorillas
Main Characters: Ultra Humanite and Gorilla Grodd.
Length of Story: Four Issues
Theme: Humor. Most of the book will feature witty comebacks and conversation, playing off the fact that these two don't like each other one bit but need each other to survive.

Issue 1: Feel Good Inc.

The first issue starts off with the Ultra Humanite watching TV in his jail cell, and opera number. He is humming along with the tune, smiling, when his cell doors open, and another Gorilla is pushed in, Gorilla Grodd. The two begin to argue, using insults like, forgotten Superman villain, and Genetically induced Alien Gorilla stain on the Earth, back and forth, until they both run out of insults. The music on the TV starts up once more, and Grodd looks at it in disgust. He mentions how he hates music. This, of course, starts up another argument until Ultra Humanite finds the reason why Grodd hates music. He doesn't understand it, he can't use it to his advantage, and he never got how people can be hypnotized by it. The two of them work out a plan to se4ll hypnotic records, using Ultra-Humanite's tech expertise, and Grodd's mind controlling expertise. They both realize that they need to get out of the jail first, when their door opens revealing Madam Rouge, who looks at both of them.

Madam Rouge: Wait, are either of you Mallah?
Grodd: Mallah? Does it look like I wear a stupid French hat, and speak like I have a brain up my ass?
Ultra-Humanite: He's next door, you mind leaving the door open?
Madam Rouge: Yes, and sorry about that, all you gorillas look the same to me.

Grodd goes to insult her some more, but Ultra Humanite covers his mouth. The two of them escape, a few weeks pass as they work on their device, and they open a new record company called Feel Good Inc. Now all they need is singers.

Issue 2: Sound Check

Posing as two highly successful music moguls, the two Gorillas make up a story about how a magical battle with Mordu in their hometown caused them both to become talking apes. Grodd goes as far as wearing a fake mustache and a cowboy hat, much to his chagrin. He draws the line at wearing clothes , as they restrict his movement. They search for a new singing sensation to feature on their hypnotic records.

Holding open tryouts, they run into a number of supervillains trying to come clean.

As the singer, they decide to hire the Silver Swan, for her beauty and her voice manipulating abilities. They decide to make her a pop sensation, intent on taking over the kids. Other villains who tried out where Jewelee, Nocturna, and Killer Frost. Imagine the two apes as judges on American Idol for these scenes.

For support to their band, they hire Bito Wladon, an exiled King from a tiny country that's so small if you step to the right, you are out of it according to Grodd. He's the sound technician for the live concerts and the recording studio manager.

As the bands roadie, they hire Grundy, who is back in a dumb brute personality. They name the band after Silver Swan, and go put out a successful record.

Issue 3: Rock the House

The issue follows the band and it's managers as a VH1 Behind the Music special. They get interviewed by Clark Kent for the paper, they are told to play at a benefit concert sponsored by Bruce Wayne, and Ollie Queen books them for a concert in Star City. Things are going well for our villains, they are earning lots of money, subverting lots of minds, and becoming celebrities.

The issue, humorously, expands on this band dynamic idea, and we see slowly a downfall start to happen, a stereotypical one where the star, Silver Swan, begins to descend into a pit of sin, and Bito demands more money. Even Grundy wants more money, of course all he wants is gold to throw away in his swamp, but it's what he wants. Grodd begins to try to cover these mistakes using his mind powers, but slowly, their plan to make millions begins to fail. At the concert in Star City, Grodd decides to lose the disguise, ditching the mustache and cowboy hat, and climbs up on the stage, announcing himself as Gorilla Grodd. Several DC heroes arrive on the scene to stop him.

Issue 4: Re-hash

The issue opens up with Ultra Humanite backstage in disbelief his partner just did this to them. He tries to alter the hypnotic suggestions in the music to inspire violence against the heroes. This back fires and instead of violence, the crowd becomes peace loving hippies. This infuriates Grodd, who begins to eat the crowd members.

The heroes arrive, defeat each of the villains, and brings them to jail. There, Ultra Humanite is writing his memoirs, when the doors of his cells open, and they throw in Mallah, who gives Ultra Humanite a suggestive look.

Ultra Humanite: What are you looking at, you overgrown simian?
Mallah: I like your brain. It's nice...and big.

