What about the fact that a guy with the initials DB took it. Wasn't someone in the comic making a comment about how maybe Thor wouldn't be so aggresive if he was linked to someone like Donald blake.
I'm sure you're right, but I have no interest whatsoever in reading Black Panther or Storm, and especially not in a book they don't belong in. If I wanted to read Black Panther or Storm I'd be reading Black Panther.
And if Reggie Hudlin wasn't writing it, I might just do that.
Oh and E, at least don't drop the book until you've read at least one Dwane McDuffie issue. His stuff is great, especially when he's writing teams. (See: Beyond!)
I'm not exactly clear on the American definition of treason. I'm pretty sure that it just covers aiding and abetting enemy combatants. However, I would think that American citizens revolting against the United States government and fighting its soldiers would qualify. Does that make the Anti-Regs treasonous? They're really just disobeying the law and performing unregistered acts of heroism, but I could easily see a prosecutor or the alternate universe evil Iron Man running around right now arguing that they're treasonous. After all, everyone knows why they're disobeying the law and multiple Anti-Regs have stated that they're fighting the Registration Act and by extension, the United States government.
I'm not exactly sure on how it works, but isn't the death penalty one of the possible penalties for treason? If Pro-Regs can get Anti-Regs to trial for treason, they'd actually have a really good case and would be almost guaranteed to get them execution or life imprisonment.
Of course, the question is, which is worse?
- The criminals are actually given fair, constitutional trials.
- It's an opportunity to give their last goodbyes because they know when they're going to die.
- Heroes would be less likely to get the death penalty than villains because of the opinions of the judge and jury, rather than them all getting the same punishment
- Reed Richards is Tony's biggest ally. Seeing a hero sentenced to death and knowing Johnny or Sue could be next would definitely get him to pull his head out of his ***.
- Greater chance of escape.
- Jury or judge would be likely to get attacked by survivors.
- Almost no chance of escape or rescue.
- Don't have to execute heroes.
- Someone might decide to confess/register during their incarceration who would've already been executed by the treason system
- Completely subverts the criminal justice system.
- Villains are being allowed out of it for completely retarded reasons.
- Doesn't the N-Zone have all kinds of crazy monsters and supervillains running around in it? Is that safe for the prisoners?
Of course, I might be completely perverting the definition of treason and the punishment for it, but it seems bizarre that this has never been brought up. After all, it would be a legitimate way to stick the Anti-Regs in prison forever while still giving them a fair trial.
Oh, right, I forgot. That might actually make the Pro-Regs look like they weren't saying "Everyone has to obey the law so we're going to stick people in prison without trials and release baby-killers from prison and create a sentient being that murders someone and then just give it a lobotomy and keep using it."
It might actually make them look like logical people who wanted to uphold the law. We can't have that.
I'm not exactly clear on the American definition of treason. I'm pretty sure that it just covers aiding and abetting enemy combatants. However, I would think that American citizens revolting against the United States government and fighting its soldiers would qualify. Does that make the Anti-Regs treasonous?
It should. It doesn't necessarily have to be aiding an enemy; anything act made against your country can be considered treason. A spy selling secrets to an American ally is just as treasonous as one selling secrets to, say, Iran.
It should. It doesn't necessarily have to be aiding an enemy; anything act made against your country can be considered treason. A spy selling secrets to an American ally is just as treasonous as one selling secrets to, say, Iran.
Looks like Civil War is actually being portrayed as balanced. Now I hate the Pro- and Anti-Regs.
I realize that I complain a lot, perhaps too much. I am by nature an over-critical person.
But seriously. This sucks. At first, Civil War was about people. It was about innocents caught in the crossfire, and metahumans being forced to register. Now, it's just the ego clash of Captain America and Iron Man. People are dying, families and teams are being ripped apart, and both sides are pulling serious bull**** that puts innocent people in danger.
"We can enlist Kingpin, because they cloned Thor."
"We can use the Thunderbolts, because they enlisted Kingpin."
I hate all of these people SO MUCH. Why don't the Anti-Regs just leave? Why don't the Pro-Regs just deport them? Yes, America is nice and all, but there are so many other free democratic countries, including Wakanda--BP and Storm are Anti-Reg, they would gladly shelter refugees. Some might argue, "they shouldn't have to leave, they're not at fault." No. The Registration Act passed, fair and square, and if Anti-Regs love America so much that they can't stand to have it pass a "fascist" law, then they should love it enough not to put innocents in danger by beating the crap out of each other.
I can't remember what site it was on, this one or another board, but someone said something along the lines of "This is a battle between the gigantic egos of Captain America and Tony Stark." So much word.
I could stand Civil War if it weren't supposed to be "realistic". People are insisting, "oh, it's so realistic that there would be massive casualties". And it's realistic that these douchebags are the world's greatest heroes? It's realistic that there keep being these contrived scenarios where
people on opposite sides of wars have pleasant conversations?
(Not sure whether that was a spoiler or not, didn't want to risk it)
I can't stand this anymore. I'm not reading the main Civil War book. I'm not reading any of the tie-ins, not even the main series like ASM and FF. I'm not reading anything with "Civil War" on the cover!
I'm sorry for basically throwing a verbal tantrum, but this is just the stupidest thing ever.