Bendis talks steps on planning Ultimate Clone Saga in Wizard Magazine.

Nurhachi said:
Norman then killed Ben Reilly and Reilly's body degenerated, proving that he was indeed the clone.
Peter Parker then resumed being Spider-Man and all was fine and dandy.
I actually liked the clone saga...

I never really liked the "ending" to the Clone Saga. It proves nothing. All we learn is that Ben was a clone. It proves nothing about Peter's status. If anything, it throws it into further doubt. I've never really considered this thought before, but if clones degenerate after death, then why didn't the skeleton in the smoke stack degenerate? What if the real Peter Parker was thrown into the smoke stack and the Peter we have now is merely another clone? I still worry a writer might pick up on this thread some day down the future. Might make a good story, or coda, to the whole saga if done right.
sax_russell_the_green said:
I never really liked the "ending" to the Clone Saga. It proves nothing. All we learn is that Ben was a clone. It proves nothing about Peter's status. If anything, it throws it into further doubt. I've never really considered this thought before, but if clones degenerate after death, then why didn't the skeleton in the smoke stack degenerate? What if the real Peter Parker was thrown into the smoke stack and the Peter we have now is merely another clone? I still worry a writer might pick up on this thread some day down the future. Might make a good story, or coda, to the whole saga if done right.

In the Osborn Journals it was revealed that Osborn was resonsible for all the confusions in the clone saga, and that he planted the skeleton, all to confuse and torture the real Peter Parker
Nurhachi said:
In the Osborn Journals it was revealed that Osborn was resonsible for all the confusions in the clone saga, and that he planted the skeleton, all to confuse and torture the real Peter Parker

And he trick the Jackal too. Osborn trick the Jackal into thinking he (the Jackal) knew who the real Peter Parker was.
What issue did "the clone saga" begin in? I have no interest in reading the 100s of issues of it; I just want to see how it was before it got all ****ed up.
ultimatedjf said:
What issue did "the clone saga" begin in? I have no interest in reading the 100s of issues of it; I just want to see how it was before it got all ****ed up.
First of appearance of Ben Reilly:
  • (unnamed clone) ASM #149
  • (return as mystery figure) WSM #114
  • (reveal as Parker clone) SSM #216
  • (Scarlet Spider) The Exile Returns WSM #118, SM #52, WSM #119, SM #53
  • (Ben as Spider-Man) Sensational SM #0
Looks like there where a few places that could be called the beginning. Wait, just noticed I got this from a link to from Wikipedia, which you seem to have already checked, but I guess this could still help.
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Pandrio said:
First of appearance of Ben Reilly:
  • (unnamed clone) ASM #149
  • (return as mystery figure) WSM #114
  • (reveal as Parker clone) SSM #216
  • (Scarlet Spider) The Exile Returns WSM #118, SM #52, WSM #119, SM #53
  • (Ben as Spider-Man) Sensational SM #0
Looks like there where a few places that could be called the beginning. Wait, just noticed I got this from a link to from Wikipedia, which you seem to have already checked, but I guess this could still help.

Thank you. What is the W in WSM?
UltimateJedi said:
Well, it sounds interesting (I read the wikipedia articla too) but it sounds similar to the Ultimat Carnage story arc.

I REALLY hope they don't make female clones of Peter.
Uh oh...
Maybe it's half-Peter, half-Geldoff? With man breasts?
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jtg3885 said:
Uh oh...
Maybe it's half-Peter, half-Geldoff? With man breasts?

Is it just me or dose that logo look more venom/black suit that spidey?

Still looks cool.

I'm Soooooo behind you guys on ultimate spider-man. I'm waiting for silver sable tpb to come out.
nigma said:
it came out last week.

ah cool. I was looking at their release date was May 24, 2006 lol I was planning on getting it a week after seeing X-3 only because my money has to go on passport/plane tickets for holiday in aug. X-3 tickets for my brother and my friend , pop corn ect....
jtg3885 said:
Uh oh...
Maybe it's half-Peter, half-Geldoff? With man breasts?

You mean ***** tits?

Hey, I don't think it can be Kitty since there are webs and all... I'm not counting out MJ, although I think Bendis knows that, if he gave her super powers, her character might as well be dead.
Goodwill said:
Hey, I don't think it can be Kitty since there are webs and all... I'm not counting out MJ, although I think Bendis knows that, if he gave her super powers, her character might as well be dead.
I'm thinking that it won't be a direct clone or an X-23 process, but basically just a fancy test tube baby as our "clone". Which doesn't really count as a clone, but when was the last time Bendis used common sense?
What if it's Gwen Stacy? Which would make since since this is the clone saga. Any takers?