Ben 10 Multiverse - Timelines


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2022
Ben 10 = 61BD6D
The Secret Saturdays = FBA026
Generator Rex= E25041
OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes = 54ACD2

Short Series ?x?? "Episode Title"
Series ?x?? "Episode Title"
Movie Chapter ? (?:??:??-?:??:??)
Comic #??, "Issue Title" (Pg. ??-??)
Video Game Chapter ?? - Level ??
Stage Play

Dimension Prime

----------------------------------------------------------------------(In Construction)------------------------------------------------------------------
???? (last day of school)
Ben 10 1x01, "And Then There Were 10" (00:00-20:33)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x01, "And Then There Were 10" (20:34-22:00)

Ben 10 1x02, "Washington B.C." (00:00-03:52)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x02, "Washington B.C." (03:53-20:49)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x02, "Washington B.C." (20:50-21:59)

Ben 10 1x03, "The Kraken" (00:00-03:04)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x03, "The Kraken" (03:05-22:01)

Ben 10 1x04, "Permanent Retirement" (00:00-11:06)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x04, "Permanent Retirement" (11:07-20:22)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x04, "Permanent Retirement" (20:23-22:03)

Ben 10 1x05, "Hunted"

Ben 10 1x06, "Tourist Trap"

Ben 10 1x07, "Kevin 11" (00:00-20:26)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x07, "Kevin 11" (20:27-21:33)

Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (00:00-06:18)
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (06:19-06:50)
[Rojo and Vilgax's Minds]
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (06:51-12:16)
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (12:17-12:35)
[Rojo and Vilgax's Minds]
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (12:36-17:51)
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (17:52-18:10)
[Rojo, Vilgax and Ben's Minds]
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (18:11-19:58)

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance" (19:59-21:32)

Ben 10 1x09, "Last Laugh" (00:00-06:33)
Ben 10 1x09, "Last Laugh" (13:25-13:41)
Ben 10 1x09, "Last Laugh" (06:34-13:24)
Ben 10 1x09, "Last Laugh" (13:42-21:46)

Ben 10 1x10, "Lucky Girl" (00:00-??:??)**

???? (next day)
Ben 10 1x10, "Lucky Girl" (??:??-22:00)**

To be placed
Ben 10 1x11, "A Small Problem"**
Ben 10 1x12, "Side Effects"**
Ben 10 1x13, "Secrets"**
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Viewing Order
----------------------------------------------------------------------(In Construction)---------------------------------------------------------------------
(I will watch the shorts after finishing the series)
Ben 10 1x01, "And Then There Were 10"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x03, "Survival Skills"**
Ben 10 Shorts 1x01, "Hijacked"**
Ben 10 1x02, "Washington B.C."
Ben 10 Shorts 1x05, "Sleepaway Camper"**
Ben 10 1x03, "The Kraken"
Ben 10 1x04, "Permanent Retirement"
Ben 10 1x05, "Hunted"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x07, "Let the Games Begin"**
Ben 10 1x06, "Tourist Trap"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x02, "Snack Break"**
Ben 10 Shorts 1x06, "Dogged Pursuit"**
Ben 10 1x07, "Kevin 11"
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance"
Ben 10 1x09, "Last Laugh"
Ben 10 1x10, "Lucky Girl"**
Ben 10 1x11, "A Small Problem"**
Ben 10 1x12, "Side Effects"**
Ben 10 1x13, "Secrets"**
Ben 10 2x01, "Truth"**
Ben 10 2x02, "The Big Tick"**
Ben 10 2x03, "Framed"**
Ben 10 2x04, "Gwen 10"
[Gwen 10 Universe/Timeline/Something]**
Ben 10 2x05, "Grudge Match"**
Ben 10 2x06, "The Galactic Enforcers"**
Ben 10 2x11, "Ghostfreaked Out"**
Ben 10 2x08, "Ultimate Weapon"**
Ben 10 2x07, "Camp Fear"**
Ben 10 2x09, "Tough Luck"**
Ben 10 2x10, "They Luck Below"**
Ben 10 2x12, "Dr. Amino and the Mutant Ray"**
Ben 10 2x13, "Back with a Vengeance"**
Ben 10 3x02, "Midnight Madness"**
Ben 10 3x01, "Ben 10,000"**
Ben 10 3x03, "A Change of Face"**
Ben 10 3x04, "Merry Christmas"**
Ben 10 3x05, "Benwolf"**
Ben 10 3x06, "Game Over"**
Ben 10 3x07, "Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures"**
Ben 10 3x08, "Under Wraps"**
Ben 10 3x10, "Monster Weather"**
Ben 10 3x09, "The Unnaturals"**
Ben 10 3x13, "The Visitor"**
Ben 10 3x11, "The Return"**
Ben 10 3x12, "Be Afraid of the Dark"**
Ben 10: Protector of Earth**
Ben 10 4x01, "Perfect Day"**
Ben 10 4x02, "Divided We Stand"**
Ben 10 4x03, "Don't Drink the Water"**
Ben 10 4x04, "Big Fat Alien Wedding"**
Ben 10 4x05, "Ben 4 Good Buddy"**
Ben 10 4x06, "Ready to Rumble"**
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix**
Ben 10 4x08, "Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 1"**
Ben 10 4x09, "Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 2"**
Ben 10 4x10, "Goodbye and Good Riddance"
[Goodbye and Good Riddance Universe/Timeline]**
Ben 10: Race Against Time
[Race Against Time Universe]**
Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens**
Ben 10 Shorts 1x10, "Road Trip Rumble"**
Ben 10 4x07, "Ken 10"
[Original Ben 10,000 Timeline]**
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Ben 10 Multiverse
Dimension Prime
Main Timeline
Ben 10 Season 1-4 (Except 2x04, 4x08 and 4x07)
Ben 10 Shorts 1x01-1x10 (1x09 is an scene from Destroy All Aliens)
Ben 10: Hyperscan (Adaptation)
Ben 10: Protector of Earth
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix

Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens
The Secret Saturdays Season 1-2
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun
Ben 10 Alien Force Season 1-3
Ben 10: Alien Force
Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks
Ben 10: Alien Force - The Rise of Hex

Ben 10: Alien Swarm
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
Season 1-3
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction

Generator Rex 3x11-3x12, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United - Part 1-2"
Ben 10: Omniverse Season 1-8
Ben 10: Omniverse
Ben 10: Omniverse 2
Original Ben 10,000 Timeline
Ben 10 4x07 "Ken 10"
Dimension 27998.3 [Also Generator Rex Multiverse]
Ben 10 (Reboot) Season 1-4
OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes 3x24 "Crossover Nexus"
Ben 10 Versus the Universe: The Movie
Ben 10,010
Ben Gen 10
Alien X-Tinction
Dimension ??
Ben 10: Race Against Time
Dimension ??
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS)
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS)
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS)
Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS)

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS)
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS)
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS)
Dimension ??
Ben 10 4x08, "Goodbye and Good Riddance"
Non-Canon (?)
Ben 10 2x04, "Gwen 10"

Generator Rex Multiverse
Generator Rex Universe
Generator Rex Season 1-3
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence
Generator Rex Universe (Alt.)
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS)
Machina Rex Universe
M. Rex #1-2

Note: When asked the question "Just 1 question can Ben10 comics, and video game events be considered as parallel universe in canon?", Duncan Roleau answered "Generally no, because they have to have an internal thematic core that binds them. The comics and video game work hasn't always drawn from canon and are so disparate from each other it would be difficult to find the connective tissue that would provide that common core." Since I have no idea of what he is talking about, and in general the games seem to fit into canon, I am going to ignore creator word and count the games and comics, hope nobody minds.
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Preventive Viewing Order/Timeline notes for reference as I keep making the timeline:

Dimension Prime

Summer ??
Ben 10 1x01, "And Then There Were 10" (00:00-20:33)
Ben 10 Shorts 1x03 "Survival Skills"
Ben 10 1x01, "And Then There Were 10" (20:34-22:00)
Ben 10 Shorts 1x01, "Hijacked"
Ben 10 1x02, "Washington B.C."
Ben 10 Shorts 1x05, "Sleepaway Camper"
Ben 10 1x03, "The Kraken"
Ben 10 1x04, "Permanent Retirement"
Ben 10 1x05, "Hunted"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x07, "Let the Games Begin"
Ben 10 1x06, "Tourist Trap"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x02, "Snack Break"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x06, "Dogged Pursuit"
Ben 10 1x07, "Kevin 11"
Ben 10 1x08, "The Alliance"
Ben 10 1x09, "Last Laugh"
Ben 10 1x10, "Lucky Girl"
Ben 10 1x11, "A Small Problem"
Ben 10 1x12, "Side Effects"
Ben 10 1x13, "Secrets"
Ben 10 2x01, "Truth"
Ben 10 2x02, "The Big Tick"
Ben 10 2x03, "Framed"
Ben 10 2x05, "Grudge Match"
Ben 10 2x06, "The Galactic Enforcers"
Ben 10 2x11, "Ghostfreaked Out"
Ben 10 2x08, "Ultimate Weapon"
Ben 10 2x07, "Camp Fear"
Ben 10 2x09, "Tough Luck"
Ben 10 2x10, "They Luck Below"
Ben 10 2x12, "Dr. Amino and the Mutant Ray"
Ben 10 2x13, "Back with a Vengeance"
Ben 10 3x02, "Midnight Madness"
Ben 10 3x01, "Ben 10,000"
Ben 10 3x03, "A Change of Face"
Ben 10 3x04, "Merry Christmas"
Ben 10 3x05, "Benwolf"
Ben 10 3x06, "Game Over"
Ben 10 3x07, "Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures"
Ben 10 3x08, "Under Wraps"
Ben 10 3x10, "Monster Weather"
Ben 10 3x09, "The Unnaturals"
Ben 10 3x13, "The Visitor"
Ben 10 3x11, "The Return"
Ben 10 3x12, "Be Afraid of the Dark"
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 1: Grand Canyon
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 2: Mesa Verde
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 3: Area 51
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 4: Hoover Dam
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 5: Meteor Crater
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 6: San Francisco
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 7: Lumber Mill
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 8: Crater Lake
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 9: Seattle
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 10: Yellowstone
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 11: Effigy Mounds
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 12: Plumber Base
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 13: Chicago Lakefront
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 14: Gold Coast Theater
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 15: Mt. Rushmore
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 16: Navy Pier
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 17: Historic Battlefield
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 18: Bayou
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 19: New Orleans
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 20: Oil Refinery
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 21: Riverboat
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 22: Washington DC
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 23: Cape Canaveral
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 24: The Merciless
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Level 25: Null Void
[Null Void]
Ben 10 4x01, "Perfect Day"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x04, "Radio Dazed"
Ben 10 Shorts 1x08, "Handle with Care"
Ben 10 4x02, "Divided We Stand"
Ben 10 4x03, "Don't Drink the Water"
Ben 10 4x04, "Big Fat Alien Wedding"
Ben 10 4x05, "Ben 4 Good Buddy"
Ben 10 4x06, "Ready to Rumble"
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix Chapter 1
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix Chapter 2
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix Chapter 3
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix Chapter 4
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix Chapter 5
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix Chapter 6
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix Chapter 7
Ben 10 4x08, "Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 1"
Ben 10 4x09, "Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 2"

Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens Chapter 1 (0:00:00-?:??:??)
Ben 10 Shorts 1x10, "Road Trip Rumble"
Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens Chapter ? (?:??:??-?:??:??)

