Well-Known Member
i wasn't overwhelmed by the first issue. cap versus shield was the best part so far. seems like the iron man is willing to turn on cap awfully quick considering their history and all.
TheManWithoutFear said:"it's bullseye"? You're on crack.
E said:So am I the only one who wasn't floored by this?
I mean it was alright. The art was good. The parts with Cap against SHIELD were very good...but that's about it. It was OK.
The whole premise is still pretty dull to me. Now, I do like the idea that one person is behind it and maybe has been behind EVERYTHING lately. Not Mephisto though. That is way to Infinity-ish for my tastes.
What I do really like (besides the art) - the quality of the book is high. This feels like an epic thanks to the packaging - the cover design, logo, etc. Beautiful packaging.
So yeah. Decent. Hopefully it gets exciting.
MaxwellSmart said:Captain America is going to be the most awesome character in Civil War. Only Cap takes a fighter jet pilot hostage and then takes him out for a burger and fries.
Ultimate Houde said:Thank you, someone who agrees with me
Speaking of Inifinity, I need to write on such a horrible issue that one was.
bwilton said:Well, I stand corrected on the Bullseye comment, just wondering who would be screwing around with a coin like that.
But to continue my tirade. Who in the heck would blame the heroes(gov.) for the actions of a super criminal (terrorist). If I'm not mistaking the opposite should be happening all the heroes should be rounding up all of the super villians and putting them in Gitmo Bay. Now that would be interesting. This is just to stupid to really deserve printing. Tom Brevoort should be fired.
How do you think they are going to get out of this?
The point isn't that they're blaming the heroes for super criminals' actions. The point is the New Warriors were out of their league and should've called someone like the Avengers. That's why the gov't wants to train and register superheroes, so they'd either know how to handle something like that or contact someone who does.bwilton said:But to continue my tirade. Who in the heck would blame the heroes(gov.) for the actions of a super criminal (terrorist). If I'm not mistaking the opposite should be happening all the heroes should be rounding up all of the super villians and putting them in Gitmo Bay. Now that would be interesting. This is just to stupid to really deserve printing. Tom Brevoort should be fired.
How do you think they are going to get out of this?
vintsukka said:The point isn't that they're blaming the heroes for super criminals' actions. The point is the New Warriors were out of their league and should've called someone like the Avengers. That's why the gov't wants to train and register superheroes, so they'd either know how to handle something like that or contact someone who does.
This is a solid point you've got, especially considering the extent that Bendis has built up Fury's role as a kind of 'handler' for the various heroes, over the past few years -- in effect, bringing his role much closer to his Ultimate counterpart, actually. It really does provide a good answer to the question "why only now?"J. Agamemnon said:Also the fact that there is no more Fury means that they have more power over SHIELD.
Ahhh, Compound. It's like you never left.compound said:This is a solid point you've got, especially considering the extent that Bendis has built up Fury's role as a kind of 'handler' for the various heroes, over the past few years -- in effect, bringing his role much closer to his Ultimate counterpart, actually. It really does provide a good answer to the question "why only now?"
But I just want to point out that Fury's role as mediator between the heroes and the government is a relatively recent one, if you think about it. It was really only after Bendis was given direction over a handful of "universe-defining" Marvel titles that Fury was written as anything more than a self-interested spymaster.