Civil War series discussion (spoilers)

How would you rate Civil War?

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Only Fantastic Four and New Avengers Illuminati
issues left that I didn't read this week

Until then, a lot happened this week to summarize

* Both Tony and Cap made a deal with the Kingpin

* Tony and Cap met 2 times:
1 in the casualties of war (which was a real cool dialouge!)
2 in Iron Man #14 (which was a cool fight)

*Iron Man has new powers. Now he has spidey-sense too!
Oh, and he beats spidey up pretty bad

*The reporter girl really smacked one on Cap's face!

*Atlantis is entering the Civil War beware!

*and many more!

lol this week is the sex of Civil War :)
Wow. War crimes was amazing! Iron Man and Cap not so great.
This is what I was waiting in Civil War, that was awesome, but I saw some people trying to compare Cap and Iron man, because of Wilson Fisk, but they have to remind that even though Cap was doing bussiness with Fisk, they were after a bunch of criminals taking advantage of the civil war. The Thunderbolts should be used as such, but until now they only beated the crap out of spider. And they have chips in their brains.
The War crimes justreinforced my idea that the pro-reg are evil and the anti-reg, although fugitives, cares about the country.
In frontline I think that reporter was really a ***** talking to Cap, she didn't even listen to the guy, the pro-reg are evil bastards and they don't care what they do as long as they win in the end.
I don't know what I think about Speedball registering...It's kinda like when someone is kidnaped and starts to have feelings for the kidnapper (that has a name, but I really don't know)

5/5 to War Crimes
Stockholm syndrome.

Sally Floyd was a huge ***** in Front Line. I don't know where that came from, honestly.

Cap was the big cliffhanger at the end of the previous issue and he gets two pages in this one. Lame.
To summarize my feelings on what happens this week

Frontline #9
This was the worst issue of this week, that reporter searched for Captain America for whole 8 issues of Frontline and when she finds him she doesn't even listen to him.

On the other hand I loved the research Spider-Man and Ben Urich did ,but I really don't understand how they can break into Stark's personal files from a simple PC , that's nearly impossible even for the geek parker is because simply tony is an even greater geek and he has direct connection to that filesystem with the help of Extremis.So even this part sucks.

War Crimes
This was the surprise of the week, I loved how the underworld got involved, and how Wilson Fisk manipulated everyone.Amazing job.

Cap/IM Casualties of War
This is the hit of this week! You can feel the desperation of both Cap and Tony from their eyes thanx to the lovely artwork.And the story is great too, in every word they say, you can feel their companionship, their respect to each other.
So far this is the best Civil War issue ever.

Fantastic Four #541
Thing in France? not such an important and hitting case, still it's nice to see how things work the old-fashioned way.Not a hit for sure

Iron Man #14
And this is it! This is the surprise, You think Tony Stark is Dr.Doom of next generation? Read this one and your thoughts will change, you will see the fall of the Golden Avenger, how everyone he ever cared for left him alone, how he tried to get back at them, and how much he got hurt!

Sensational Spider-Man #33
Even if it's not an official tie-in to Civil War, it's nice to see how it affected Aunt May (yeah they are nice writers even a story about Aunt May is cool).
Think about an old woman who is forced to run from everything and everyone,
and still she tries to heal her nephew(who is not such a normal kid)

I wish every week of marvel was like this one lal la lal la la laaaaa
They will on Thursday...

My store got it today. I havent picked it up yet so in the end of the day i'll find out with the rest of ya.

My friends told me that basicly goes into 42 to break everyone out.
My store got it today. I havent picked it up yet so in the end of the day i'll find out with the rest of ya.

My friends told me that basicly goes into 42 to break everyone out.
Where are you from again?

In the U.S., nothing is shipped until Thursday because of New Year's Day pushing shipment a day later.
Where are you from again?

In the U.S., nothing is shipped until Thursday because of New Year's Day pushing shipment a day later.

Friend who called me and said he bought it. also that Hulkling was posing as Hank Pym.