Meanwhile, in another cell, Grodd is laughing at his former business partner's pain.
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Title: Behind the Gorillas
Main Characters: Ultra Humanite and Gorilla Grodd.
Length of Story: Four Issues
Theme: Humor. Most of the book will feature witty comebacks and conversation, playing off the fact that these two don't like each other one bit but need each other to survive.

Issue 1: Feel Good Inc.

The first issue starts off with the Ultra Humanite watching TV in his jail cell, and opera number. He is humming along with the tune, smiling, when his cell doors open, and another Gorilla is pushed in, Gorilla Grodd. The two begin to argue, using insults like, forgotten Superman villain, and Genetically induced Alien Gorilla stain on the Earth, back and forth, until they both run out of insults. The music on the TV starts up once more, and Grodd looks at it in disgust. He mentions how he hates music. This, of course, starts up another argument until Ultra Humanite finds the reason why Grodd hates music. He doesn't understand it, he can't use it to his advantage, and he never got how people can be hypnotized by it. The two of them work out a plan to se4ll hypnotic records, using Ultra-Humanite's tech expertise, and Grodd's mind controlling expertise. They both realize that they need to get out of the jail first, when their door opens revealing Madam Rouge, who looks at both of them.

Madam Rouge: Wait, are either of you Mallah?
Grodd: Mallah? Does it look like I wear a stupid French hat, and speak like I have a brain up my ass?
Ultra-Humanite: He's next door, you mind leaving the door open?
Madam Rouge: Yes, and sorry about that, all you gorillas look the same to me.

Grodd goes to insult her some more, but Ultra Humanite covers his mouth. The two of them escape, a few weeks pass as they work on their device, and they open a new record company called Feel Good Inc. Now all they need is singers.

Issue 2: Sound Check

Posing as two highly successful music moguls, the two Gorillas make up a story about how a magical battle with Mordu in their hometown caused them both to become talking apes. Grodd goes as far as wearing a fake mustache and a cowboy hat, much to his chagrin. He draws the line at wearing clothes , as they restrict his movement. They search for a new singing sensation to feature on their hypnotic records.

Holding open tryouts, they run into a number of supervillains trying to come clean.

As the singer, they decide to hire the Silver Swan, for her beauty and her voice manipulating abilities. They decide to make her a pop sensation, intent on taking over the kids. Other villains who tried out where Jewelee, Nocturna, and Killer Frost. Imagine the two apes as judges on American Idol for these scenes.

For support to their band, they hire Bito Wladon, an exiled King from a tiny country that's so small if you step to the right, you are out of it according to Grodd. He's the sound technician for the live concerts and the recording studio manager.

As the bands roadie, they hire Grundy, who is back in a dumb brute personality. They name the band after Silver Swan, and go put out a successful record.

Issue 3: Rock the House

The issue follows the band and it's managers as a VH1 Behind the Music special. They get interviewed by Clark Kent for the paper, they are told to play at a benefit concert sponsored by Bruce Wayne, and Ollie Queen books them for a concert in Star City. Things are going well for our villains, they are earning lots of money, subverting lots of minds, and becoming celebrities.

The issue, humorously, expands on this band dynamic idea, and we see slowly a downfall start to happen, a stereotypical one where the star, Silver Swan, begins to descend into a pit of sin, and Bito demands more money. Even Grundy wants more money, of course all he wants is gold to throw away in his swamp, but it's what he wants. Grodd begins to try to cover these mistakes using his mind powers, but slowly, their plan to make millions begins to fail. At the concert in Star City, Grodd decides to lose the disguise, ditching the mustache and cowboy hat, and climbs up on the stage, announcing himself as Gorilla Grodd. Several DC heroes arrive on the scene to stop him.

Issue 4: Re-hash

The issue opens up with Ultra Humanite backstage in disbelief his partner just did this to them. He tries to alter the hypnotic suggestions in the music to inspire violence against the heroes. This back fires and instead of violence, the crowd becomes peace loving hippies. This infuriates Grodd, who begins to eat the crowd members.

The heroes arrive, defeat each of the villains, and brings them to jail. There, Ultra Humanite is writing his memoirs, when the doors of his cells open, and they throw in Mallah, who gives Ultra Humanite a suggestive look.

Ultra Humanite: What are you looking at, you overgrown simian?
Mallah: I like your brain. It's nice...and big.

Meanwhile, in another cell, Grodd is laughing at his former business partner's pain.

