Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined)

So thats it...its all over. I honestly expected to be disappointed by the way this show ended, and I'm so glad I couldn't have been more wrong. Granted, the first hour of the finale was meh, but the last half was epic, touching, and perfect in every sense. Was it a happy ending...? Maybe a little. More bittersweet than anything, which is exactly as it should have been. I honestly teared up at the last Adama/Roslin scenes.

And I loved the flash forward to 150,000 years later and the commentary by the Baltar and Six "angels". Also loved the framing of the episode with the "Caprica - Before the Fall" scenes.

I'm still a bit confused about some things (two Earths? How were the continents laid out the same?), but I'm sure subsequent viewings and internet discussion will clear up any lingering questions I have.

Seriously, watch this episode, if for nothing else to see how it ends.
Jesus. This show was so bad as a whole, I think it gave me cancer. I think the whole underlying "TECHNOLOGY BAD!!" theme through the whole show was amplified in the last episode. Yes, we ****ing get it, technology is horrible, and it's bringing about the downfall of society.

I was half-expecting archeologists to find Adama's shuttle, but the Hera as mitochondrial Eve made me laugh so hard, everyone just glared at me. As to the Two Earths, okay, fine, we'll chalk that up to the Lords of Kobal seeding two planets, but c'mon... EXACT same geological features???

The whole Kara thing seems to have pissed off everyone here at the party. Was she an Angel like headCaprica and headBaltar, or what (I'm voting that she was doing her Batman impression). I'm digging the poor wounded girl had JUST enough missiles to destroy all the Colony, plus, what about De'anna? Is she still on the other Earth? What about all the other Cylons, I'm quite sure that they all weren't at The Colony.

I'd hoped it was all over, but no..... next we dundunduuuuun.... The Plan.
Jesus. This show was so bad as a whole, I think it gave me cancer. I think the whole underlying "TECHNOLOGY BAD!!" theme through the whole show was amplified in the last episode. Yes, we ****ing get it, technology is horrible, and it's bringing about the downfall of society.

Seems the perfect time to re-address and explore a theme of a work is the ending.

I was half-expecting archeologists to find Adama's shuttle, but the Hera as mitochondrial Eve made me laugh so hard, everyone just glared at me. As to the Two Earths, okay, fine, we'll chalk that up to the Lords of Kobal seeding two planets, but c'mon... EXACT same geological features???

I liked the Hera as Eve thing.

The whole Kara thing seems to have pissed off everyone here at the party. Was she an Angel like headCaprica and headBaltar, or what (I'm voting that she was doing her Batman impression).

That did piss me off.

I'm digging the poor wounded girl had JUST enough missiles to destroy all the Colony, plus, what about De'anna? Is she still on the other Earth? What about all the other Cylons, I'm quite sure that they all weren't at The Colony.

I'd hoped it was all over, but no..... next we dundunduuuuun.... The Plan.

Which you'll watch and then rip, right?

You come off as extemely masochistic to still watch a show you obviously have so much ire for. You're ripping on the logic of the show, but have you examined your own lately? ;)

To each their own, and again, I agree with some of the detracting statements, but I loved the ending.
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You come off as extemely masochistic to still watch a show you obviously have so much ire for. You're ripping on the logic of the show, but have you examined your own lately? ;)

To each their own, and again, I agree with some of the detracting statements, but I loved the ending.

Actually, it's a party, I'm trying to get into this cute girl's pants. So yeah, my logic is completely correct and valid as to why I watched it tonight.

I liked the Hera as Eve thing.


But the problem lies in that Mitochondrial Eve would be BLACK, not a half asian girl. -.- There's a neat thing in craniofacial anthropometry, there are 5 specific cranial types: Negroid, Capoid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Australoid. During the Pleistocene period, Africa was dominated by those of negroid decent, so making Eve a little half-chinese girl made the science geek in me laugh.
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Actually, it's a party, I'm trying to get into this cute girl's pants. So yeah, my logic is completely correct and valid as to why I watched it tonight.

And every other night? I know this isn't the first time you've posted in this thread about how "stupid" the show is.

And how's that plan going for you (getting into her pants) when you're posting about how much you hated the episode? My logic would be directing me towards her...

