Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Actually, the originally movies were shown on TV38 way back when, I think in the early ninties. The Doctor then was the fourth doctor, who had the huge colorful scarf.

I can't believe Doctor WHo has been on for 26 seasons, and has spinoffs.
"People keep posting in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer thread. Meh, they're probably just quoting lines at each other or something. Well, I might as well check it outOH MY ****ING GOD YESSSSSSSS!"
"People keep posting in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer thread. Meh, they're probably just quoting lines at each other or something. Well, I might as well check it outOH MY ****ING GOD YESSSSSSSS!"

Made your week didn't it
And if the prospect of Giles returning to solve paranormal mysteries isn't enough to get fans excited, there is always the possibility that Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar) or Angel (David Borenanz) may pop in for a small cameo, even though the latter is tied up with a new series on Fox called "Bones."

more here http://www.syfyportal.com/news424086.html

That would be cool , Also since this set after 7 (maybe after season 8 comic) as people have reported here are some questions

- Will andrew be in it as in Angel season 5 we saw he now works for the council?

- What will happen if Joss asks Willow to be back as a main charracter will she leave that How I met your mother , after they film that season?
Willow won't be back as a main character. I can almost gaurentee that.

I -do- hope that Andrew is a cast member, though.
Willow won't be back as a main character. I can almost gaurentee that.

I -do- hope that Andrew is a cast member, though.

True she probably wont be.

I would also want too Spike join the cast as a regular from season 2 or something (so they can build up current cast before adding him)
more here http://www.syfyportal.com/news424086.html

That would be cool , Also since this set after 7 (maybe after season 8 comic) as people have reported here are some questions

- Will andrew be in it as in Angel season 5 we saw he now works for the council?

- What will happen if Joss asks Willow to be back as a main charracter will she leave that How I met your mother , after they film that season?

"People keep posting in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer thread. Meh, they're probably just quoting lines at each other or something. Well, I might as well check it outOH MY ****ING GOD YESSSSSSSS!"
I am embarassed to say that this post turned me on.
I was thinking, how cool would a Buffyverse based MMORPG be?
Set it during or after the season 8 era, players could choose to be either good, and choose from a Slayer, a Witch, or a Watcher type characters, or evil, and go for a Vampire, a Demon or an Ethan Rayne style Sorcerer. Able to visit places like Slayer Command in Scotland, The Cleeveland Hellmouth or The Sunnydale Crater, and interact with established characters.
I would love that.
It would make me do a sex wee.