Epic and win

and the Gorillaz reference get you a +1
Hah! I love it Houde! Everything from the band dynamic to the image of Grodd (in a cowboy hat and moustache) and Ultra-Humanite sitting in a record producer's office, trying to sell him on their star.
Epic and win

and the Gorillaz reference get you a +1

I should get +4, the issue titles were Gorillaz songs too.

Hah! I love it Houde! Everything from the band dynamic to the image of Grodd (in a cowboy hat and moustache) and Ultra-Humanite sitting in a record producer's office, trying to sell him on their star.

Oh god, the imagery in this would be pure hilarity. I can see the insults Grodd and Ultra-Humanite would throw at each other.

Grodd is eating hippies. I would always read that.

Well, Grodd eats people and I hate hippies, so there, Grodd eats hippies. Everyone is happy.

I pitched this in the Elseworlds round but I think it's cool enough to actually be a miniseries.

Issue 1
Rocketed from the planet Krypton to the planet Earth decades ago, the baby Kal El was directed towards a small farm in Kansas. Due to an asteroid knocking the rocket off course the rocket in fact landed in the Suicide Slums of Metropolis. The rocket is found by Lionel Luthor, a cruel man with a wife and son, the young Alexander Luthor. Finding an infant in the rocket, Lionel almost kills the baby thinking it a Russian space baby. Before he can exterminate it his wife stops him, telling him that the baby was a sign. Lionel would agree and go on to name the child Leonardo, after Leonardo da Vinchi. The years pass as both Lex and Leo become teenagers. Due to his inherent physical aptitude Leo is loved most by his father due to the potential career in sports he would have. Jealous of his brother, Lex puts out a large insurance policy on his parents. Days later, as the parents and Leo are riding in their car; it spins out of control and crashes into a ravine, killing his parents. Leo, however, is unharmed as his powers activate during the crash. Discovering that his brother has powers, Lex decides to exploit him for his own needs. Using the money gained from the insurance, both Lex and Leo set off across the world in order to take over the world.

Issue 2
After years of traveling abroad, Lex has gained a reputation as the world's foremost up and coming scientist. He has built several new weapons for the United States military and has earned a reputation as the smartest man in the world. Luthor has finally finished construction of Luthor Towers in Metropolis, the largest buildings in the world. Lex is a media darling, and is even engaged to the beautiful reporter Lois Lane of the Daily Planet, of which he owns. During a hostile takeover of the conglomerate Wayne Enterprises, Wayne outbids Luthor and keeps him from taking over his company. Infuriated by his loss to Wayne, Luthor orders a strike against the CEO. Later on his plane ride home, Wayne's plane is taken down by a missile-like object. Wayne is reported dead and Luthor proceeds to take over Wayne Enterprises. Later, a state of the art plane, which Lois Lane is reporting from, begins to crash. Just when the ship is about to crash, a red streak flies past the plane and catches it in mid-air. The plane is set down gently on the ground as Lois and the other reporters leave the plane confused. Floating in front of them is Leo, dressed in a red and black uniform and an 'S' displayed on his chest.

Issue 3
With the media buzzing over the new hero, attention towards Luthor's controversial takeover of Wayne Enterprises is almost all but died down. As no one had seen Lex's brother before, the identity of the new "Super-Man" *** Luthor is calling him is still unknown. Back at the Luthor mansion, Lex reveals to Leo that he was going to reveal him sooner or later and with the media attention towards him for the Wayne takeover the timing was perfect. Leo then asks him what he plans to do and Luthor plans to use him as a media distraction for some of Luthor's seedier business operations. Luthor tells him to continue on saving people and helping the "little man." Luthor then goes to meet with Lois at dinner while Leo continues his patrol of Metropolis. During dinner, Luthor and Lois talk about his brother taking on the Super-Man identity. Lois had known Leo before the incident and knew that he was Super-Man and was asking Lex what he was planning. Luthor told her that he felt that Super-Man was needed to protect the citizens of Metropolis. Lois is skeptical, but decides that her fiancée is really telling the truth. On the beaches outside of Metropolis, a figure comes out from the water, broken and bleeding. It's revealed to be Bruce Wayne, who calls Alfred to come pick him up. He also reveals that Luthor is finally going to get what's coming to him.

