Buffy Season 8 Comic series


And to me...the moment the artist fails to properly protray a character and I have to stop and think about who this is in the panel---that takes away from the story's momentum and thus the artist has failed.

It's just a big irk to me.
The art does take away. Willow, Giles, and Dawn look like them. Xander somewhat, but Buffy and I had no idea that was Andrew.

And was that Warren? Holy ****.
Just read #3 yesterday, I agree that #2 was better, but #3 had some awesome moments. Fe Fi Fo ****in' Fum was classic, Andrew covering up the fact he was playing strip poker and Warren at the end! I got to the last page, stared for a second thinking who the hell... then I was all like "Crap... Thats Warren!"

Also, who kissed her... Xander or Willow? My money is on Will.
About Slayers not using guns...

The Slayers don't live very long. They need to learn as many different ways of fighting as possible as quickly as possible. Hand weapons don't have to be reloaded. They can be repaired or improvised on the go. They can hack up demons, break into buildings, nonfatally incapacitate humans, and destroy vampires. They rely on the Slayer's own strength and are like an extension of her body. She'll never worry about an axe jamming or finding ammo for a stake. Also, Slayer powers do seem to give a boost to accuracy (see Buffy's skill with crossbows and knives) but it won't measure up to their advanced skill with hand weapons. Slayers almost always fight in pitch black. They often fight in closed-in catacombs, caves or lairs where big, scary monsters will be lunging at them from out of nowhere. Accuracy frequently decreases when something gets close to you, especially if it's a hideous creature from out of your worst nightmares, while using hand weapons becomes instinctual after training with them for long enough. Hand-to-hand edged weapons are easy to modify for mystical weaknesses of individual monsters--you can tip them with materials like silver or poisons. Guns are noisy, hard to take care of, take too long to become proficient for, and will get you in more trouble with the law and cause more collateral damage (Exhibit A: Tara).

With that said, it might be beneficial to teach some of the Slayers how to use guns. With hundreds of Slayers, they don't need to pack as much training as they can into one area. They can afford to specialize and focus more on individual training. A few could train with really advanced weapons in case they have another Judge moment, they could specify in different monsters, they could get a team of snipers or stealth operatives or magic-users. I got the impression from extrapolation and these issues that this is happening naturally, that the Slayers-in-training are gravitating to the subjects that interest them and they'll get more specialized on their own.
With that said, it might be beneficial to teach some of the Slayers how to use guns. With hundreds of Slayers, they don't need to pack as much training as they can into one area. They can afford to specialize and focus more on individual training. A few could train with really advanced weapons in case they have another Judge moment, they could specify in different monsters, they could get a team of snipers or stealth operatives or magic-users. I got the impression from extrapolation and these issues that this is happening naturally, that the Slayers-in-training are gravitating to the subjects that interest them and they'll get more specialized on their own.

I agree with this just for the bolded part. Buff + Rocket Launcher = Win.
The "no gun" thing was about Tara and Tara alone.

There isn't any deeper reason. But from a battle standpoint....most demons on the show can be killed just by being stabbed or having it's neck broken. You'd think the Slayers would invest in some guns.
The "no gun" thing was about Tara and Tara alone.

There isn't any deeper reason. But from a battle standpoint....most demons on the show can be killed just by being stabbed or having it's neck broken. You'd think the Slayers would invest in some guns.

Thus, my post. If guns would really provide a bonus, the Watchers would've adopted them years ago. Tara didn't get offed until the sixth season and if guns were part of the curriculum, the Watchers' Council would've used it as an opportunity to snit at Buffy some more.

To summarize my post:

  • Slayers couldn't afford to spend a lot of time on an individual weapon or specialized area because they don't live very long.
  • Hand weapons don't have to be reloaded and less things can go wrong with them.
  • Hand weapons are potentially nonlethal and more useful.
  • Using hand weapons becomes instinctual, while accuracy with guns can actually decrease as your enemy gets closer.
  • Slayer skills give more of a bonus to hand weapons than to ranged weapons.
  • Slayers don't fight in ideal gun terrain. They typically fight in pitch darkness and/or closed quarters and/or public areas.
  • Hand weapons or arrows are easier to modify with silver or poisons.
  • Guns are noisy and cause collateral damage.
So the Faith arc is already looking better than the last one. I think this will be awesome.

I like that she is stuck in the Hellmouth in Cleveland.

The exchange between Faith and Giles was also very good. Including the last line.
No comments on the Faith arc?

I think it's great.

I've only read the first issue of the Faith arc, but it was fantastic. Faith and Giles' characterizations were spot-on.

I love this comic. I hope it goes on for a long time (I've heard that they've already talked about going beyond 50 issues).
I hope BKV comes back for another arc...

I just read issue 7 and I whole heartedly agree. I think it's hilarious that I'm enjoying this arc more than the first arc (And I LOVED the first arc). It really feels like Buffy is back. I also love the Symbol people. They really feel like the "Big Bad" of this season!

On a related note, a friend of mine said he heard that because Buffy Season 8 has been so successful, that Joss is considering putting it on DVD as a sort of interactive feature with the original cast (Save SMG. . .) coming back to voice their characters! It's just a rumor at this point, but I'd be all over that!
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Buffy is crap. She nothing without Angel. This comic series is going to be crap since there isn't any good vamps in the story now (Angel & Spike;yeah, not part of Buffy's life anymore, wonder why?).
Have you READ season 8 yet? It is actually really good, despite (or maybe because of?) the lack of good-guy Vampires with souls.

Also, I doubt they will go very long without bringing Spike and/or Angel into the story.

Mostly, I want to see the look on their faces when they find out about the joke Andrew played on them concerning the Immortal.
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