The Secret Saturdays 1x01, "The Kur Stone: Part 1
The Secret Saturdays 1x02, "The Kur Stone: Part 2
The Secret Saturdays 1x03, "The Vengence of Hibagon"
The Secret Saturdays 1x04, "The Ice Caverns of Ellef Ringnes"
The Secret Saturdays 1x05, "Guess Who's Going To Be Dinner"
The Secret Saturdays 1x06, "The King of Kumari Kandam"
The Secret Saturdays 1x07, "Van Rook's Apprentice"
The Secret Saturdays 1x08, "Twelve Hundred Degrees Fahrenheit"
The Secret Saturdays 1x09, "The Owlman Feeds at Midnight"
The Secret Saturdays 1x10, "The Swarms at the Edge of Space"
The Secret Saturdays 1x11, "Eterno"
The Secret Saturdays 1x12, "Black Monday"
The Secret Saturdays 1x13, "Cryptid vs. Cryptid"
The Secret Saturdays 1x14, "The Underworld Bride"
The Secret Saturdays 1x15, "Ghost in the Machine"
The Secret Saturdays 1x16, "Something in the Water"
The Secret Saturdays 1x17, "Target: Fiskerton"
The Secret Saturdays 1x18, "Once More the Nightmare Factory"
The Secret Saturdays 1x19, "Curse of the Stolen Tiger"
The Secret Saturdays 1x20, "The Kur Guardian"
The Secret Saturdays 1x21, "Food of the Giants"
The Secret Saturdays 1x22, "The Atlas Pin"
The Secret Saturdays 1x23, "Paris is Melting" (00:00-??:??)
The Secret Saturdays 1x23, "Paris is Melting" (??:??-??:??)
[Shadow World]
The Secret Saturdays 1x23, "Paris is Melting" (??:??-??:??)
The Secret Saturdays 1x24, "Where Lies the Engulfer"
The Secret Saturdays 1x25, "Shadows of Lemuria"
The Secret Saturdays 1x26, "Kur Rising"

???? (6 months later)
The Secret Saturdays 2x01, "Kur: Part 1"
The Secret Saturdays 2x02, "Kur: Part 2"
The Secret Saturdays 2x03, "The Thousand Eyes of Ahuizotl"
The Secret Saturdays 2x04, "Into the Mouth of Darkness"
The Secret Saturdays 2x05, "The Legion of Garuda"
The Secret Saturdays 2x06, "The Return of Tsul' Kalu"
The Secret Saturdays 2x07, "The Unblinking Eye"
The Secret Saturdays 2x08, "Life in the Underground"
The Secret Saturdays 2x09, "And Your Enemies Closer"
The Secret Saturdays 2x10, "War of the Cryptids"

???? (at some point that I will locate later)
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 1: Headquarters
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 2: Glacier Caves
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 3: Moonlit Caves
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 4: Volcanic Caverns
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 5: Desert Tombs
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 6: Mountain Temple
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 7: Lost Underseas City
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 8: Research Facility
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 9: Jungle Ruins
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun Level 10: Weird World

Ben 10: Alien Force 1x01, "Ben 10 Returns: Part 1"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x02, "Ben 10 Returns: Part 2"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x03, "Everybody Talks About the Weather"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x04, "Kevin's Big Score"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x05, "All That Glitters"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x07, "Pier Pressure"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x06, "Max Out"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x11, "Be-Knighted"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x08, "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x09, "The Gauntlet"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x12, "Plumbers' Helpers"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x10, "Paradox"
Ben 10: Alien Force 1x13, "X = Ben + 2"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x02, "Alone Together"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x01, "Darkstar Rising"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x03, "Good Copy, Bad Copy"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x04, "Save the Last Dance"
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 1: Knight-Mare at the Pier
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 2: The Forest Medieval/Mid-Evil
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 3: Bombs Away!
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 4: A Few Bad Eggs
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 5: Plumber Trouble
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 6: Rural Rumble
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 7: Running on Autopilot
Ben 10: Alien Force Level 8: A Change In the Weather
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x05, "Undercover"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x10, "Birds of a Feather"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x07, "Grounded"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x06, "Pet Project"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x11, "Unearthed"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x08, "Voided"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x09, "Inside Man"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x12, "War of the Worlds: Part 1"
Ben 10: Alien Force 2x13, "War of the Worlds: Part 2"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x01, "Vengeance of Vilgax: Part 1"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x02, "Vengeance of Vilgax: Part 2"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x03, "Inferno"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x06, "Don't Fear the Repo"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x05, "Simple"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x04, "Fool's Gold"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x07, "Singlehanded"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x08, "If All Else Fails"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x09, "In Charm's Way"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x11, "Trade Off"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x10, "Ghost Town"
Ben 10: Alien Swarm Chapter 1
Ben 10: Alien Swarm Chapter ?
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x12, "Busy Box"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x13, "Con of Rath"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x14, "Primus"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x17, "Above and Beyond"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x16, "The Secret of Chromastone"
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 1: Bellwood
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 2: Vulpin
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 3: Terradino
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 4: Encephalonus IV
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 5: Anur Phaetos
[Anur Phaetos]
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 6: MorOtesi
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 7: Null Void
[Null Void]
Ben 10: Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks Level 8: Bellwood Revisited
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x18, "Vendetta"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x15, "Time Heals"
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 1
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 2
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 3
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 4
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 5
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Boss 1
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 6
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 7
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 8
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 9
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 10
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level B2
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 11
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 12
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 13
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 14
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level 15
Ben 10: Alien Force: The Rise of Hex Level B3
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x19, "The Final Battle: Part 1"
Ben 10: Alien Force 3x20, "The Final Battle: Part 2"