Issue 4
In the middle of Metropolis the terrorist cell known as Intergang is attempting to attack Luthor's high-tech weapons stock. Super-Man flies in and stops the men, sending them to prison. Later, in a press conference, Bruno Mannheim, a Metropolis businessman, denies reports that he is in charge of Intergang and gets off free due to lack of evidence. Furious at this, Luthor orders tells Leo that something needs to be done about Mannheim. That night in his office, Mannheim reads over some documents when he notices Super-Man standing behind him. Mannheim attempts to escape but is pinned against the wall by Super-Man. Super-Man looks at him and incinerates him with his heat-vision. He drops Mannheim's lifeless body to the ground and then starts a fire in his office, burning down the building. News reports show the death of Mannheim and think that the fire was accidental. Lois begins to question Lex's innocence to Perry White, but he shoots her down stating that Lex controls the paper and won't stand for it. Lois continues searching the situation without Perry knowing. Back in Gotham City, Bruce sits in the Batcave watching footage of the fire and asks Alfred to bring him the files. Out from the shadows steps a large man in an overcoat who asks him about the plan. Another man holding a mace walks out and puts his helmet on, revealing himself to be Hawkman. Bruce tells them the plan is simple as the man changes into his real form of the Martian Manhunter.

Issue 5
As Bruce, Hawkman and Martian Manhunter discuss in the Batcave what to do about the Super-Man; they bring up candidates for a new League of super heroes. Bruce tells him they'll begin their search in Star City. Back in Metropolis, Lex and Leo talk as Leo questions him about his attack on Mannheim. Lex tells him that some men need to be silenced in order to maintain the peace in the world. Leo is still skeptical but Luthor reminds him that it's what their father would have wanted. Leo agrees and he leaves the room. After he leaves Luthor pulls a piece of shrapnel from his desk that has a distinctive insignia on it (Brainiac's). As Super-Man observes the earth from the atmosphere he notices a large explosion in California. He flies past the speed of sound towards the light and sees a battle between Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Evil Star. As the two battle it out, flying between buildings and causing great destruction, Super-Man kills Evil Star with his heat vision. Green Lantern flies up to him kind of shocked but thanks him for helping him out. Super-Man punches him and sends him flying through a building, toppling it. He then tells him that Earth only needs one superhero and flies off.

Issue 6
At the Daily Planet Lois Lane researches her fiancée Luthor's past works. While she's looking up old news reports of him in Africa Leo shows up with glasses on to talk to her. She asks him if he killed those people and he tells her that Lex is doing everything for the good of everyone else. Lois isn't sure but tells Leo to be very careful with what he's doing. Super-Man hears a large bang and takes off at the speed of sound to investigate. In New York City Wonder Woman is having her first battle with the mad god Ares. Diana seems to be beating him back but Leo grabs her and flings her out of the way; he then turns on Ares and begins to fight with him. Super-Man fights with Ares and he ends up killing the god on live television. Wonder Woman goes to thank him for his help but he turns out of aggression and slams her into the Statue of Liberty, knocking it down. She breaks free from the rubble ready to fight but he is already gone. Super-Man is flying off worried about the repercussions of his actions. He flies by Lois' apartment and decides to stop by and see her. The two begin to talk and Lois asks Leo what he's going to do with his situation. Super-Man tells her that he never wanted to hurt anyone but he's never wanted to disappoint Lex. Lois tries to talk down but he begins to start crying in front of her not sure of what to do. The two continue talking and begin to kiss. Unbeknownst to them Lex is watching security footage of this from his own office; he then tells Mercy to get his jet prepped for him.

Issue 7
In a meeting in Star City at Queen Industries, Luthor is attempting to take over Oliver Queen's company. Queen's board members reveal to him that Luthor's offer is too big to turn down and they've sided with them. Queen goes into a rage and tells Luthor that he'll be sorry and he'll get what's coming to him. After Queen is escorted out of his own building by security he gets into his limo fuming to the chauffer. The man is revealed to be Bruce Wayne and he gives Queen an offer to join something much larger than his company. Back in Metropolis, Leo is making breakfast for Lois who is lying in bed. The two discuss the night before as Lois asks him if he'll stop working for his brother. Leo reveals that he still isn't sure of what to do as more news reports come on the screen of Super-Man and Ares' attack in New York City. Leo begins to get worried again but has no time to think as breaking news shows the screen of an attack on Metropolis. Super-Man gets dressed and flies off after the noise to see Metallo attacking downtown New York. When Super-Man tries to fight him he is blasted back by a shot of Kryptonite and is knocked down. Not sure of what he's experiencing Super-Man flees the fight with Metallo in order to avoid getting hurt again. Metallo proceeds to destroy several parts of downtown Metropolis and knocks down the Daily Planet with Perry White inside. Super-Man is cowering in fear during the attack in Lex's mansion, as his brother walks in to see him crumpled on the floor.

