thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
Larfleeze is going to get raped.
Larfleeze is going to get raped.
He probably wants it.
That is.
Peace, the white emotion?
I understand that DC reps have told certain stores that the publisher believes that retailers will need to have many more copies of this comic on hand for when it ships.
While the solicitations indicate it's all about the return ofto the DC Universe, internally DC are referring to the title as Blackest Night 5 1/2 – as much a part of the central Blackest Night storyline as Superman Beyond 3D was to Final Crisis – or more.Superboy Prime
Put it on your pull list now. Although DC hope there will be plenty of copies to go around…
So it seems like everyone was right about the White Light of creation.
And finally some awesome Indigo Tribe action.
And the death scene of Gehenna was really really ****ed.
Was it just me or did this issue feel packed? It seemed very long and had a lot of story in it. Maybe it's just because the story has progressed or I'm tired or something.
I kinda felt like it was predictable.
They battle the Dead Justice League, get saved by a Dues Ex Machina, then they met up in the Watchtower, get the lowdown, the Dead JL shows up once more, another death done in a way to SHOCK us, then the Dues Ex Machina moves the story ahead against the will of the hero.
End with fight scene.
Didn't impress me as much as the tie ins have.
Even though Hal being a White Lantern is incredibly predictable, I do like that he has been chosen because he is connected with all of the other leaders rather than because he's used most of the rings. This ties it back into emotion which is good.