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x01, "Fame"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x02, "Duped"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x03, "Hit 'Em Where They Live"
Ben 10 :Ultimate Alien 1x04, "Video Games"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x05, "Escape from Aggergor"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x06, "Too Hot to Handle"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x07, "Andreas' Fault"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x08, "Fused"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x09, "Hero Time"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x10, "Ultimate Aggregor"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x11, "Map of Infinity"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x12, "Reflected Glory"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x13, "Deep"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x14, "Where the Magic Happens"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x15, "Perplexahedron"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x16, "The Forge of Creation"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x17, "...Nor Iron Bars a Cage"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x18, "The Enemy of My Enemy"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x19, "Absolute Power: Part 1"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 1x20, "Absolute Power: Part 2"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x01, "The Transmogrification of Eunice"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x02, "Eye of the Beholder"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x04, "The Big Story"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x03, "Viktor: The Spoils"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x05, "Girl Trouble"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x06, "Revenge of the Swarm"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x10, "Ben 10,000 Returns"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x07, "The Creature from Beyond"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x08, "Basic Training"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x09, "It's Not Easy Being Gwen"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x12, "Prisoner Number 775 is Missing"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2x11, "Moonstruck"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x02, "Simian Says"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x03, "Greetings from Techadon"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x01, "The Purge"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x04, "The Flame Keepers' Circle"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x05, "Double or Nothing"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x06, "The Perfect Girlfriend"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x07, "The Ultimate Sacrifice"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x09, "The Mother of All Vreedles"

Generator Rex 3x11, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United - Part 1" [Generator Rex Universe]
Generator Rex 3x12, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United - Part 2" (00:00-??:??) [Generator Rex Universe]
Generator Rex 3x12, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United - Part 2" (??:??-??:??) [Null Void]
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x08, "The Widening Gyre"

???? (1 year and 1 day after AF 3x20)
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 1: Catacombs
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 2: Eiffel Tower
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 3: Devils Tower
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 4: The Great Wall
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 5: Tokyo Nights
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 6: Amazonas
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 7: Colosseum
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Level 8: Final Battle

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x10, "A Knight to Remember"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x11, "Solitary Alignment"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x12, "Inspector #13"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x13, "Enemy of My Frenemy"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x15, "Catch a Falling Star"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x16, "The Eggman Cometh"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x14, "Couples Retreat"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x17, "Night of the Living Nightmare"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x18, "The Beginning of the End"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x19, "The Ultimate Enemy: Part 1"
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 3x20, "The Ultimate Enemy: Part 2"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x01, "The More Things Change: Part 1"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x02, "The More Things Change: Part 2"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x03, "A Jolt from the Past"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x07, "So Long, and Thanks for All the Smoothies"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x06, "It Was Them"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x04, "Trouble Helix"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x08, "Hot Stretch"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x05, "Have I Got a Deal for You"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x09, "Of Predators and Prey: Part 1"
Ben 10: Omniverse 1x10, "Of Predators and Prey: Part 2"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x02, "Many Happy Returns"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x03, "Gone Fishin'"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x01, "Outbreak"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x04, "Blukic and Driba Go to Mr. Smoothy's"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x05, "Malefactor"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x06, "Bros in Space"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x07, "Arrested Development"
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x08, "Rules of Engagement"
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x01, "Showdown: Part 1"
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x02, "Showdown: Part 2"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x01, "T.G.I.S."
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x03, "Tummy Trouble"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x09, "Store 23"
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x04, "Vilgax Must Croak"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x08, "Ben Again"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2x10, "Special Delivery"
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x09, "Rad"
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x05, "While You Were Away"

???? (I know there is time travel involved, this is just a place holder until I play the game)
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 1: Training Time
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 2: The Galvanic Butterfly Effect
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 3: Future Mal-Formed
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 4: Technical Difficulties
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 5: Past Due
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 6: Extreme Earth Makeover; Malware Edition
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 7: That Was Then...
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 8: ...This is Now
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 9: Weird Scientist
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 10: Plumb-Crazy
Ben 10: Omniverse Level 11: Two Malwares... No Waiting