You are a strange one, Mr. Grinch. ;)
And every other night? I know this isn't the first time you've posted in this thread about how "stupid" the show is.

And how's that plan going for you (getting into her pants) when you're posting about how much you hated the episode? My logic would be directing me towards her...

You are a strange one, Mr. Grinch. ;)

Every other time, which was, what, 6-7 times out of 4 seasons? Oh I admit, I watched the entirety of Razor, because, well... I'd hoped Cain/Gina would have ended better *shrug*.

As to you getting into her pants? HAHA!! Good luck captain.

PS: By good luck, I mean, not at all, since... well A.) she's gay, and B.) I'm here at her place now, and laughing at you.
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It was balls. Loved the old school centurions. I had always hoped it would end this way, with them becoming "us." So there's a little bit o' cylon in all of us, folks. LOL!!!

So cool. I commend Ron Moore. Damon Lindoff and crew have their work ahead of them to top this with LOST.

And to address the two Earths . . . we never saw any continents on the nuked "earth."

Didn't like how Starbuck went, myself, though. COulda been done different.
Father, Son & Holy Ghost. Will - Father. Lee - Son. Kara - Holy Ghost.

Now I get it. Still don't like it, but I get it.

And that link skotti put up - LOL. RDM - Ronald D. Moore? Nothing there. Site is in lock-down mode. LOL.
I was really disappointed. I suspected the show would end this way, but there just is no way an advanced civilization would have decided to give up on being civilized. I was expecting the creation of Atlantis, or something similar. But everyone is just A-Okay cool with tossing all technology out the window? No... That doesn't work. People wouldn't just give in. One of the things this show has always done brilliantly was show that People fight, they don't agree on anything ever. And yet they agree to completely throw away everything in their lives for a clean slate?

It just doesn't work.

I also wanted there to be more interaction with the religious aspects of this series towards the end, rather than it being "God has a plan, and it is that technology sucks balls".
And that link skotti put up - LOL. RDM - Ronald D. Moore? Nothing there. Site is in lock-down mode. LOL.

You do realize there are multiple versions of BSG, right? The Wiki uses RDM to differentiate pages that apply in multiple versions. Like the Cylon page... you get TOS, RDM, and SDS for the Singer/DeSantos failed version. Some pages even have a 1980 suffix for that little mistake. Ergo, Earth_(RDM) is the page about Earth from the current version, as opposed to Earth_(TOS) which is... GASP! Earth from the Original Series!

And of course it's in lock down, they don't want people posting spoilers until a reasonable amount of time, to give people a chance to watch it.
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But the problem lies in that Mitochondrial Eve would be BLACK, not a half asian girl. -.- There's a neat thing in craniofacial anthropometry, there are 5 specific cranial types: Negroid, Capoid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Australoid. During the Pleistocene period, Africa was dominated by those of negroid decent, so making Eve a little half-chinese girl made the science geek in me laugh.

I lay that at the feet of my own ignorance. Very good point. I hadn't thought of that. Still, easily overlooked in the sense that its a story, and sometimes fictional narratives fudge over details in favor of the story/idea they're trying to put forth.

Every other time, which was, what, 6-7 times out of 4 seasons? Oh I admit, I watched the entirety of Razor, because, well... I'd hoped Cain/Gina would have ended better *shrug*.

I wished for that as well. :(

Einstein said insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But what does he know?

As to you getting into her pants? HAHA!! Good luck captain.

PS: By good luck, I mean, not at all, since... well A.) she's gay, and B.) I'm here at her place now, and laughing at you.

That was a theoretical. I wasn't saying "me" per se, I was saying "me in that hypothetical situation". Skipper. ;)

I learned not to chase after lesbians in the second grade.

And to address the two Earths . . . we never saw any continents on the nuked "earth."

Actually, we did. It was quite apparent in the Season 3 finale (the first Earth) that we were looking at North America.
Actually, we did. It was quite apparent in the Season 3 finale (the first Earth) that we were looking at North America.
Not just North America, but a feature of the Mississippi basin that's unique to the last... three hundred years, I think? Four hundred? So 1600-2000 CE Earth. No mistaking it. And I'm pretty sure we saw Africa, Madagascar, and a few other prominent CURRENT geographic features on Earth 2.0 last night, but I was a little distracted by a little blonde...
I'm still digesting it.

