Buffy The Vampire Slayer

I'm curious. Is Ripper still only going to be a 90-minute special? Or is it an actual show now?
I was thinking, how cool would a Buffyverse based MMORPG be?
Set it during or after the season 8 era, players could choose to be either good, and choose from a Slayer, a Witch, or a Watcher type characters, or evil, and go for a Vampire, a Demon or an Ethan Rayne style Sorcerer. Able to visit places like Slayer Command in Scotland, The Cleeveland Hellmouth or The Sunnydale Crater, and interact with established characters.
I would love that.
It would make me do a sex wee.

Agreed , That would be a pretty damn cool game

I'm curious. Is Ripper still only going to be a 90-minute special? Or is it an actual show now?

I think Special but some places say special = pilot then it'll be a tv show
I think Special but some places say special = pilot then it'll be a tv show

Man, I hope it is popular enough to make into a fully fledged show. I don't know how it wouldn't be, seeing as it's a Buffy/Angel spinoff.

Is it only going to be on the BBC? Or is Fox going to air it, too?

The Buffy animated series test-thingy that almost led to a real show finally leaked to the interwebs.

It's pretty lame, but has a couple of cool moments... Just don't expect it to be awesome. Especially Buffy... I know SMG wasn't up for it, but they reaaaally should have found someone better.
The Buffy animated series test-thingy that almost led to a real show finally leaked to the interwebs.

It's pretty lame, but has a couple of cool moments... Just don't expect it to be awesome. Especially Buffy... I know SMG wasn't up for it, but they reaaaally should have found someone better.

Kinda glad they didn't do it. I mean, other than supposedly adding Dawn, what was it going to do differently from Seasons 1-3? And the actress playing Buffy was. . .distracting, especially since Giles, Willow and Xander were all the same.

Anyways, supposedly, issue 20 of Season Eight will be another taste of what the Animated Series could have been like. Unfortunately, it's written by Jeph Loeb, so. . .it's probably going to suck.
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Didn't see this thread. I just wrote in the TV shows thread that I've completed Season 1, and loved every episode. Well, except for that Internet/Moloch travesty. That one stunk. :)

Season 1: B+
Didn't see this thread. I just wrote in the TV shows thread that I've completed Season 1, and loved every episode. Well, except for that Internet/Moloch travesty. That one stunk. :)

Season 1: B+


Wait until Seasons 2 and 3. Sheer brilliance. After that, it's a crapshoot. Season 4's arc is very meh, but has some excellent stand-alone episodes. Season 5 is pretty damn good. Seasons 6 and 7. . .well, it depends on the person.
I've tried on several occasions to try enjoying Buffy/Angel, I just couldn't do it. I'm not saying the whole thing is a trash, because even with my professed hatred of Whedon, I would be lying. Sometimes I felt some of the background characters were more interesting than the mains. Some of the storylines were really good, but more often than not it was just talking heads throwing kewl lingo at each other in between some really badly choreographed fight scenes.

I'll refrain on my PhD thesis rant on the handling of Willow's sexuality and the Mary Sue-ness of Buffy, but I will point out that some characters were brilliant (Xander, Tara and Fred/Illyria) but sadly never used to their fullest.
I enjoy Whedon less and less the more of his work I see.

He completely peaked with Firefly.

I completely disagree. But, then again, I don't read any of his comic work that isn't Buffy (Which I'm enjoying). That, and Dr. Horrible was awesome.
I completely disagree. But, then again, I don't read any of his comic work that isn't Buffy (Which I'm enjoying). That, and Dr. Horrible was awesome.

Dr. Horrible was good until the end, which is so typical Whedon that it's lost all effect.
Dr. Horrible was good until the end, which is so typical Whedon that it's lost all effect.

I loved the ending. A great twist
where you realize that you haven't been watching a show about a bumbling z-list villain and is maybe redemption by the girl he loves, but the origin of an A-List supervillain.
Sometimes I felt some of the background characters were more interesting than the mains.

Not me my favourites were Spike and Angel (when he's Angelus more so) but the back ground characters were good too.

I also really liked Wesley but when he was in Angel and got to evolve on his own and became bad *** during the whole "kidnapping angel's son then getting his throat slashed" story.
I just finished the episode, "Ted". I felt kinda weird watching Robot-John Ritter die. But not as weird as the time in driver's ed, when we had to watch probably the most unintentionally disturbing/hilarious instructional videos. Christopher Reeve was the host, back when he could still walk, and the subject of the video was.... wait for it.... how to avoid car accidents that will paralyze you. But that's not the worst part. After Reeve talked for the first few minutes, he then said, "and now I'm going to send it over to my main man, John Ritter!"


OK, so I want to start to watch this TV show, but I can never make it past the 1st episode. Where should I begin?
OK, so I want to start to watch this TV show, but I can never make it past the 1st episode. Where should I begin?

You really need to watch it all. Start at the beginning. The first season isn't the best, but it has some gems. And an awesome ending.

Seasons Two and Three are easily the best of the series. I also suggest checking out Angel when you're done with Season Three. It's as good as, if not better than, Buffy.
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