Ben 10: Omniverse 3x06, "The Frogs of War: Part 1"
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Level 1: Learning the Ropes
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Level 2: Stow Away
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Level 3: Mess Hall Mashup
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Level 4: Welcome to Erf
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Level 5: The Core of the Problem
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Level 6: No Time For Sightseeing
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Level 7: Trouble With Way Bad
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x07, "The Frogs of War: Part 2"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x02, "Food Around the Corner"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x07, "The Ultimate Heist"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x03, "O Mother, Where Art Thou?"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x10, "Max's Monster"
Ben 10: Omniverse 3x10, "Evil's Encore"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x04, "Return to Forever"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x05, "Mud Is Thicker Than Water"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x06, "OTTO Motives"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x08, "A Fistful of Brains"
Ben 10: Omniverse 4x09, "For a Few Brains More"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x01, "Something Zombozo This Way Comes"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x02, "Mystery, Incorporeal"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x03, "Bengeance is Mine"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x04, "An American Benwolf in London"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x05, "Animo Crackers"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x06, "Rad Monster Party"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x07, "Charmed, I'm Sure"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x08, "The Vampire Strikes Back"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x01, "And Then There None" (00:00-??:??)
[No Omnitrix Dimension]
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x01, "And Then There None" (??:??-??:??) [Outside of Time and Space]
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x02, "And Then There Was Ben"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x09, "Catfight"
Ben 10: Omniverse 5x10, "Collect This"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x03, "The Venders"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x04, "Caugh It Up"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x05, "The Rooters of All Evil"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x06, "Blukic and Driba Go to Area 51"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x07, "No Honor Among Bros"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x08, "Universe vs. Tennyson"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x09, "Weapon XI: Part 1"
Ben 10: Omniverse 6x10, "Weapon XI: Part 2"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x01, "Clyde Five"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x02, "Rook Tales"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x03, "Charm School"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x04, "The Ballad of Mr. Baumann"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x05, "Fight at the Museum"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x06, "Breakpoint"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x07, "The Color of Monkey"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x08, "Vreedlemania"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x09, "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Ben World: Part 1"
Ben 10: Omniverse 7x10, "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Ben World: Part 2"
[Mad Ben Dimension]
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x01, "From Hedorium to Eternity"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x02, "Stuck on You"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x03, "Let's Do the Time War Again"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x04, "The Secret of Dos Santos"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x05, "Third Time's a Charm"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x06, "The Final Countdown"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x07, "Malgax Attacks"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x08, "The Most Dangerous Game Show"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x09, "The End of an Era"
Ben 10: Omniverse 8x10, "A New Dawn"

Ben 10 3x02, "Ben 10,000" (??:??-??:??) [First Ben 10,000 Timeline]

Ben 10: Omniverse 8x09, "The End of an Era" [Third Ben 10,000 Timeline]

Ben 10 4x07, "Ken 10" [First Ben 10,000 Timeline]

Dimension 27998.3 [Also Generator Rex Multiverse]
Summer ??
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x02, "Waterfilter"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x01, "The Filth"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x11, "Clown College"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x03, "The Ring Leader"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x06, "Take 10"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x25, "Ben 24hrs"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x24, "Freaky Gwen Ben"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x23, "Rustbucket RIP"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x05, "The Clocktopus"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x07, "Growing Pains"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x17, "Villain Time"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x13, "Something I Ate"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x28, "Don't Let the Bass Drop"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x33, "Cutting Corners"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x10, "Animo Farm"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x04, "Riding the Storm Out"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x36, "Need for Speed"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x09, "Brief Career of Lucky Girl"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x31, "Forgeti"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x08, "Shhh!"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x26, "Bright Lights, Black Hearts"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x12, "Adventures in Babysitting"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x14, "Steam is the Word"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x22, "Recipe for Disaster"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x16, "All Wet"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x20, "Story, Bored"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x34, "Xingo"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x18, "Drive You Crazy"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x35, "Scared Silly"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x21, "Hole in 10"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x15, "The Beast Inside"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x19, "Tomorrow Today"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x29, "Bad Penny"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x32, "Max to the Max"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x30, "Zombozo-Land"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x27, "Don't Laze Me, Bro"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x37, "Omni-Tricked: Part 1"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x38, "Omni-Tricked: Part 2"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x39, "Omni-Tricked: Part 3"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 1x40, "Omni-Tricked: Part 4"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x01, "Out to Launch"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x02, "Battle at Biggie Box"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x03, "Bon Voyage"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x04, "Mayhem in Mascot"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x05, "Screamcatcher"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x06, "Creature Feature"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x07, "Bombozo Lives"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x08, "Animorphosis"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x09, "Assault on Pancake Palace"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x10, "High Stress Express"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x11, "The 11th Alien: Part 1"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x12, "The 11th Alien: Part 2"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x13, "Half-Sies"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x14, "Xingo's Back"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x15, "Bounty Ball"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x16, "Fear the Fogg"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x17, "Super-Villain Team-Up"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x18, "Can I Keep It?"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x19, "Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x20, "All Koiled Up"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x21, "King Koil"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x22, "The Charm Offensive"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x23, "Double Hex"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x24, "Ben Again and Again"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x25, "Vote Zombozo"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x26, "Drone On"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x27, "Safari Sa'Bad"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x28, "The Nature of Things"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x29, "The Sound and the Furry"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x30, "Reststop Roustabout"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x31, "That's the Stuff"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x32, "The Feels"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x33, "Past Aliens Present"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x34, "Dreamtime"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x35, "Innervasion Part 1: Menssage in a Boxcar"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x36, "Innervasion Part 2: Call the Dream Police"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x37, "Innervasion Part 3: Strange Bedfellows"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x38, "Innervasion Part 4: Mind Over Alien Matter"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 2x35, "Innervasion Part 5: High Override"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x01, "Omni-Copped"

OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes 3x24, "Crossover Nexus"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x02, "This One Goes to 11"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x03, "Rath of Con"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x04, "Poles Apart"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x05, "Show Don't Tell"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x06, "Welcome to Zombozo-Zone!"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x07, "Bridge Out"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x08, "Breach Heads"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x09, "Charm School's Out"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x10, "Billy Bajillions"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x11, "Franken-Fight"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x12, "Buggin' the Buggs"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x13, "Which Watch"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x14, "Baby Buktu"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x15, "Them's Fightin' Words!"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x16, "Mutiny for the Bounty"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x17, "The Chupaca-bro"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x18, "Buggy Out"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x19, "Introducing Kevin 11"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x20, "Four by Four"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x21, "Moor Fogg"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x22, "King of the Castle"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x23, "Speechless on the Seine"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x24, "Don't Touch"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x25, "Big in Japan"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x26, "Cyber Slammers"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x27, "Big Ben 10"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x28, "LaGrange Muraille"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x29, "Lickety Split"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x30, "The Claws of the Cat"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x31, "Roundabout: Part 1"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x32, "Roundabout: Part 2"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x33, "Cirque-Us"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x34, "Forever Road"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x35, "The Bentathlon"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x36, "Prey or Play"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x37, "Beware the Scare-Crow"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x38, "The Night Ben Tennyson Came to Town"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x39, "And Xingo Was His Name-O"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x40, "Fear in the Family"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x41, "Xingo Nation"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x42, "Heads of the Family"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x43, "My Bodyguard"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x44, "Wheels of Fortune"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x45, "Heat of the Moment"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x46, "Vin Diagram"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x47, "A Sticky Situation"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x48, "What Rhymes with Omnitrix?"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x49, "You Remind Me of Someone"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x50, "Adrenaland Jr."
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x51, "Steam Fight at the OK Corral"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 3x52, "I Don't Like You"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x01, "Chicken In Chichen Itza, Part 1: Pyramid Scheme"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x02 "Chicken In Chichen Itza, Part 2: The Wage of Fear"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x03, "Ben in Rome, Part 1: A Slice of Life"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x04, "Ben in Rome, Part 2: The Bee's Knees"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x05, "Gentle Ben"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x06, "Funhouse"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x07, "Summer Breakers"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x08, "The Monsters in Your Head"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x09, "Queen of Bees"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x10, "Falls, Falls, Falls"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x11, "The Greatest Lake"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x12, "Mud on the Run"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x13, "It's Story Time"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x14, "Cosplay Day"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x15, "Bottomless Ben"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x16, "Tales from the Omnitrix"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x17, "Party Poopers"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x18, "Wind Some, Lose Some"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x19, "Digital Quality"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x20, "Tim Buk-tv"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x21, "Tokyo Fun, Part 1: Big Bugg Bash"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x22, "Tokyo Fun, Part 2: Slamming It Up"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x23, "Growing Up Is Hard to Do"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x24, "The Hex Factor"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x25, "Sweet Tooth"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x26, "Medieval Upheaval"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x27, "Speed of Sound"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x28, "Xingo's World"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x29, "Tummy Ache"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x30, "Players of the Lost Park"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x31, "De-Fanged!"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x32, "Mock 10"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x33, "Rekoil"
Ben 10 (Reboot) 4x34, "Buktu the Future"
Ben 10 Versus the Universe: The Movie
Ben 10,010
Ben Gen 10
Alien X-Tinction

Dimension ?? (Race Against Time)

Summer ??
Ben 10: Race Against Time Chapter 1
Ben 10: Race Against Time Chapter 2
Ben 10: Race Against Time Chapter 3
Ben 10: Race Against Time Chapter 4
Ben 10: Race Against Time Chapter 5
Ben 10: Race Against Time Chapter 6
Ben 10: Race Against Time Chapter 7

Dimension ?? (Nintendo Handled Video Games)

Summer ??
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 1: Grand Canyon
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 2: Mesa Verde
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 3: Area 51
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 4: Hoover Dam
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 5: San Francisco
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 6: Redwood Forest
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 7: Crater Lake
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 8: Seattle Space Needle
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 9: Effigy Mounds
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 10: Plumber Base
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 11: Chicago Lake Front
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 12: Navy Pier
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 13: Historic Battlefield
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 14: Bayou
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 15: New Orleans
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 16: Oil Refinery
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 17: Washington DC
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 18: Cape Canaveral
Ben 10: Protector of Earth (NDS) Level 19: The Merciless

The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS) Level 1-1: Saturday's Headquarters 1
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS) Level 1-2: Saturday's Headquarters 2
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS) Level 1-3: Saturday's Headquarters 3
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS) Level 4:
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS) Level 5:
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS) Level 6:
The Secret Saturdays: Beast of the 5th Sun (NDS) Level 7:

Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 1-1: Shipyard 1
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 1-2: Shipyard 2
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 1-3: Shipyard 3
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 1-4: Shipyard 4
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 2-1: Warehouse 1
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 2-2: Warehouse 2
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 2-3: Warehouse 3
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 2-4: Warehouse 4
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 3-1: Cave 1
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 3-2: Cave 2
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 3-3: Cave 3
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 3-4: Cave 4
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 4-1: Tower 1
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 4-2: Tower 2
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 4-3: Tower 3
Ben 10: Alien Force (NDS) Level 4-4: Tower 4

**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 1.5: To Vulpin**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 2-1: Vulpin - Area 1**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 2-2: Vulpin - Area 2**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 2-3: Vulpin - Black Star**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 2.5: To Terradino**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 3-1: Terradino - Area 1**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 3-2: Terradino - Area 2**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 3-3: Terradino - Charmcaster**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 3.5: To Encephalonus IV**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 4-1: Encephalonus IV - Area 1**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 4-2: Encephalonus IV - Area 2**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 4-3: Encephalonus IV - Vreedles**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 4.5: To MorOtesi**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 5-1: MorOtesi - Area 1**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 5-2: MorOtesi - Area 2**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 5-3: MorOtesi - Albedo**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 5.5: To Null Void**
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 6-1: Null Void - Area 1**
[Null Void]
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 6-2: Null Void - Area 2** [Null Void]
**Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 6-3: Null Void - D'Void** [Null Void]


Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 1-1: Earth - Area 1 [First Vilgax Attacks Timeline]
Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 1-2: Earth - Area 2 [First Vilgax Attacks Timeline]
Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 1-3: Earth - Mr. Smoothy [First Vilgax Attacks Timeline]
Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks (NDS) Level 7: Earth

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS) Level 1:
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS) Level 2:
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS) Level 3:
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS) Level 4:
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS) Level 5:
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS) Level 6:
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (NDS) Level 7:

???? (I know there is time travel involved, this is just a place holder until I play the game)
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 1: Major Malfunction
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 2: A Timely Visitor
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 3: Cavern of Time
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 4: Big Trouble in Undertown
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 5: Bazaar Encounters
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 6: Bomb Rush
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 7: Galvan Rescue
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 8: Subway Surprise
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 9: Return to Undertown
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 10: Underground Rumble
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 11: Generator Bash
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 12: Grandpa Knows Best
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 13: Time Bomb
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 14: A Tale of Two Malwares
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 15: Baiting the Trap
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 16: Bellwood Brawl
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 17: Going Down
Ben 10: Omniverse (NDS/N3DS) Level 18: Fixing Time

Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 1: Stoad-Away
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 2: Gathering Intel
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 3: Communications Down
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 4: Gene Shopping
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 5: Vent Hopping
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 6: Shuttle Shuffle
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 7: Tougue Tied
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 8: The Watchmaker
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 9: Ribbits and Pieces
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 10: Galvanic Mecha-What?
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 11: The Final Component
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 12: Special Delivery
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 13: Re-Bonding
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 14: A Big Problem
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 15: Butter Fingers
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 16: Hatching A Plan
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 17: Security Shmecurity
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 18: Patrol Reversal
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 19: Fly On A Wall
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 20: Frog Hunt
Ben 10: Omniverse 2 (N3DS) Level 21: Final Showdown

Dimension ?? (Goodbye and Good Riddance)

Summer ??
Ben 10 4x10, "Goodbye and Good Riddance"

Non-Canon (?)

Summer ??
Ben 10 2x04, "Gwen 10"

Generator Rex Universe [Generator Rex Multiverse]
Generator Rex 1x01, "The Day That Everything Changed"
Generator Rex 1x02, "String Theory"
Generator Rex 1x03, "Beyond the Sea"
Generator Rex 1x04, "Lockdown"
Generator Rex 1x05, "The Architect"
Generator Rex 1x06, "Frostbite"
Generator Rex 1x07, "Leader of the Pack"
Generator Rex 1x08, "Breach"
Generator Rex 1x09, "Dark Passage"
Generator Rex 1x10, "The Forgotten"
Generator Rex 1x11, "Operation: Wingman"
Generator Rex 1x12, "Rabble"
Generator Rex 1x13, "The Hunter"
Generator Rex 1x14, "Gravity"
Generator Rex 1x15, "What Lies Beneath"
Generator Rex 1x16, "The Swarm"
Generator Rex 1x17, "Basic"
Generator Rex 1x18, "Plague"
Generator Rex 1x19, "Promises, Promises"
Generator Rex 1x20, "Badlands"
Generator Rex 1x21, "Payback"

Generator Rex 2x01, "Rampage"
Generator Rex 2x02, "Waste Land"
Generator Rex 2x03, "Lost Weekend"
Generator Rex 2x04, "Alliance"
Generator Rex 2x05, "Robo Bobo"
Generator Rex 2x06, "Divide By Six"
Generator Rex 2x07, "Mixed Signals"
Generator Rex 2x08, "Outpost"
Generator Rex 2x09, "Haunted"
Generator Rex 2x10, "Moonlighting"
Generator Rex 2x11, "Without a Paddle"
Generator Rex 2x12, "Written in Sand"
Generator Rex 2x13, "Night Falls"
Generator Rex 2x14, "Hard Target"
Generator Rex 2x15, "A Family Holiday"
Generator Rex 2x16, "Exposed"
Generator Rex 2x17, "Grounded"
Generator Rex 2x18, "Six Minus Six"
Generator Rex 2x19, "Lions and Lambs"
Generator Rex 3x03, "Back in Black"
Generator Rex 3x04, "Crash and Burn"
Generator Rex 3x05, "Phantom of the Soap Opera"
Generator Rex 3x06, "Riddle of the Sphinx"
Generator Rex 3x07, "Double Vision"

Generator Rex 3x18, "Rock My World"
Generator Rex 3x08, "Guy vs. Guy"
Generator Rex 3x09, "Black and White"
Generator Rex 3x10, "Deadzone"
Generator Rex 3x11, "Assault on Abysus"
Generator Rex 3x01, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United - Part 1"
Generator Rex 3x02, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United - Part 2" (00:00-??:??)
Generator Rex 3x02, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United - Part 2" (??:??-??:??)
[Null Void]
Generator Rex 3x12, "Remote Control"
Generator Rex 3x13, "A Brief History of Time"
Generator Rex 3x14, "Mind Games"
Generator Rex 3x15, "Hermanos"
Generator Rex 3x16, "Target: Consortium"
Generator Rex 3x17, "Enemies Mine"
Generator Rex 3x19, "Endgame, Part 1"
Generator Rex 3x20, "Endgame, Part 2"

???? (at some point that I will locate later)
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 1: Sky Diving
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 2: Mexico
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 3: The Jungle
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 4: Rex Ride
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 5: Honk Kong
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 6: Providence
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 7: Aquania
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 8: Pocket Dimension
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence Level 9: Abysus

Generator Rex Universe (Nintendo Handled Video Games) [Generator Rex Multiverse]

Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 1:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 2:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 3:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 4:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 5:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 6:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 7:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 8:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 9:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 10:
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence (NDS/N3DS) Level 11:
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Timeline Notes

Unless noted, everything is in production order, not airing order.

