Bendis talks steps on planning Ultimate Clone Saga in Wizard Magazine.

E.Vi.L. said:
I'm guessing this Spider-Girl and Spider-Woman could be experiments resulting from Peter's blood.

Of course, if I were a mad scientist going for a super warrior, I'd pick a 6'4'' male athlete test subject instead of a girl or a woman.

But an evil scientist who doesn't get any will choose the latter

Maybe someone makes a clone of Norman's and Peter's blood
E.Vi.L. said:
I'm guessing this Spider-Girl and Spider-Woman could be experiments resulting from Peter's blood.

Of course, if I were a mad scientist going for a super warrior, I'd pick a 6'4'' male athlete test subject instead of a girl or a woman.
True, but human genes differ between the sexes even apart from the obvious. Most mental illnesses, for instance, occur 200% more often in men than in women. There might be something about the process they use or what they're doing that makes it easier to test on women.
jtg3885 said:
There might be something about the process they use or what they're doing that makes it easier to test on women.

Considering every single successful super-serum derived mutation to this point were male, it seems to be the other way around.
E.Vi.L. said:
Considering every single successful super-serum derived mutation to this point were male, it seems to be the other way around.

Project Rebirth worked once. Beyond that, every event except Spider-Man has resulted in nutjobs.....
the watcher said:
Step 3. Tie It All Together. A lot of secrets of Peter's life will come forward, and people who've hung in there for a long time-people who've read the Carnage arc and saw that Peter Parker blood sample being snuck out, people who saw the blood sample taken from Norman Osborn in the first arc-those people will be rewared for their patience.

When did that happen?
E.Vi.L. said:
I'm guessing this Spider-Girl and Spider-Woman could be experiments resulting from Peter's blood.

Of course, if I were a mad scientist going for a super warrior, I'd pick a 6'4'' male athlete test subject instead of a girl or a woman.

Lord Leto would sniff at your suggestion. Fish Speakers, rock on!!!

ultimatedjf said:
When did that happen?

I think in the opening pages of the first issue...sometime during the first arc...he could also be talking about when Doc Ock took Peter's blood without his permission, also in the first arc. I do specifically remember a scene though where Norman was getting blood drawn, but it was only a peripheral thing at the time. Could play a bigger role in this arc, however.
I heard somewhere that it's easier to test on younger people because they're not fully developed mentally. They really haven't had the chance to experience more complicated feelings. So when peter gets his powers, all he thinks is that it's the best thing ever. he's now a nerd that can whoop azz. Older people are more mentally aware of their surroundings and how people will react to their own actions. So an older person would contemplate more than a younger person about actions because they realize the consequences. I think I rambled a little too much.
E.Vi.L. said:
Considering every single successful super-serum derived mutation to this point were male, it seems to be the other way around.
Because Marvel is still male-oriented. It makes me wonder if we'd have two or three female American super-soldiers if Fury had the common sense to test it on women in the UU instead of racking up male corpses from repeated tests.
jtg3885 said:
Because Marvel is still male-oriented. It makes me wonder if we'd have two or three female American super-soldiers if Fury had the common sense to test it on women in the UU instead of racking up male corpses from repeated tests.

What makes you think they haven't tested on women?
jtg3885 said:
Common sense as far as how Marvel operates? o_O

Marvel isn't exactly at the vanguard of feminism, but it has plenty of female superheros.

There is no chauvinist conspiracy in the editorial staff keeping women out of the Ultimates super solider project.

Spade said:
spider-woman is prbly a woman peter i dunno if its been said but thats wat i think

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Black cat gets a Costume change, if the black suit can give her some 'enchantments', wonder what a red and blue one would do?
E.Vi.L. said:
There is no chauvinist conspiracy in the editorial staff keeping women out of the Ultimates super solider project.
Intagi-Girl, one of the Four Seasons, Wasp, and Black Widow. Less than 20%. Probably a good deal less if we could get a final count on the Goliaths and Rocketmen.
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jtg3885 said:
Intagi-Girl, one of the Four Seasons, Wasp, and Black Widow. Less than 20%. Probably a good deal less if we could get a final count on the Goliaths and Rocketmen.

Still 5 time more than the number of women occupying a combat role in any real world military.

But I thought it was clear I was talking about Marvel, not the Ultimates.

Complete and detailed argument : There are tons of women superheros in Marvel, therefore it's not a chauvinist conspiracy in Marvel's editorial staff that prevent authors from making a female super-hero derived from the super serum.

EDIT : Hmm, rereading the original statement, I still think it was clear enough.
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E.Vi.L. said:
Complete and detailed argument : There are tons of women superheros in Marvel, therefore it's not a chauvinist conspiracy in Marvel's editorial staff that prevent authors from making a female super-hero derived from the super serum.
Uh huh. That's why out of the the four I mentioned, two are nobodies, one is the slutty tramp who betrays them, and the other is the one who gets beaten, hops on Captain America, then goes back to the man who beat her up. Millar obviously has a problem with strong women. The same with the Liberators... the two women there are the speedster and the bug girl.

At any rate, I'm not at all surprised that Bendis would use experimenting with Peter's blood to create female heroes. Apart from the fact that we are missing Spider-Woman at this point, what else would he use it to create?
jtg3885 said:
Uh huh. That's why out of the the four I mentioned...

None of these supers are derived from the super-serum.

Remember the sequence of the argument?
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