Issue 8
While Metallo continues his attack on Metropolis Lex tries to console his brother and get him to go back into the fight. Super-Man tries to tell Lex that he's never been hurt before and he didn't think he could face it again. Lex then goes into a tirade demanding to know why he would have an affair with Lois. Luthor then pulls a glove (containing the Brainiac tech) out of his desk and begins to beat Super-Man with it shouting tirades about all he's done for him and why he would betray him. Luthor then sets the glove down as Leo lies bleeding on the floor. Luthor looks back at the screen and sees a red blur racing towards Metallo. Metallo is caught of guard as the Flash comes in and starts to fight him. The Flash begins to explain to him how since the almighty "Super-Man" ran away scared someone needs to take of the super villains. Flash proceeds to defeat Metallo and save nearby onlookers from any danger. The people of Metropolis begin to rejoice as the Flash has saved them and start praising him for helping him. Back at his apartment Luthor begins to fume that now the people's trust in Super-Man has failed and he has lost Lois to him. Luthor puts the glove back on the beat Super-Man more but falls to the floor in pain. A technological wave flows over his body and he is overtaken by a robotic entity. Super-Man watches in horror as his brother is overtaken by Brainiac.

Issue 9
News reports flash across the screen as anchors question Super-Man's recent activities and begin to wonder how Luthor was connected to him. Lois also finally comes out with a story detailing the lives of Luthor and Super-Man as brothers. Luthor watches on in his lab and converses with Brainiac about what he plans to do. Brainiac reveals his trajectory was thrown off in the same asteroid storm that knocked Super-Man's rocket off course years ago. Brainiac reveals that he now has enough power built up to strike against Earth and assimilate all of its information. Brainiac plans on destroying the Earth and then continuing on in his assimilation of the universe's information. Luthor must go on with this as the two continue to watch footage of the heroes on TV. A press conference soon comes on screen showing the debut of the Justice League, consisting of Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Green Lantern and Hawkman. Meanwhile Super-Man is being kept locked up in a cell located in Luthor's mansion. Brainiac decides the time is right and escapes his cell attacking the heroes. The heroes and Brainiac square off in the middle of Metropolis as the world watches on.

Issue 10
The Justice League and Brainiac begin to square off in the middle of Metropolis. The League acts as one to stop him but Brainiac counters every one of their moves and keeps them from stopping him. Lois watches on from the sidelines and decides to go get Super-Man from Lex's mansion. Brainiac launches Green Lantern out of orbit and breaks every one of Hawkman's bones in his body. Brainiac analyses Martian Manhunter's alien physiology and douses him in flames, burning him severely. As the Justice League think that all is lost Batman pulls out his final wildcard and calls in the Captain. A young boy steps out into the clearing and shouts out SHAZAM, which transforms him into Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel begins to clash with Brainiac and flies him deep into the heart of Metropolis. After a bit Brainiac finally knocks down Captain Marvel standing above him victoriously. People begin to wonder if anyone can stop Brainiac.

Issue 11
During the fight with Brainiac the Justice League takes it to him but still is unable to slow him down. During the battle Lois has rushed to Lex's mansion in order to free Leo from his cell. Getting past security Lois is able to free him but he refuses to fight his own brother. Lois tells him that it's Brainiac that's in charge, not Lex. Both Super-Man and Lois discuss everything that has happened in his life and how he only ever wanted to make his brother proud. Lois convinces him that the only way to redeem himself is to save his brother from Brainiac, which prompts him to take off after the robotic construct. Back in Suicide Slum Brainiac has beaten every single one of the Justice League and plans to take the fight to the rest of Earth. He is stopped, however, by Super-Man ready to fight him.

