Well-Known Member
I agree with Canuck. They're plenty of great comic books out there, what is he reading?
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I agree with Canuck. They're plenty of great comic books out there, what is he reading?
Alan Moore said:I haven't read a book from any of the mainstream companies in years. I've read a couple of comics over the last couple of years. But, I've certainly not read anything from DC or Marvel, just because I've got such a strong aversion to seeing those logos on anything—nor do I have a collection of DC or Marvel comics. Indeed, I don't really have a comics collection anymore.
what stories is he even talking about?
Wikipedia said:The prophecy has its origins in the story "Tygers" by Alan Moore, which touches on the rising up of the Guardians' enemies, like the Weaponers of Qward, Ranx the Sentient City and the Children of the White Lobe, and the destruction of the Green Lanterns, showing Sodam Yat and Mogo dying.
so he's mad that instead of having his story forgotten forever, Geoff Johns has dug it up and done something interesting with it. That would be like Gerry Conway hearing about Sins Past and saying, "JMS stole that whole Gwen dying thing from me."
No, he took your story and did something new with it.
Please take the word douche out of my Blackest Night thread. You are tainting my enjoyment of the story.
This was really good. BN Titans and Superman were also good. I think you may be partially right in terms of the white lantern stuff. The problem I am having is the Doves. The Black Lanterns can't seem to touch them. The rings couldn't get to the dead one and the bl's can't tell what the one who is alive is feeling. Like she just gives off static. This leads me to believe that somehow that Dove (or Doves) are somehow going to be the actual "white lanterns". She (or they) appear to be the key to something.
What was the deal with Hawkman and Hawkwoman in the star saffire?
Which probably is just killing everything. I don't think this ones going to have any deep meta textual answers. I think he just wants everything else dead too.
And I've been giving more thoughts on the White Lantern possiblities. Now we know its not confirmed that there even will be one, but if there is what about Guy Gardner? Hes worn green and yellow, and the cover for an upcoming GLC has himI could see him wearing most of the others too. Certainly before Sinestro wears some of them.wearing a red ring.
I've been thinking about the Aftermath of this too. I think we can all agree that the other corp need to stay afterwards. I'd really like to see some of our main lanterns break up and become members/leaders of the various colors. Guy in control of the reds, maybe Kyle as a Blue (I've always seen him as a hopeful guy). Something along that line.
Nekron. Rise.
mikey said:I could see that. The more I think about it the more I seem to think we will be seeing a white lantern corps.
I liked Scarecrow's bit in Blackest Night so far. For some reason I am enjoying the two pages we get to see of John Stewart every fourth comic or so.
And what's with the person wearing a green and a black ring that seems to be stalking him.