I think it may be one of the greatest series finales ever. The emotion in that last hour was overwhelming. And the action in the first was spectacular. Truly a magnificent story.

Some have raised very nitpicky points about the race of the Mitochondrial Eve and this and that. I don't particularly care about that stuff in a show with angels, Cylons, and space battles. I don't see how that kind of thing could matter to anyone, really.

I also think that any intelligent civilization that just went through years of hell because of technology run amok would welcome a chance to start over. Odds are there were some dissenters and political infighting and yakkity-blah, but I wouldn't sacrifice the emotion of those closing scenes so we could see stuff that would be pretty easily inferred anyway. And besides, Atlantis would have been terrible.

If I have one complaint it's that Cavil was underused, but then, he always has been. I'm really looking forward to The Plan, if for no other reason than we'll get to see more Cavil.
I was really disappointed. I suspected the show would end this way, but there just is no way an advanced civilization would have decided to give up on being civilized. I was expecting the creation of Atlantis, or something similar. But everyone is just A-Okay cool with tossing all technology out the window? No... That doesn't work. People wouldn't just give in. One of the things this show has always done brilliantly was show that People fight, they don't agree on anything ever. And yet they agree to completely throw away everything in their lives for a clean slate?

It just doesn't work.

I also wanted there to be more interaction with the religious aspects of this series towards the end, rather than it being "God has a plan, and it is that technology sucks balls".

I really have to disagree. After all, look how willingly most of us as Americans gave up certain "inalienable" rights post-9/11. Its not easy or even right, but given a big enough example, people can and will change (especially in terms of something that all but annihiliated billions of people). Least thats the way I see it.

And who's to say everyone agreed to give up technology? We didn't see how things progressed, so thats a huge assumption on your part.

And the creation of Atlantis...really? That would've been a better ending to you? :roll:

skotti-chan said:
Not just North America, but a feature of the Mississippi basin that's unique to the last... three hundred years, I think? Four hundred? So 1600-2000 CE Earth. No mistaking it. And I'm pretty sure we saw Africa, Madagascar, and a few other prominent CURRENT geographic features on Earth 2.0 last night,

Exactly. At first I was wondering if they were going to explain it away by time travel caused by the Black Hole being so close to where they jumped from (near the Cylon colony), but it was completely glossed over. I honestly would've preferred that slightly more 60's sci-fi explanation than the one we apparently got.

but I was a little distracted by a little blonde...

Now I'm completely convinced you're making her up. Just like Mole's girlfriend. ;)

I'm still digesting it.

I think it may be one of the greatest series finales ever. The emotion in that last hour was overwhelming. And the action in the first was spectacular. Truly a magnificent story.

Some have raised very nitpicky points about the race of the Mitochondrial Eve and this and that. I don't particularly care about that stuff in a show with angels, Cylons, and space battles. I don't see how that kind of thing could matter to anyone, really.

I also think that any intelligent civilization that just went through years of hell because of technology run amok would welcome a chance to start over. Odds are there were some dissenters and political infighting and yakkity-blah, but I wouldn't sacrifice the emotion of those closing scenes so we could see stuff that would be pretty easily inferred anyway. And besides, Atlantis would have been terrible.

If I have one complaint it's that Cavil was underused, but then, he always has been. I'm really looking forward to The Plan, if for no other reason than we'll get to see more Cavil.

Thank you, VFD. Thank you.

Seriously, people...
Everybody sing along now!

One of these things is not like the others...

Is there something wrong with religion in a science fiction show? Especially since it's been there from, ya know, the beginning of the series?

Anyways, I loved it. I thought it was a perfect end to the series. Anything else probably would have left me with mixed feelings at best.
How long before a complete set of the show comes out?
Is there something wrong with religion in a science fiction show? Especially since it's been there from, ya know, the beginning of the series?

Anyways, I loved it. I thought it was a perfect end to the series. Anything else probably would have left me with mixed feelings at best.