Issue 12
As Super-Man and Brainiac begin to fight, Super-Man gains an upper hand and begins to destabilize Brainiac's systems. Brainiac only saves himself by changing his face to that of Lex's, which stops Super-Man from killing him. Brainiac turns the tables on him and begins to rant about how Leo was always inferior to Lex, and the only reason that Lex let him tag along in life was because he had survived the crash when Lex killed his parents. Appalled to learn his brother had betrayed him Leo swings away at Brainiac until there is barely any left of him. Super-Man is about to strike the killing blow when Brainiac launches a kryptonite bullet through his heart, killing him. As Lex sheds the last pieces of Brainiac off of him he holds his brother in his arms as he dies. He then tells the police to take him away and confesses to the crimes he has committed. As the world celebrates the death of Brainiac, and the Justice League continues on in Super-Man's stead, Lex sits sobbing in his prison cell, having lost the only true friend he had ever had.
Well, here is my Black Panther synopsis I wrote up a couple of months ago. I wanted to make T'Challa cool and a character that I would actually want to read. I wanted to show how he considers himself a leader, not a superhero and how far he'll go to seek vengeance. I see each paragraph being an issue, so there'll be about 12 issues, a full year.


We start off by seeing the origin of T'CHALLA and the BLACK PANTHER. We see the various political troubles he is involved in (including STARK INTERNATIONAL trying to gain access to the VIBRANIUM). One night, THE HAND attack T'Challa and his wife, ORORO MUNROE/STORM in their home in WAKANDA. T'Challa manages to dispose the assassins, but not before Storm is mortally wounded. T'Challa vows revenge as Storm is placed in surgery.

It is not long before the X-MEN arrive. LOGAN/WOLVERINE and T'Challa argue – Logan says T'Challa should stay with his wife while Logan goes and seeks vengeance. T'Challa responds by snapping Logan's neck. EMMA FROST attempts to telepathically sedate him, but it doesn't work – T'Challa has "cerebral implants". He tells the X-Men to stay with their friend – he has work to do.

T'Challa arrives in TOKYO, home of The Hand, and immediately seeks KENUICHO HARADA/SILVER SAMURAI, who has dealt with the assassins before. T'Challa wants the Samurai's help in bringing down The Hand. Silver Samurai wants to know what is in it for him – T'Challa promises that the whole of Tokyo's underworld and the title of HAND WARLORD will be waiting for him.

T'Challa and Silver Samurai begin training to take out The Hand. One night, they begin their assault on The Hand's base of operations. The ninjas are no match for T'Challa's fury. The fight stretches across Tokyo, until eventually only one ninja remains. T'Challa offers to end him quickly if he tells him who hired the Hand to kill him. He mutters: "The man in iron…" and T'Challa cuts off his head. T'Challa swears and then prepares to leave. He gives Silver Samurai control over The Hand and Tokyo's underworld. Silver Samurai wants to know what is going on. T'Challa has figured it all out. With the nation's king and queen dead, Wakanda is ready for the taking. And that means access to unlimited Vibranium. Who wants Vibranium? TONY STARK… IRON MAN.

Tony Stark has been settling into his new role as DIRECTOR of SHIELD. Today is just a normal day… until he is told there is a rapidly approaching aircraft heading towards the HELICARRIER. Before Tony can ask what it is, he sees a Vibranium shoot past the window. The jet crashes into the Helicarrier deck, exploding instantly. In only a few seconds, half of the Helicarrier has been shut down, a dozen SHIELD agents are unconscious and Stark finds himself alone. He only just manages to put on his Iron Man suit before he comes face to face with the culprit: Black Panther. Iron Man asks what he's trying to do. T'Challa explains how he plans on kidnapping Stark and ensuring nobody ever sees him again. Iron Man asks how T'Challa expects to do this, and T'Challa responds with: "That's why I brought this." He activates a device and Iron Man's suit shuts down. T'Challa approaches Iron Man, determined to rip him out of the suit, and is struck from behind by MARIA HILL, wielding an electrical baton. Another blow to the head knocks T'Challa out.

Later on, Hill wants to know if Tony is going to thank her, but he quickly comments: "I would have handled it in another ten seconds." Tony and Hill head towards the detention facility. T'Challa is sitting in one of the cells. He explains that he knows Tony has been behind the attack on Wakanda because he wants the Vibranium. Tony agrees that he does want the metal, but that he'd never hurt a friend to get what he wants. T'Challa mocks: "Tell that to CAPTAIN AMERICA, or SPIDER-MAN, or the other dozen or so lives you've just ruined." Tony walks out and Hill tells T'Challa he's going to be there for a long time. He simply smiles and says: "We'll see."

The Helicarrier alarm goes off. They've been infiltrated again. Stark comments that they need better security then an explosion suddenly shakes the ship. Hill informs Stark: "Our prisoner has just left the building." Outside, the NEW AVENGERS, accompanied by T'Challa, escape from the Helicarrier.

