And one of the (If not THE) Big Bads of this season is. . .
I'm ordering Fray, Tales of the Slayers and Tales of the Vampires (As the only officially canon comics before Season 8 ) to get caught up.
I'll be kinda disappointed if that is the true big bad. I've heard that characters set to return during the first 10 or show 'episodes' but, using that character as the big bad would be the same mistake season 7 suffered; just another instance of going back to the well once more, when they've already triumphed over that character many, many times before.
BTVS was always best because it was creative and original. Except for season 7, when it fell onto countless crutches. "I'm the first evil, and I'm cool cause I'm from season 3" "You can't hurt me, but I can hurt you" "I can be anyone, anytime, anywhere." All of these are elements of extremely weak and cheap writing, and its the reason season 7 should never have seen the light of day, save for a few episodes here and there.
If Joss makes the comic fall back on to the crutch of an established character, defeated by the scoobies a handful of times, suddenly come into power and get all pissed off (Why? Its not like Buffy and Company knew they were gonna make Sunnydale a crater) its just the same as not having enough creative steam to come up with an original big bad to pose as great a threat as say, The Master, Adam, Angel, Glory, or even the high water mark of the series, The Mayor. We're in the comic world now, and Joss and Co. should be able to raise something 100x as frightening as the threat the Mayor posed.
I'm the biggest BTVS / Angel fan around. (And, anyway you slice it, every week Angel consistently trumped BTVS in terms of quality from season 3 through 5). But The problem BTVS suffered from season 6 through the conclusion was a lack of creativity and a complete lack of ability to bring anything new to the table. If this season 8, lead by the much more culpable Wheadon as opposed to the bumbling Marty Noxon (only in her later days - "Whats My Line Pts. 1 & 2" are among the best BTVS episodes ever) follows suit with the same weaknesses indicative of season 7, its gonna be really really hard to keep paying to pick it up week by week, even for this fanboy.
I have NO problem with bringing said character back for a couple episodes to get some nostalgia injected into the comic. To raise that character up to the threat of a big bad, ESPESCIALLY in a comic, would be a huge, huge mistake.