Take it with a grain of salt though.
I believe Hulkling posing as Hank Pym, as the opening pages involve Hulkling attacking the Wisconsin Pro-Registration Base, I believe.
I picked up a lot of comics the other day, but my favorite stand-out issue from the purchase is definitely War Crimes. Nice to see Mr. Fisk handling his business from behind bars.

Gotta love the trump card he throws out when Hammerhead starts feeling froggy and decides to jump because of his early release, and it shows why there is no superior in the Marvel Universe organized crime game to Kingpin.

Illuminati 1... surprisingly good. I thought the portrayals of the membership were dead-on, especially when Namor was rejoicing over "killin' fools". That Namor... he's a real character, I tells ya. Loved the whole "don't f with us" mentality that the Illuminati showed the Skrull emperor. Basically telling him, "step to us and we'll rip you so many new arseholes you'll be directing traffic every time you take a dump".

Frontline 8 and 9 were great as well, and I think it's pretty much a lock that Speedball becomes Penance. I think everyone saw it coming. Makes sense, and maybe now people will start taking Speedball seriously. Just what the character needs.
Frontline 8 and 9 were great as well, and I think it's pretty much a lock that Speedball becomes Penance. I think everyone saw it coming. Makes sense, and maybe now people will start taking Speedball seriously. Just what the character needs.

I think it's cheap that they need to alter the character to make people take him seriously. I think the whole Stamford mess already set him in a more serious role. And the new Frontline cover confirmed he was Penance now. (need pic)
Hot issue. Great build-up for the final issue which looks to be an all-out battle.

Best part of the issue had to be when Diamondback introduced 2 villians willing to help Cap---Punisher pulled out to guns and literally blew them to shreds....then in the very next panel said "What?" :lol:

I left the issue at home so I can't really give a very good summary.

this issue Rocked, i am so glad i didn't read any spoilers for it.

and yes the punisher blowing those two guys away was priceless.

Tony knew what hulking can do, but he didn't prepare for that? you'd think they'd use DNA samples, instead of voice and fingerprint scan's

Frontline was good, even though they absolutley thrashed a character i was just getting into.

ASM was really good, i don't want MJ or Aunt May to die though,

Punisher war journal was uninterusting, im dropping this book after the next issu
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Wow. Great issue. I hope the last one is like 64 pgs! Looks like its going down next issue.
#6 was a vast improvement over the last few issues, which were quite bad.

But this issue rocked.

It starts with Hank Pym talking to Maria Hill about one of the new superhero teams they've created. A SHIELD agent approaches and tells Hank he's needed because "Posiedon" has been fed something and has changed colour.

We cut to Reed performing surgery on Clor to try and fix him. Tony is talking to Reed at the same time, about how the President has allowed immunity for 12 people of the Anti-Registration side, and Tony will discuss who's safe at dinner.

Meanwhile, Frank Castle is wearing this neat ninja technology suit, and he's stealing data for the 42 base, under directions of Captain America.

Back at the Anti-Registration base, Captain America tells the others that they have to attack tonight, and Spider-Man's going to help. Diamondback brings in two villains who are willing to help, who are immediately shot dead. The Punisher looks back, and asks, "What?" :lol:

Captain America beats him up, and tells him to fight back, but Frank doesn't, because it's Captain America. Cap kicks him out of the base. Peter explains it's because Frank is probably inspired by Cap, and Cap turns back and says, "Frank Castle is insane."

Doctor Strange is at the North Pole, meditating. The Watcher is talking to him, and they both explain how they cannot interfere with the decisions that are happening.

The Anti-Registration people attack 42, but are cornered by Iron Man and his team. Tony tells Cap that he knows everything, Tigra was a mole in the team. Cap tells Tony he had a mole in their team too, and Hank reveals himself to be Hulkling. Reed realises what has happened, and that Hulkling has released all of the prisoners.

Big battle scene next issue, which should be ****ing amazing.

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