Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined)

Adama and Tigh running around with guns in last nights ep was officially bad-***.

I KNOW!! I swear to the gods, Adama/Tigh and Kara/Lee's scenes were friggen awesome, even Roslin and Batlar's scenes were perfect.

Have to admit though, I could have done without
the Adama/Roslin make out session, cus it was like watching my grandparents make out

Read a couple interesting theories floating on Moore's blog and the SciFi message boards

Kara Thrace -
She could possibly be the nBSG version of Count Iblis
Helen Tigh -
could be a proto-Six, hence the emotional connection between Saul and captiveSix
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Have to admit though, I could have done without
the Adama/Roslin make out session, cus it was like watching my grandparents make out

At least it was better than last week when we actually saw them
more or less naked and lying in bed together.

But yeah, another amazing episode. I actually didn't much care for last week's, as it seemed like it was just filler as we built up to this week's episode and this close to the end we really didn't need that. But this episode was great. Next week's looks even better. Roslin screaming "I'm coming for all of you!" in the teaser means only one thing - she's gonna kick some ***!

The only thing I really DON'T like about this plot line is that
it's fairly obvious from the way Adama was talking to Gaeta that anyone who participated in the mutiny is getting killed, which makes me sad because I've always liked Gaeta and was hoping he'd make it to the end. Of course, that's looking like less and less of a possibility.
After my *****ing about the premiere, I have to say I LOVED last night's episode. Intrigues, mutiny, crotchety old men with guns, it was friggen fun.
Last night's episode was great. Honestly, by now you would think that Gaeta would be smart enough to know that he should've put like, 30 guards on Adama and Tigh. Of course they were going to kick some *** and escape.
Have to admit though, I could have done without
the Adama/Roslin make out session, cus it was like watching my grandparents make out
Heh. When it went on for a little too long I was half-expecting someone (probably Kara) to say "Ew".
Kara Thrace -
She could possibly be the nBSG version of Count Iblis
*Wikipedias* Well that would be a pretty bizarre thing to do in the last ten episodes of a series...
The only thing I really DON'T like about this plot line is that
it's fairly obvious from the way Adama was talking to Gaeta that anyone who participated in the mutiny is getting killed, which makes me sad because I've always liked Gaeta and was hoping he'd make it to the end. Of course, that's looking like less and less of a possibility.
I've always been pretty neutral towards Gaeta and now that he's become Admiral Douchebag, I kind of want to see someone shoot his ***.

EDIT: I found this (titled "Worst Commercial Placement Ever") while looking for the promo for next week's episode (spoilers for those who haven't been watching the new season)

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I've always been pretty neutral towards Gaeta and now that he's become Admiral Douchebag, I kind of want to see someone shoot his ***.

Agreed. I've always disliked Gaeta. He's always been a whiny little douche-bag, now he's a whiny little douche-bag with an agenda.

EDIT: I found this (titled "Worst Commercial Placement Ever") while looking for the promo for next week's episode (spoilers for those who haven't been watching the new season)



Thats brilliant!!
That's great...

In other news, I LOVED this week's episode... I'm more pumped for this series than I have been since New Caprica.
Yesterday's episode was fantastic. As was expected, Gaeta
was executed, though I honestly thought the writers would find some way to get Zarek out of it. It was a very emotional scene, especially with Gaeta talking to Baltar about his childhood. Also, I don't care what anyone else says, I still like Gaeta; it helps that I can totally see where he's coming from, even if he is dead wrong (literally and figuratively, I suppose).

I think my favorite scene was Adama and company
walking through the ship to the command center (or whatever it's called) as various people who had been in hiding rejoined them.
Gaeta's face as it slowly dawned on him what was happening was priceless, and very good acting on his part, too.

Also, Roslin's reaction upon hearing
that Adama had been "killed"?
Utterly fantastic. Why Mary McDonnell hasn't won an Emmy for this show yet is beyond my comprehension.

In other words, another amazing episode. They keep this up and it might just usurp Damages as my favorite show on right now.
So, we find out exactly how the Final Five relate to the other models. We find out why Cavil is such a dick. We find out why there's isn't a number 7 model.

Holy ****, I love this show. :shock:
I thought it was amazing. They took an episode that was 99% exposition and turned it into one of the best of the season. I loved the idea of
Anders telling everyone the history of the five
, because it got all of the information out in a way that was also exciting (is he going to die?, will he be able to finish?, Starbuck's choices, etc). Truth be told, I much rather them do it this way then spread it out for several episodes. Just devote an entire episode to the mythology of the show so we can move on without it hindering us.

Oh, and it needs to be said: Give Dean Stockwell an Emmy! He was absolutely fantastic and terrifying in this episode; the revelation that
Cavil (or "John") is the one behind the bulk of the series' events
is fantastic, and really enriches his character. His speech about wanting to "taste Gamma rays" or whatever it was was astonishing. He's been one of my favorite actors since Quantum Leap, but I don't think I've ever seen him this good.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe the old man and Six's baby will be Daniel reincarnated.

I have to say the idea of Kara being so needy, that she pretty much guaranteed Sam's being a vegetable was brilliant, when she realized, she's pretty much a no one. The look on her face is priceless.
Oh, and it needs to be said: Give Dean Stockwell an Emmy! He was absolutely fantastic and terrifying in this episode; the revelation that
Cavil (or "John") is the one behind the bulk of the series' events
is fantastic, and really enriches his character. His speech about wanting to "taste Gamma rays" or whatever it was was astonishing. He's been one of my favorite actors since Quantum Leap, but I don't think I've ever seen him this good.

Word, it was a mighty fine performance
Meh. I'm actually growing displeased at the final episodes. I've really no good reason as to why...but it's just not enthralling me like the previous seasons.

And Cavil's speech just sounded like Agent Smith's speech to Morpheus in Matrix.

Ugh. I don't know. I think I'm just still mad at the reveal of the Final Cylon. It should've been Starbuck. I'm still waiting on that explanation to the crash and dogtags on Earth.
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Meh. I'm actually growing displeased at the final episodes. I've really no good reason as to why...but it's just not enthralling me like the previous seasons.

And Cavil's speech just sounded like Agent Smith's speech to Morpheus in Matrix.

Ugh. I don't know. I think I'm just still mad at the reveal of the Final Cylon. It should've been Starbuck. I'm still waiting on that explanation to the crash and dogtags on Earth.

My guess, there's a resurrection chamber on Earth, and she IS a cylon. Maybe #13.
I am guessing that too.

I think she is a cylon based on the human Kara who crashed and died on earth.
Or even better, still a complete human who was somehow resurrected through a Cylon resurrection chamber. That would certainly make her special, if Leoben's ramblings about her "destiny" and "purpose" are to be lent any credence.

It'd kind of create a nice parallel and circular destiny for both humans and Cylons. But it'd have to be written amazingly to come off better than anything but a let-down.