At a New Avengers safe house, the various heroes discuss with T'Challa what's happened. It is not long before Iron Man along with the MIGHTY AVENGERS has tracked them down. He says the New Avengers are free to go if they hand over Black Panther, but T'Challa is willing to go freely. T'Challa and Iron Man talk and Stark has something to tell him – he hands him a phone. T'Challa is told it is from Wakanda and listens to the voice on the other end. "Hello, T'Challa. Do you know where your country is?"
"No… you…"
"That's right… DOOM."

There is a flashback to Doom invading Wakanda and defeating the few X-Men members that are looking after Storm.

T'Challa immediately wants to get to Wakanda, but Iron Man proposes a plan. He will temporarily suspend the SUPERHERO REGISTRATION ACT – allowing both Mighty Avengers and New Avengers to help Black Panther. Both teams begin formulating a plan to liberate Wakanda, while T'Challa goes to meet three allies. The first is NAMOR. T'Challa convinces Namor to help him, because Doom will come after Atlantis next. He also recruits the FANTASTIC FOUR. Finally, he contacts Silver Samurai – and becomes the first customer of the new Hand. The army is now ready – the war is about to begin.

The army penetrates the country, with different forces engaging DOOMBOTS all over the nation. Eventually, Black Panther breaks into his throne room. He engages Doom and quickly destroys him. It is merely another Doombot. The real villain reveals himself… ULYSSES KLAW… the new version.

Klaw has been angry at T'Challa's leadership and wishes to take over. The two fight, and T'Challa makes short work of Klaw. He refuses to kill him – "He deserves a fate worse than death." Stark offers to put him in T'Challa's old detention cell, since T'Challa won't be needed it anymore. Stark also reminds T'Challa that he is a superhero and will have to arrest him next time. T'Challa disagrees, claiming he is not a superhero, but a leader. After thanking Stark for his help, he tells him to get out of Wakanda – SHIELD have no rights here. T'Challa and the surviving Storm live happily ever after.

Epilogue: Hill and Stark watch footage of Klaw's cell and notice he is talking to himself. In reality, he is actually talking to the spectral form of the real mastermind – the real Doctor Doom. Doom is disappointed in Klaw – he gave him an army, plans for a sonic Vibranium weapon and opportunity to rule Wakanda – yet he still failed. Klaw pleads with Doom not to leave him there, and vows revenge not only on Wakanda, but LATVERIA as well.

There you go. It's quite Loebian (a bunch of characters showing up all over the place) but I like it. I wanted to write something I would read, as Black Panther has never really interested me, and I think I have. It also introduces a bunch of interesting relationships (some kind of alliance between T'Challa, Namor and Silver Samurai? A war between Wakanda/Atlantis/Latveria? SHIELD being an enemy to Wakanda?), creates a new version of Klaw, brings in the Doom/Vibranium subplot, which I could see spreading throughout the rest of the Marvel Universe and puts Silver Samurai, a character I think is pretty cool, in charge of The Hand, currently leaderless as Elektra is a Skrull or whatever.
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It's good.... a little too Bendisy for my tastes.

or I guess Loeby, but I didn't want to compare you to Loeb, because it actually sounds cool. It's just, it doesn't work for me as a Black Panther book.
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So, I just had a random ideas that I thought wastoo cool a set-up not to mention.

It's called The Bat Man of Santa Prisca and has Batman caught between a ruthless group of socialist guerilla freedom fighters generaled by a bat-themed vigilante and the drug traffickers and American corporations that essentially control the nation's economy. Oh, and he gets locked up in the dungeon of Santa Prisca's prison, which is like, Santa Prisca's version of Arkham and houses all the psychotic rogues of the island.
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Man, this thread still belongs to me. It's basically just my own personal scratch pad, isn't it?

I have an absolutely ginormous idea on simmer right now, grafted from a couple of prose ideas I'm working on. It's a head-to-toe revamp of the Moon Knight character. At the heart of it is a unified theory for all the theo-mythological characters over at Marvel. It would tie together everything from the Valhallan gods to Mon Knight's Egyptian patrons, all the way down to the totemic characters like Black Panther, Baron Voodoo, and Puma. It would also purge so much silliness from the mythic stable of characters (i.e. Zohar. a super villain who uses the Kaballah to fly and shoot laser beams. What the ****?). In short, it's cooler than anything you've ever seen on the printed page.

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