Ben 10 1x01, "And Then There Were 10"
So, it takes place in the last day of school. I am going to label it as such until I found more concrete dates

So, after some digging, I have decided to follow Megatron advice that is in turn based in some guy on the internet that puts 1x04, 1x05 and 1x06 in that order, probably because they all deal with Ben, Gwen and Max travelling the desert, while they are in urban areas in later episodes. Also that person's order has 1x08 and 1x09 in that order, I don't know if for the same reasoning as me. I think they should be in release order because in "The Alliance" Ben is reluctant to hit a female supervillain, while in "Last Laugh" he just beats Frightwig with no different treatment from the other male members of the Circus Freak Trio. So after all, season 1 is set in release order. Maybe the Cartoon Network folks actually put more thought in it that it seemed (or it is a big coincidence).

Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix
Its production order sets it before "Perfect Day" but that cannot be the case. It has to be set at least after that episode since the Vilgax in the dream has escaped the Void, while in Secret of the Omnitrix he was already out. Eye Guy appearance places it shortly before Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 1. However he only appears in one of 3 versions of the movie. Wait, there is 3 versions of the movie and the only change is the alien used in the first scene? WHY? I guess I would need to short that out when I arrive to that part of my watching order.

I will leave the comics here and put them in the Viewing Order later:

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #2 "Ole!"
Between "The Ultimate Weapon" and "Tough Luck"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #4 "Fast Lane"
Between "The Alliance" and "Last Laugh"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #6 "Snow Blind"
Between "Side Effects" and Secrets"
(Canon if the July date is ignored)

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #7 "Fear Itself"
Between "The Alliance" and "Last Laugh"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #9 "A Villain a Day"
Between "Power Drain" and "Kevin 11"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #11 "Techno Zombies"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #12 "Barbershop Blues"
Between "The Krakken" and "Permanent Retirement"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #13 "Blast from the Past"
Between "Truth" and "The Big Tick"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #14 "Nemesis"
Between "The Alliance" and "Last Laugh"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #14 "The Height of Heat"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #15 "Space Camp and Beyond"
Between "Divided we Stand" and "Don't Drink the Water"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #15 "Alien Data Files: Wildmutt"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #16 "Greasy Lightning"
Between "The Ultimate Weapon" and "Tough Luck"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #16 "Alien Data Files: Heatblast"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #16 "Alien Data Files: Four Arms"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #17 "Swimming with Sharks"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #18 "Monkey Business"
Between "The Galactic Enforcers" and "Camp Fear"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #18 "Alien Data Files: XLR8"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #19 "Eggs with Legs"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #20 "Intergalactic Spazz Club"
Between "Monster Weather" and "Under Wraps"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #20 "Aqua Nut"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #21 "Sonic Boom"
Between "Grudge Match" and "The Galactic Enforcers"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #22 "Pleasant Dreams"
Between "Benwolf" and "Game Over"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #22 "Alien Data Files: Upgrade"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #22 "Charmed to Beat You"
Between "Merry Christmas" and "Benwolf"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #23 "Captured!"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #23 "The Once and Future Ben"
Between "Ben 10.000" and "A Change of Face" (Maybe it goes after Destroy All Aliens because of Articguana cameo?)

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #24 "Special Defects"
Between "Super Hero Buddy Adventures" and "Radio Dazed"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #24 "Alien Data Files: Diamondhead"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #25 "Mountains of Trouble"
Between "Midnight Madness" and "Ben 10.000"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #26 "Alien Data Files: Ripjaws"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #26 "Dora Flora"
During the 2006 Summer

Cartoon Network: Action Pack #26 "Alien Data Files: Stinkfly"
Between "Ben 10 vs Negative 10" and "Destroy all Aliens"

Ben 10: Science Hero (Not-Canon?)

Ben 10: Exploring Hero (Not-Canon? Sequel of Science Hero)

Ben 10 (Manga) (Alternate Universe were Ben is Japanese and lives in Tokyo)
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Mr jozaca of you Need something ask me I'm an Expert on everything on the ben 10 original timeline.
OK, so the last day of school on USA in 2005 would be June or July?
My First obstacle. when the series started, well Little spoiler, The dates doesn't work out. What I Mean Is that all the episodes doesn't fit with the 3 months of Summer (something Like Phineas & Ferb). What I did was to take the last day of Summer vacation and going backwords. What I found out was ta da... 25th May 2005.
And trust me starting in May makes the dates in the enchantress and Hex episodes coherent.
My First obstacle. when the series started, well Little spoiler, The dates doesn't work out. What I Mean Is that all the episodes doesn't fit with the 3 months of Summer (something Like Phineas & Ferb). What I did was to take the last day of Summer vacation and going backwords. What I found out was ta da... 25th May 2005.
Lol. Thinking about it, maybe it should be summer of 2006, since only the first episode aired in 2005, well past summer.
Gwen 10 Is no longer a what if? Oh and for some episodes they Aires them with the pop-up trivia.
Also secreta of the omnitrix Takes Place before ben 10 vs the negative 10 thanks to eyeguy.
For what I know the secret saturdays Takes Place from 2006-2008.
Also they are some original series episodes, but very few, that I missed, so I am very excited to watch them now in order and not being confused about their order as I was as a kid.

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