But there was no resolution to the use of religion on the show! I am SO okay with Religious allegory and using it, but the culmination of the religious allegory is that Kara Thrace Dies, Is born again, and ascends into heaven... We don't get any time to ponder the significance of anything... Just all of a sudden the show goes from a very interesting theological discussion to: "Here are actual Angels, the representation of an actual God, whose plan was just, you know, what just happened. But don't worry guys, everything is cool now. You don't have to think about the implications of god anymore, because he definitely, 100% exists."

That is my big problem with the ending. Unlike Skotti, I really adored this show most of the way through, I loved the way it handled these issues and these characters. But in the end, There is NO DRIVING MEANING behind ANY of the theological or sociological debates that they've spent four seasons on! That's the issue here.

The character arcs ended fine. I loved the character moments in the last two episodes. Those were great.

But the Plot just vanished. The themes of the show vanished. Everything that made the show interesting was tossed out the window and left unresolved.

It was ****ty storytelling. I commend them for caring to give these characters the proper emotional sendoff, but I condemn them for weakening the entire series by showing that all the things they have been arguing about for the four seasons didn't really matter. All that matters is that technology is evil and has the potential to destroy mankind and continue the cycle of violence. But maybe it won't! Because of God! Maybe! But maybe not too! That is the last couple minutes of conversation! It's a lack of resolution in the least interesting way possible.

I really care about BSG. This wasn't a good ending, by any stretch of the imagination, and in all seriousness kind of ruins a lot of what I had come to love about the series.
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But there was no resolution to the use of religion on the show! I am SO okay with Religious allegory and using it, but the culmination of the religious allegory is that Kara Thrace Dies, Is born again, and ascends into heaven... We don't get any time to ponder the significance of anything... Just all of a sudden the show goes from a very interesting theological discussion to: "Here are actual Angels, the representation of an actual God, whose plan was just, you know, what just happened. But don't worry guys, everything is cool now. You don't have to think about the implications of god anymore, because he definitely, 100% exists."

That is my big problem with the ending. Unlike Skotti, I really adored this show most of the way through, I loved the way it handled these issues and these characters. But in the end, There is NO DRIVING MEANING behind ANY of the theological or sociological debates that they've spent four seasons on! That's the issue here.

The character arcs ended fine. I loved the character moments in the last two episodes. Those were great.

But the Plot just vanished. The themes of the show vanished. Everything that made the show interesting was tossed out the window and left unresolved.

It was ****ty storytelling. I commend them for caring to give these characters the proper emotional sendoff, but I condemn them for weakening the entire series by showing that all the things they have been arguing about for the four seasons didn't really matter. All that matters is that technology is evil and has the potential to destroy mankind and continue the cycle of violence. But maybe it won't! Because of God! Maybe! But maybe not too! That is the last couple minutes of conversation! It's a lack of resolution in the least interesting way possible.

I really care about BSG. This wasn't a good ending, by any stretch of the imagination, and in all seriousness kind of ruins a lot of what I had come to love about the series.

I'm really just in complete disagreement.

You make it sound like angels just popped out of nowhere. Has HeadSix not been saying she was an angel since, oh, the first time Gaius saw her? Her entire purpose been to guide Gaius to the salvation of Humanity, which he helped do.

As for completely throwing out the plot and all the theological and sociological debates. . .how? I mean, you say they do, but don't give any examples. I'm really not seeing how anything wasn't resolved. The cycle, for now, has been broken. It's up to the human race (AKA the audience) to make sure it doesn't continue. It breaks the fourth wall, sure, but so what? Kara was resolved. . .she played the role of the Savior in Galactica's journey. She was, for all intents and purposes, Jesus Christ. Her visions of her father? Yeah, God. The visions? Athena, Roslin, Gaius, Caprica Six, all prophets. Humanity is almost destroyed, ala the Great Flood, and Galactica is the Ark. False gods competing with the one true God. Hell, I could go on all day.

The entire show was, basically, a biblical allegory wrapped up in a sci-fi show. Maybe that's a little tough to swallow for people, but I thought it made a lot of sense. You say you want things left to ponder and, yet, you later say you don't like that things were unresolved? Give me some examples of what you felt were its short coming, Doc, and maybe I can see where you're coming from.
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